
The Power Of History – The History Of Power. Volume 10. Issue 4. № 54. 2024

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Rybakov S.V., Shambatueva A.M. Relations between Alexander I and Napoleon Bonaparte before 1812
Shtyleva M.V. Leisure and recreation as daily practices of activists of the women’s movement of the Murmansk region in 1990–2000
Nikolskaya A.V., Belanovskaya I.S. State ideology and social processes during the reign of Nicholas I
Babenko O.V. Russian theater magazine of the end of the XIXth – early XXth century: comparative characteristics and value
Zalyubovskaya V.V. City and district prisons in the occupied territory of the Kursk region, 1941–1943
Lanting T.N. The activities of library workers of besieged Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War
Novoselova O.P. Directions of removement of peasants of the upper Volga Region to non-agricultural industries in the 1920s (based on materials of the Kostroma and Yaroslav provinces)
Petrukhina D.V. Belarusians of the Volga region: modern conditions for preserving ethnic identity
Pikalov Yu.V. Historical experience and features of the formation and execution of the budget of the Far Eastern region in 1923–1925
Sokolov R.A. The entry of the great army into Moscow during napoleon’s invasion of Russia
Nikolskaya A.V., Belanovskaya I.S. Patriotic split in society as a result of the Crimean War of 1853–1856
Yanchev D.V. V.K. Arsenyev an outstanding explorer and teacher
Starovoitov M.P., Medvedev D.E. The Taliban as a threat to national security for CIS members in Central Asia 2021–2023
Kirillov A.S. International cooperation in the Arctic region at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries
Starovoitov M.P., Medvedev D.E. International intervention in the fight against Islamic terrorism in Somalia (the example of Ethiopia)
Nikashina N.V., Popova E.S. Compression strategy in simultaneous translation in economic discourse (based on the Russian-language speeches of V.V. Putin and their translations into English)
Mandzhieva S.V., Khalgaeva D.D., Karuev S.D., Kuznetsova E.A., Tyurbeeva B.A. Precedent names in the novel “Treasure Island” by R.L. Stevenson
Dudinskaya E.V. Learning foreign languages through the prism of the literature of the Romano-German cultural circle
Kameh Khosh N., Vasilyeva Yu.A., Rossinskaya E.A. A typological analysis of phrasal verbs within linguistic classifications
Pospelova N.V., Storozheva K.S. The linguistic and cultural type of the “lone ranger” in American linguoculture
Subbotina N.S. Linguocultural types: linguocognitive and linguodidactic aspects
Sun Jiabao, Li Zhi, Yakimenko N.E., Pisarskaya T.R. Euphemisms that characterize a person’s mental abilities
Chefranova A.V. Quantifier pronouns in public communication


Deputy. Chief Editor and Project Manager: 
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the history of Russian Ural Federal University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of National and Federal Relations of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
Dolgenko A.N., Doctor of Philology. Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages at the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Kovaleva N.A., Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University (PRC).
Nenarokova M.R., Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, Leading Researcher, Department of Classical Literature of the West and Comparative Literature. Institute of World Literature RAN. Interpreter/Translator.
Nagornova E.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Nikashina N.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Klimenko D.A., Candidate of Philology, specialist in Italy.
Murashko S.F., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Ivakin G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert. Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education".
Naumova G.R., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the A.M. Vassilevsky Soviet Union.
Varsonofiev V.V., Candidate of Political Science, Military expert.
Chapkin S.V., Honorary Academician, President of the “Academy of Ecology and Law”.
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor.
Ignatov I.S., Candidate of Political Sciences, senior advisor of justice.
Vrajnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (MADI).
Honali Kurbonzoda, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Rector of the «National Institute of professional development and training of educators».
Platonova N.M., Doctor of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department “Theory and History of State and Law” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Far Eastern State University of Communications” (Khabarovsk).



Rybakov S.V.
Shambatueva A.M.
Relations between Alexander I and Napoleon Bonaparte before 1812
The article is devoted to the relationship between the Russian Emperor Alexander III and the ruler of France Napoleon Bonaparte. After Napoleon turned from an officer of the French Revolutionary army into the Emperor of France, he launched a military expansion in Europe. Alexander I decided to resist the Napoleonic conquests, but after a series of defeats of the Russian army, he was forced to ally with Napoleon. However, this alliance proved to be fragile. The main reason for its collapse was Bonaparte's desire to establish military and political hegemony in Europe.
Key words: Alexander I, Napoleon Bonaparte, Napoleonic wars, anti-French coalitions, Austerlitz, Preussisch-Eylau, Friedland, meeting on the Neman, Treaty of Tilsit, Peace of Vienna.
Shtyleva M.V.
Leisure and recreation as daily practices of activists of the women’s movement of the Murmansk region in 1990–2000
The article is devoted to the study of the anthropology of everyday life of women activists of the women's movement in the Murmansk region in 1990-2000. Women’s social activism at the turn of the century became a part of everyday life of civil society in post-Soviet Russia. Aspects of women’s everyday life such as leisure and recreation of women who are actively involved in labor and social activities are least studied by researchers. Therefore, the subject of the study is the leisure and recreation of women activists, the forms of free time available to them, and the ratio of working and free time analyzed. Reflecting on the peculiarities in the study of the main forms of leisure of women's movement activists, the author gives examples of their organization of public events. Participation in them is a way of self-realization, cognition, self-education, personal growth and adaptation to the changed social situation in society. Therefore, it is quite difficult to separate leisure, recreation and participation in social activities. The article is based on interviews with Murmansk women, participants of the regional women’s movement and other sources.
Key words: women’s daily life, women’s history, perestroika, leisure and recreation, women’s movement.
Nikolskaya A.V.
Belanovskaya I.S.
State ideology and social processes during the reign of Nicholas I
The article shows that during the reign of Nicholas I, a great split occurred in the mass consciousness of Russian society. The expanding class of intelligentsia, professing the values of science, legality, law, personal freedoms and social justice, completely splits off in its mentality from the overwhelming majority of the country - the peasantry, which is characterized by archaic, traditional thinking and who understand the ideological pillars of power in the form of Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality. At the same time, the new state ideology ceases to emphasize the idea of divine predestination of power, emphasizing the idea of the connection between the monarch and the people on the basis of a common land, a common religion, and a common history. And due to the fact that the Russian Empire was multinational and multi-religious, the historical community of its subjects acquired special significance. The cyclical behavior of the authorities in carrying out reforms and counter-reforms is described.
Key words: mass and public consciousness, values, state ideology, cognitive and emotional sphere.
Babenko O.V.
Russian theater magazine of the end of the XIXth – early XXth century: comparative characteristics and value
The article examines the most significant Russian theatrical magazines of the end of the XIXth – early XX century: "Artist", "Theater Library", "Artist's Diary", "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters", "Theater and Art", "Ramp and Life", "Masks" and "Love for Three Oranges". They are a true but little-studied and underrated source on the history of Russian culture of the Silver Age. The enduring relevance of these journals is proved. Their characteristics are revealed: place and years of publication, orientation, editors and publishers, authors, headings and appendices. Conclusions are drawn about the great importance of theatrical magazines for Russian culture, their orientation, the source value of journal publications and the prospects for their study.
Key words: Russian theatre magazine, theatre, theatre journalism, periodicals of Russia of the end of the XIXth – early XXth century.
Zalyubovskaya V.V.
City and district prisons in the occupied territory of the Kursk region, 1941–1943
The article examines the specifics of the establishment of the German occupation regime in the territory of the Kursk region in 1941-1943. Particular attention is paid to the place and role of urban and circular prisons in planting the German "new order". The work is based on the materials of the archives and criminal cases of the former chiefs of city, district police, senior investigators, chiefs and employees of prison institutions established by order of the German occupation authorities in the territory of the Kursk region, as well as reconnaissance and agent reports and reports received by the Soviet state security agencies in years of war. These materials were extracted by the authors from the funds of the territorial offices of the FSB of Russia in the Kursk and Belgorod regions. Until recently, on these documents there was a classification of secrecy, so they were inaccessible to the broad scientific community. The analysis of a large number of documents in the documentation of the collaboration bodies of civil administration (city and district administrations), city and district Russian auxiliary police bodies, gendarmerie, prisons allowed to reveal the number of their employees, peculiarities of their service, lists of Soviet citizens kept in these institutions. It was revealed that when selecting employees of city and district prisons in territories occupied by German troops, the main criteria were hatred of the Soviet system and belonging to social groups repressed by the Soviet authorities in the pre-war years.
Key words: German occupation regime, city and district prisons, torture, torments, hostage-taking practice, total terror, Kursk region.
Lanting T.N.
The activities of library workers of besieged Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War
This article shows the selfless heroic labor feat of library workers of besieged Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. A special place is given in the work to an overview analysis of new forms of library activity, types of public works, initiatives of library workers, factors of support for librarians in wartime conditions.
The purpose of the work: To identify the features of the activities of library workers in wartime conditions: to consider new forms of library work, supporting and stimulating factors in the activities of librarians of besieged Leningrad. To show the labor feat of library workers in the conditions of the Great Patriotic War through the analysis of situational factors of that time, initiatives and types of public works in order to preserve historical memory.
Research methods: historical and genetic, problem chronological, structural and functional analysis, content analysis of historical documents.
Key words: libraries in the blockade, forms of library work, library workers, memories of library workers, supporting factors in the blockade, conditions of the military blockade time.
Novoselova O.P.
Directions of removement of peasants of the upper Volga Region to non-agricultural industries in the 1920s (based on materials of the Kostroma and Yaroslav provinces)
In the 1920s, when the country moved from war communism to the New Economic Policy, the process of non-agricultural departure of peasants to work in the cities intensified. This process was most clearly expressed in the provinces of the Upper Volga region - Kostroma and Yaroslavl, where labor migration was widespread even before the revolution. The peasant population chose the development of the cities - Moscow and Leningrad, which attracted them with massive construction work and great opportunities.
Key words: labor migrants, non-agricultural trades, Kostroma province, Yaroslavl province, peasantry.
Petrukhina D.V.
Belarusians of the Volga region: modern conditions for preserving ethnic identity
Living in the environment of close related culture (Russian) has a significant impact on the preservation of the ethnic identity of the Belarusians of the Volga region. As the results of the All-Russian population censuses show, the number of the Volga diaspora Belarusian community has significantly decreased over the past two decades. The aim of the research presented was to identify the main causes of this decline and its relation to the preservation of the ethnic identity of Belarusians, as well as to identify existing mechanisms for the development of the cultural identity of Belarusians. Analysis of the demographic and ethnic processes of the Volga Belarusians showed that one of the most probable reasons for the decline of the community is assimilation. Nevertheless, Belarusian national cultural autonomy and voluntary organizations are active in the region. They are doing a great deal to preserve the Belarusian cultural heritage by disseminating knowledge of Belarusian culture, holding traditional events and strengthening ties with the Republic of Belarus.
Key words: ethnic identity, Belarusians of the Volga region, Belarusians of Russia, Belarusian diaspora, demography of Belarusians of the Volga region, national-cultural autonomies of Belarusians, public organization of Belarusians, ethnic communities, closely related culture.
Pikalov Yu.V.
Historical experience and features of the formation and execution of the budget of the Far Eastern region in 1923–1925
Object: Research and analysis of the historical experience of the formation and execution of the regional budget of the Far Eastern region of the RSFSR in 1923-1925.
Methods: The article used specific historical research methods: historical-genetic, historical-systemic, historical-comparative, structural.
Findings: The specific features of the formation and execution of the budget of a remote region of the RSFSR in the conditions of post-war devastation and budget deficit of the RSFSR and the USSR are revealed. The validity of the representation of the Far Eastern region of special powers in the formation and execution of the budget is analyzed. The positive impact of the special powers of the governing bodies of the region on the formation and execution of the budget has been proved. The main threats to the process of budget financing of a remote region in the post-Civil War reconstruction period are formulated.
Conclusions: Despite the severe post-war devastation of the Far Eastern economy and the lack of sufficient funding from the center, budgets for these years were formed quite balanced in terms of income and expenses. Such a positive state of the budgets of the Far Eastern Federal District was explained by huge resource resources with a small population. The endowment of the Far Eastern Revolutionary Committee with special powers to spend the budget and independence in its formation gave positive results in the economic activities of the Far Eastern Federal District.
Key words: Far Eastern Revolutionary Committee, Far Eastern region, regional budget, direct taxes, indirect taxes, subventional fund, reserve fund.
Sokolov R.A.
The entry of the great army into Moscow during napoleon's invasion of Russia
The article is devoted to one of the most important episodes of the Patriotic War of 1812 - the entry of Napoleon's army into Moscow, the second capital of the Russian Empire, which took place on September 2. Opinions of Napoleon Bonaparte and Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov regarding further actions after the Battle of Borodino are covered. The main reasons why the top leadership of the Russian army left Moscow to the French after the Council in Fili are revealed. The events that took place in Moscow on the eve of the Great Army's entry into the Mother See are described. The composition and the number of local residents, for various reasons remained in the second capital, are revealed. Special attention is paid to the circumstances of Napoleon's army advancement to Moscow, the entry of the French army units into the city, as well as the situation in the streets of the city during the first days of the occupation. Conclusions about the significance of abandonment of Moscow to Napoleon and the character of the entry of parts of the Great Army into Moscow are given.
Key words: Battle of Borodino, M.I. Kutuzov, Council in Fili, Patriotic War of 1812, Moscow, Napoleon, Grand Army.
Nikolskaya A.V.
Belanovskaya I.S.
Patriotic split in society as a result of the Crimean War of 1853–1856
The article argues that the beginning of the reforms of Alexander II was a natural response of Russia to defeat in the Crimean War. The traditional values of Nicholas I (Orthodoxy, autocracy, patriotism) contributed to the preservation of stability, but hindered the development of the country. It is shown that the country's population was split into several camps depending on their attitude towards the war. And if for the peasant masses the defense of faith, in fact, was a manifestation of patriotism, then among the educated part of society someone supported the sacred mission of Russia, showing imperial-statist patriotism, someone was worried about the internal situation of the country, demonstrating social-humanistic patriotism. Someone finally wished defeat for the country, believing that victory would perpetuate the Nicholas regime.
Key words: imperial and social patriotism, traditional and modernization values, reforms.
Yanchev D.V.
V.K. Arsenyev an outstanding explorer and teacher
The article highlights the life and scientific activity of V.K. Arsenyev, an outstanding Russian explorer, teacher, and writer, whose legacy occupies a significant place in the history of studying the Russian Far East. The paper analyzes both his scientific achievements and his pedagogical work, with particular emphasis on Arsenyev's contribution to the development of regional studies and education. It examines his role in the creation and development of museum affairs in the Far East, as well as his contribution to the popularization of knowledge about the culture and nature of the region through literary works and teaching activities.
Key words: V.K. Arsenyev, explorer, teacher, Far East, regional studies, ethnography, literary heritage, museum affairs, education.
Starovoitov M.P.
Medvedev D.E.
The Taliban as a threat to national security for CIS members in Central Asia 2021–2023
In recent years, considering the events taking place in the world order, the issue of national security in the Central Asian region has acquired particular relevance and significance. One of the key threats that has become the subject of general attention is the rise to power of the Taliban movement in Afghanistan in 2021. The terrorist group, predominantly operating in this region, has a direct impact on the countries of Central Asia and members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) being their direct neighbor.
The main conclusions of the study are the identification of the characteristics of the Taliban's influence on the security of CIS members and relations between states.
Key words: Taliban, Afghanistan, CIS, Central Asia, security, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, terrorism.
Kirillov A.S.
International cooperation in the Arctic region at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries
The article is devoted to the analysis of international cooperation in the Arctic region at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries. The article discusses the main directions and forms of cooperation, as well as the key participants in this process. Special attention is paid to the role of international organizations, such as the Arctic Council, in the formation and development of cooperation in the region, as well as the influence of political, economic and environmental factors on the situation in the region. The article also analyzes the main problems and challenges faced by international cooperation in the Arctic, such as climate change, development of natural resources, conservation of biodiversity and environmental protection. In addition, the article examines the transport potential of the Arctic, which can become the basis for the development of international cooperation. In the face of climate change and melting ice, the Arctic may become a new sea route connecting Europe, Asia and America. The author concludes that international cooperation in the Arctic region is an important tool for ensuring the sustainable development of the region and the preservation of its unique nature.
Key words: Arctic, Arctic Council, geopolitics, circumpolar countries, Northern Sea Route.
Starovoitov M.P.
Medvedev D.E.
International intervention in the fight against Islamic terrorism in Somalia (the example of Ethiopia)
The global war on international terrorism, declared by the United States after a series of terrorist attacks in 2001, gave impetus to the consolidation of actions and opinions of the world community, and the underdevelopment of the African continent after September 11 turned into an international problem of security and development. The situation has developed in such a way that the state, which is in a state of half-life, is unable to independently combat the growing threat of radical Islamism, and the need to attract the attention of the world community and regional associations on this issue is only becoming stronger. The stagnant conflict, which has stretched for 30 years, has transformed from an inter-tribal struggle for power into a full-fledged confrontation with Islamist terrorism, which is strengthening in Somalia.
The main findings of the study are the identification of the activities of the Ethiopian government in the fight against Somali Islamist terrorist groups.
Key words: Somalia, Ethiopia, terrorism, Al-Ittihad Al-Islamiya, Al-Shabab, Horn of Africa, Union of Islamic Courts.
Nikashina N.V.
Popova E.S.
Compression strategy in simultaneous translation in economic discourse (based on the Russian-language speeches of V.V. Putin and their translations into English)
The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the application of the compression strategy in simultaneous interpretation from Russian into English in economic discourse. In the article, based on V.V. Putin's speeches on economic issues, the author shows the use of various types of compression strategies in simultaneous interpretation. The advantages of syllabic, lexical-phraseological, semantic, word-formation and syntactic compression in the translation of special vocabulary, stable expressions and idioms, complex constructions, to eliminate tautologies and discursive words are analyzed. In addition, the features of simultaneous interpretation of economic discourse are considered, the concepts of "translation strategy" and "compression strategy" are clarified. The scientific novelty of the study consists in a comprehensive analysis of the application of the compression strategy in simultaneous interpretation in economic discourse. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that, firstly, due to the specifics of economic discourse, the use of a compression strategy in its simultaneous interpretation is necessary. Secondly, the compression strategy allows the simultaneous interpretation to reduce the syllabic value of the text and highlight its key points to convey the main meaning of the message into the translated language.
Key words: economic discourse, simultaneous interpretation, translation strategy, compression strategy.
Mandzhieva S.V.
Khalgaeva D.D.
Karuev S.D.
Kuznetsova E.A.
Tyurbeeva B.A.
Precedent names in the novel “Treasure Island” by R.L. Stevenson
The article offers for consideration precedent names in the novel by R.L. Stevenson "Treasure Island". It has been revealed that the precedent onyms of a novel written in the adventure genre play a special role in the creation of a unique cultural sign, a symbol of the events of the era of pirates.
Key words: precedent name, precedent onym, proper name, common noun.
Dudinskaya E.V.
Learning foreign languages through the prism of the literature of the Romano-German cultural circle
The article highlights the issues of studying the literature of the Romano-German cultural circle, based on a theoretical understanding of aspects related to various methods and approaches to the analysis of literary works belonging to this cultural sphere. It emphasizes not only the linguistic and stylistic features of these literary texts, but also their genre diversity, which can significantly affect the process of learning foreign languages through literature. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the features that characterize this literature and the study of how these features can contribute to a deep understanding and mastery of a foreign language, providing the student reader with important cultural and contextual knowledge. The strategies and methods that can be used to increase the level of literary reflection and involvement of students in the reading process in order to develop their linguistic skills and promote deeper language acquisition are analyzed. The potential of literature as an educational tool in foreign language classes is considered, with an emphasis on the variety of educational approaches and perspectives that the literature of the Romano-Germanic cultural circle can offer in this context.
Key words: language enrichment, Romano-Germanic literature, didactic materials, language learning, intercultural communication, literary interpretation, literary style, genre diversity, approaches to learning, cultural context.
Kameh Khosh N.
Vasilyeva Yu.A.
Rossinskaya E.A.
A typological analysis of phrasal verbs within linguistic classifications
The purpose of the study is to examine the linguistic characteristics of English phrasal verbs within the context of transitivity and intransitivity categories. In the article, considering the general concept of phrasal verbs, it is endeavored to ascertain the position of phrasal verbs in the linguistic structure of the English language, shedding light on the distinctive qualities of the function of phrasal verbs in terms of their classification. A linguistic analysis of the phrasal verbs in the category of transitivity or intransitivity is conducted in the present study as well. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact of practical importance of studying of phrasal verbs in the English language, since there are no similar verb formations in the Russian language, which causes difficulties in using phrasal verbs among people studying English. As a result of the study, it was discovered that phrasal verbs demonstrate obscurity in terms of meaning identical to that exhibited in lexical obscurity. This specificity stems from the phraseological structure of verbs that is combined with postpositions and complicates direct translation by focusing entirely on the individual components, namely the verb and postposition. In many instances, a reliable translation of an English phrasal verb into Russian necessitates an integral approach. The reason lies in the fact that the meanings of phrasal verbs often lack explicit motivation. The metaphorical structures encompassing the semantic framework of the English preposition and influencing the meaning of the phrasal verb are not precisely elucidated at the morphological level. In contrast to Russian speakers who primarily associate this level with affixes that have largely shed their autonomous lexical significance, the preposition or adverb within the phrasal verb retains its distinct lexical meaning.
Key words: English phrasal verbs, postposition, transitivity, intransitivity, linguistic features.
Pospelova N.V.
Storozheva K.S.
The linguistic and cultural type of the "lone ranger" in American linguoculture
The article examines the conceptual, figurative and associative characteristics of the linguistic and cultural type "Lone Ranger" and the features of its functioning in modern English. The following methods are used in the work: observation, description, synthesis, analysis, definitional, contextual analysis, semantics and extralinguistic interpretation of language facts. The research material is authoritative lexicographic reference books, fragments of popular scientific texts. As a result, the components of the meaning of the studied linguistic and cultural type are revealed; The general categorical seme, archiseme, potential, specific, generic semes are defined, such as "duties of rangers", "time and place", "tools", "attitude in society", "character traits" (responsibility, justice, honesty).
Key words: linguistic and cultural type, Lone Ranger, definitional analysis, perceptual-figurative characteristic, associative characteristic, value guideline, linguoculture, USA.
Subbotina N.S.
Linguocultural types: linguocognitive and linguodidactic aspects
This article presents the linguocultural type of “Guard of the Tower“, an interdisciplinary concept from the perspective of linguistics and linguoculturology. This type is a recognizable image of representatives of British culture. In addition, the linguodidactic aspects of working with the type under study are presented: ways and techniques of working with the linguocultural type "Tower Guard" in an English lesson of a secondary school, for example, "interview" with a word, compose a cinquain, storytelling, case-study tasks, etc. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the topic of research; definitional analysis, semantization and modeling. As a result, conceptual, figurative characteristics, the strategy of "interview" with the word, a sample of component analysis of the lexical unit "Tower Guard", cinquain of the unit under study, examples for the task "storytelling", case-study tasks are presented. The above tasks contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary in the English language, a deeper study of extralinguistic information, British linguistic culture, and the English national picture of the world.
Key words: a linguocultural type, method, technique, guard of the Tower, British, linguoculture.
Sun Jiabao
Li Zhi
Yakimenko N.E.
Pisarskaya T.R.
Euphemisms that characterize a person's mental abilities
This article considers Russian euphemisms that characterize a person's mental abilities. The conducted analysis allows to reveal and describe the national specificity and universal properties of the Russian language on a small fragment of the linguistic picture of the world. The object of research in the article is structural-semantic and motivational characteristics in the Russian linguistic picture of the world and linguistic features of their expression. The purpose of the work is to select euphemisms on the topic of man and his intelligence for the educational linguocultural dictionary of euphemisms. The aim of the work is to study, analyze and describe the FSP “Intellect” and the peculiarities of functioning of its linguistic units in the Russian language. Main findings: The FSP - phraseo-semantic field “Intellect” consists of two microfields “Intelligence” and “Stupidity”. euphemisms are used mainly to represent the microfield “Stupidity”. 20 euphemistic units were selected for the training dictionary.
Key words: linguoculturology, everyday euphemisms, phraseological euphemisms, educational vocabulary, human mental abilities.
Chefranova A.V.
Quantifier pronouns in public communication
In modern realities, the Russian language acquires special significance. This is due to its demand within the framework of international communication, cooperation, as well as linguistic research aimed at revealing the uniqueness and characteristics of the Russian language as one of the most complex in the world. Russian studies today provide for a special interest of scientists in the quantifier function of language, in those parts of speech that perform this function. These can be different types of pronouns, namely, indefinite, weakly definite and negative, in which their proper and quantifier functions coincide. Quantifier pronouns have a logical nature; therefore, they can be studied using the methods of logic. In addition, the use of such pronouns in texts makes their content symbolic, stylizing the material.
The relevance of this work lies in the insufficient knowledge of quantifier pronouns in public communication, which in modern realities is widely used and interesting from the perspective of linguistic study.
The subject of the study is public communication in the modern Russian language.
The object of the study is quantifier pronouns and their features in public speech.
The novelty of the work lies in special approaches to the study of quantifier pronouns, as well as in identifying their characteristics specifically in official communications of public interest and intended for a wide audience.
The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the work materials in the process of teaching the Russian language, as well as a basis for further linguistic research in the field of modern Russian studies.
Key words: quantifier function, quantifier pronouns, features, teaching, research, indefinite, negative pronouns, public speech.
Babenko O.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior researcher at the history department. Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Belanovskaya I.S., Student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Chefranova A.V., Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk.
Dudinskaya E.V., Lecturer at the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Lugansk State Pedagogical University», Lugansk.
Kameh Khosh N., Candidate of Philology. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Karuev S.D., Student. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov", Elista.
Khalgaeva D.D., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of German Philology. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov", Elista.
Kirillov A.S., Graduate Student. Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Kuznetsova E.A., Student. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov", Elista.
Lanting T.N., Postgraduate Student, Karachay-Cherkess State University named after U.D. Aliyeva.
Li Zhi, Postgraduate student, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
Mandzhieva S.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of German Philology. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov", Elista.
Medvedev D.E., Student, Russian People’s Friendship University.
Nikashina N.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.
Nikolskaya A.V., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygina.
Novoselova O.P., Postgraduate student of the Kostroma State University.
Petrukhina D.V., Researcher. Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Pikalov Yu.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. Pacific National University, Khabarovsk.
Pisarskaya T.R., Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer, St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics under the scientific and methodological guidance of UN RAS, St. Petersburg.
Popova E.S., Bachelor. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Pospelova N.V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences. Yelabuga Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University", Yelabuga.
Rossinskaya E.A., Candidate of Philology. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Moscow Pedagogical State University.
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Creative Management and Humanities of the Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg.
Shambatueva A.M., Student of the Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg.
Shtyleva M.V., Candidate for the degree of Ph.D. in History, Department for Women and Gender Studies, N.N. Mikluho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Sokolov R.A., Ryazan State University named after S.A. Esenin, Ryazan.
Starovoitov M.P., Student, Russian People’s Friendship University.
Storozheva K.S., Student. Yelabuga Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University", Yelabuga.
Subbotina N.S., Senior Lecturer, Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University.
Sun Jiabao, Postgraduate student, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
Tyurbeeva B.A., Student. Faculty of Humanities Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov", Elista.
Vasilyeva Yu.A., Candidate of Pedagogy. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Yakimenko N.E., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg.
Yanchev D.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University.
Zalyubovskaya V.V., Lecturer at the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Postgraduate Student at Belgorod State University.