- Etnosocium
- The Power Of History
- Volume 10. Issue 7. (№57)
- Volume 10. Issue 6. (№56)
- Volume 10. Issue 5. (№55)
- Volume 10. Issue 4. (№54)
- Volume 10. Issue 3. (№53)
- Volume 10. Issue 2. (№52)
- Volume 10. Issue 1. (№51)
- Volume 9. Issue 8. (№50)
- Volume 9. Issue 7. (№49)
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- Volume 7. Issue 1. (№27)
- Volume 6. Issue 8. (№26)
- Volume 6. Issue 7. (№25)
- Volume 6. Issue 6. (№24)
- Volume 6. Issue 5. (№23)
- Volume 6. Issue 4. (№22)
- Volume 6. Issue 3. (№21)
- Volume 6. Issue 2. (№20)
- Volume 6. Issue 1. (№19)
- Volume 5. Issue 4. (№18)
- Volume 5. Issue 3. (№17)
- Volume 5. Issue 2. (№16)
- Volume 5. Issue 1. (№15)
- Volume 4. Issue 4. (№14)
- Volume 4. Issue 3. (№13)
- Volume 4. Issue 2. (№12)
- Volume 4. Issue 1. (№11)
- Volume 3. Issue 4. (№10)
- Volume 3. Issue 3. (№9)
- Volume 3. Issue 2. (№8)
- Volume 3. Issue 1. (№7)
- Cultural World
- Mission confessions
- Almanac Crimea. Economics, innovation
Dolgenko A.N., Kasatikova A.A., Kosyreva M.S. Puristic tendencies in the activities of 17th-century German language societies
Murashko S.F., Rudakova S.V. Some lexical features of English legal language in the context of translation from English into Russian
Hong Dou Multivalence and semantic word formation in the Russian language
Bragina D.G., Prokopieva S.M. Verbalization of the surrounding world in everyday rituals the Yakut language
Wang Jing Approaches to the implementation of linguistic features of ethnic music in learning to play the piano
Wan Gziyi Comparative analysis of international news from Chinese and Russian media
Malinina D.A. The principles of lexicographical fixation of words’ meanings by the example of Seme monolingual dictionary (by the example of the English language)
Markova E. Elements of Speech Image Formation (based on the discourse of Thatcherism)
Semenova S.N., Zhandarova A.V., Simonyan M.S. Lexical features of the fairy tale text: experience of comparative analysis (part I)
Chubarova Yu.E., Orlova T.A., Rezepova N.V. Lack of mediation competencies as a destructive risk factor in the process of teaching a foreign language
Koloskov M.S. An odorant artistic detail in the stories of I.A. Bunin
Adzhigova A.M. Europeanization of the cultural and educational sphere of the Ingush as part of the process of modernization of Ingush society (late 19th - early 20th centuries)
103 |
Wang Lerong Privacy issues in digital journalism
114 |
Elezov M.A. “The way home”: the story of the burial of the remains of soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War in the Tomsk region from 2007 to 2023
121 |
Zagoruyko M.V. The flag as an indicator of state policy - the history of the Russian flag
130 |
Serenko M.N. The main difficulties of restoring the integral education system of Stalingrad in 1943-1950
166 |
Bogdanov S.V., Feklistova I.V. Soviet agency in the territory of the Kursk region occupied by the German troops: success and failure
173 |
Avliev V.N., Emelyanenko A.E. The origins of the church schism of the 17th century in the studies of some historians of the 20th century
180 |
Adzhigova A.M. Development of new forms of economy and social relations in the period of modernization of the Ingush society
188 |
Spivak N.D. History of Rurik’s family according to genetic data
196 |
Borodin M.P., Zuev A.V., Platonov A.V. Features of living conditions of employees of the professional fire team of the capital of the Russian Empire, affecting the combat readiness of fire departments
202 |
Akhmetova A.R., Timofeeva L.S., Karimova G.R. The fate of traditional religious education «in the cultural turning point» of post-revolutionary Tataria
209 |
Aliyeva Irada Georgia and international security strategies: exploring possible scenarios
217 |
Sedova T.V. Cognitive distortions in Spain king Christmas greetings
226 |
Yonghong Gong The Cultural United Front Work of the Southern Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the alternate capital Chongqing
234 |
Huang Xusheng Differences in the history of media development in Russia and China. The decline of traditional media?
253 |
Dolgenko A.N.
Kasatikova A.A.
Kosyreva M.S.
Puristic tendencies in the activities of 17th-century German language societies
The article is devoted to the analysis of the specifics of linguistic purism on the example of the activities of linguistic societies in Germany in the 17th century. The influence on the development of the German language of such creative communities as the “Pegnitz Shepherds Society”, “Elbe Swan Order” and “Sincere Spruce Society” is consistently described. Special attention is paid to the comparison of the purist doctrines of the “Sincere Spruce Society” and “Fruit-Bearing or the Palm Order Society”. As a result, the authors come to the conclusion that the tendency towards linguistic purism was not characteristic of all linguistic associations of this period, and the concept of purism itself is undergoing a change, moving from the struggle against the foreign language to the struggle for the purity of the original.
Key words: language purism, history of the German language, language societies.
Murashko S.F.
Rudakova S.V.
Some lexical features of English legal language in the context of translation from English into Russian
The article discusses some features of vocabulary in the English legal language when translating from English into Russian. The authors pay attention to terminology, the reasons for its appearance in the English language, as well as stable binomial expressions that are used not only in everyday language, but also in legal texts.
Key words: legal language, translation, legal terminology, binomial expressions.
Hong Dou
Multivalence and semantic word formation in the Russian language
Polysemy is an important feature of natural language. The main cause of polysemy is semantic transfer caused by different forms of deep syntactic structure in surface syntactic structure, different forms of semantic valence in syntactic structure and different syntactic relations. In this paper, we will delve into the mysteries of polysemy, a phenomenon with many facets, and uncover the fascinating connections between its mysterious paths and semantic structures. With ease we will penetrate into the depths of this relationship, open the veil of mysterious meanings and see how the multitude of meanings is embodied in elegant constructions of semantic mosaic puzzle.
Key words: Russian language, semantic phenomena, polysemantic phenomena, semantic structure, syntactic structure, polysemantics.
Bragina D.G.
Prokopieva S.M.
Verbalization of the surrounding world in everyday rituals the Yakut language
Currently, the integral paradigm of scientific cognition requires the use of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of linguistic phenomena.
The relevance of studying semasiological trends in linguistics in modern world science is of great interest due to the complexity of studying the content plan of figurative units, especially linguistic units of indirect nomination. The imagery of the semantics of lexical and phraseological units arises as a result of the transfer of the meaning of one or all of the constituent components, and not as a result of a simple addition of the meaning of the constituent components, as a result of which the picture of the world is not a mechanical reflection of reality in the lexicon. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the study of the verbalization of the surrounding world in everyday rituals in the Yakut language, which has not been the subject of special study until now. Most of the lexical and phraseological units do not present much difficulty due to the transparency of semantics, however, the figurative part of the semantics of the lexicon is idiomatic, which presents a certain difficulty.
The purpose of the work is to analyze the verbalization of the surrounding world in traditional household rituals in the Yakut language.
In the 21st century, traditional culture is becoming in many ways the basic concept for understanding ethnocultural processes. In this regard, researchers are making attempts to comprehend the concept of "traditional culture" in the aspect of the modern ethnic picture of the world. One of the results of the concept of "traditional culture" in the process of forming theories of cultural identity and cultural tradition is the recognition of the institutional diversity of various modern societies. Under these conditions, the consideration of the processes of transformation of traditional cultures of Russia in the XXI century, where there are various cultural models, including the Yakut one, is becoming more and more relevant.
The results of this study will further serve to eliminate individual or not yet explored problems in the study of the verbalization of the surrounding world, traditional everyday rituals, the figurative layer of the Yakut language and the development of comparative and typological analysis of related and unrelated languages.
Key words: verbalization, ritual, traditions, spatial world, semantics, lexical and phraseological unit.
Wang Jing
Approaches to the implementation of linguistic features of ethnic music in learning to play the piano
Piano accompaniment is an artistic expression "imported" from the West and has become a composite art integrated with vocal or instrumental music. In order to explain the concept of piano accompaniment at an academic level, the author seeks to understand and capture the artistic connotation at a higher level. The artistic characteristics of the piano accompaniment of national vocal music have been developed in the convergence and integration of traditional Chinese national musical culture, and at the same time, it has also improved the spiritual connotation and artistic characteristics of the general musical expression of the works of Chinese national vocal music, and piano accompaniment has played a very important role in the teaching of national vocal music.
Key words: piano accompaniment, teaching of national vocal music, national vocal works, ethnic music.
Wan Gziyi
Comparative analysis of international news from Chinese and Russian media
This article provides a comparative analysis of international news presented by Chinese and Russian mass media, with an emphasis on the study of Dr. Zhang Juxi, “A Comparative Study of Chinese and Russian News Styles.” The author of the study analyzes the features and trends of news shown in Chinese and Russian information sources, identifies similarities and differences in approaches to covering world events. The work provides valuable insights into the influence of cultural, political and historical factors on the formation of news stories in these countries. Zhang Juxi's research provides insight into the information strategies of Chinese and Russian media, which allows for a deeper understanding of their interaction with the global information space.
Key words: Russia, China, press, media resources, international news.
Malinina D.A.
The principles of lexicographical fixation of words’ meanings by the example of Seme monolingual dictionary (by the example of the English language)
The article deals with the principles of lexicographic fixation of language units on the material of members of the semantic group “Names of persons by the level of welfare” in the English language. The words were selected into the group on the basis of dominant supporting semantic feature in their semantics. Practical application of the study lies in the creation of seme monolingual dictionary, which contains a variety of language units. It describes contemporary and old-fashioned words, neologisms, dialecticism, slang and acronyms. It has lexical and phraseological units, collocations, which highlights the opportunities of the scientific method used. The study is carried out in the framework of seme semasiology developing by Voronezh scientific school of Z.D Popova and I.A. Sternin using aspect-structure approach with structure pattern of seme description of a word meaning (by Professor E.A. Maklakova).
Key words: semantics, seme, sememe, seme monolingual dictionary, lexicographical fixation.
Markova E.
Elements of Speech Image Formation (based on the discourse of Thatcherism)
The relevance of the study is due to the choice of a new direction - linguistic imageology, which studies language from the point of view of presentation and influencing functions. The novelty of the study of technologies and means of creating a speech image is due to the choice of a new direction - linguistic imageology. It is necessary to develop the scientific and theoretical foundations of this discipline, to define its object, subject, goals and objectives, as well as methods and techniques for analyzing language, i.e. formation of conceptual space.
Key words: image, speech image, speech behavior, thatcherism discourse.
Semenova S.N.
Zhandarova A.V.
Simonyan M.S.
Lexical features of the fairy tale text: experience of comparative analysis (part I)
The purpose of the article is to study and classify examples of means of artistic expression in two languages. The authors solve the following tasks in the paper: the study of two texts of the fairy tale – in English (translation performed by Pat Shaw Iversen) and Russian (translation performed by Anna Hansen and Peter Hansen); comparative analysis of the linguistic features of the texts of the fairy tale; presentation of the most striking examples. The novelty of the research is in the attempt to scrutinize the text of “The Red Shoes” by Hans Christian Andersen in two languages in the comparative way. The following methods were used in the article: continuous sampling, comparative, classification, and quantitative calculation. The results obtained during the research will be used in the preparation of didactic material, practical works, training aids for English and Russian language lessons. The lack of accuracy in the transfer of lexical units in translated works determines the necessity for further research in this direction.
Key words: Hans Christian Andersen, translation, comparative analysis, description, artistic means of expression.
Chubarova Yu.E.
Orlova T.A.
Rezepova N.V.
Lack of mediation competencies as a destructive risk factor in the process of teaching a foreign language
The article examines the psycholinguistic aspects of mediation in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. The paper provides a methodological justification for the approach characterizing the lack of mediation competence as a pedagogical deficit of a foreign language teacher, offers a brief definitional analysis of the concept of "mediation" and an approach to its interpretation, substantiates a psycholinguistic approach to assessing mediation, provides examples of the need to form mediation competence. The lack of intermediary competence can be interpreted as a pedagogical deficiency of the teacher and compensate for it, thereby overcoming various problems associated with the semantic perception of pedagogical speech messages in a foreign language by students. As a methodological justification, the researchers suggest a psycholinguistic approach, i.e. a theory of linguistic activity. The analysis reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of mediation as a special pedagogical speech act of a teacher in order to create optimal conditions for mutual understanding.
Key words: intercultural communication, mediation, middleman, psycholinguistics, educational interaction, mediation competence.
Koloskov M.S.
An odorant artistic detail in the stories of I.A. Bunin
Aim. To prove the presence of an odorant artistic detail revealed during the study of the language of I.A. Bunin's stories.
Methodology. The paper analyzes the stories of I.A. Bunin for the identification of a special odorant artistic detail in the framework of the linguistic material, manifested in the form of words with the semantics of smell, so that the reader has a corresponding associative-verbal series. The following methods were used in the study: hypothetical-deductive, inductive, descriptive, classification method, method of generalization and interpretation of language material.
Results. It was revealed that an odorant artistic detail, which has not yet been included in any of the classifications, can really be distinguished. It is important to note: this kind of artistic detail is closely related to the psychological perception of the text, which is of undoubted value.
Research implications. The selection of a new type of artistic detail opens up broad prospects for studying the work of I.A. Bunin. Any artistic detail, while saving the means of language, nevertheless has a huge subtext layer. The odorant artistic detail is no exception. This position was proved by us on the example of the analyzed stories – "Cricket" and "Dust". Behind one odorant artistic detail is the fate of the heroes, and the author focuses our attention on these details, as they vividly, unambiguously, briefly reveal the images of the heroes, as well as their environment.
Key words: artistic detail, odorant artistic detail, detail, language composition, word series.
Adzhigova A.M.
Europeanization of the cultural and educational sphere of the Ingush as part of the process of modernization of Ingush society (late 19th - early 20th centuries)
This article outlines the influence of the process of modernization of Ingush society at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries on the development of the cultural and educational sphere, which proceeded in line with rapprochement with pan-European culture, and shows the problems and features of this period, which were subsequently eliminated. When writing the article, archival materials were used, which made it possible to analyze the ethnopolitical process that took place in the North Caucasus, and in Ingushetia, in particular.
Key words: Ingushetia, Caucasus, Russia, Muslims, Vainakhs, clergy, community, traditions, Sharia norms, sheikh, fellowship, mountaineers, districts.
Wang Lerong
Privacy issues in digital journalism
The article is devoted to the current problem of confidentiality in the field of digital journalism. In the context of a general transition to online publishing formats and the dissemination of information on the Internet, issues of data protection for both journalists and readers are becoming increasingly important. The article discusses the main aspects of the problem of confidentiality in digital journalism, such as maintaining the anonymity and security of sources, protecting the personal information of journalists, as well as ethical issues of interaction with users on the network. The main methods of data protection and recommendations for ensuring confidentiality when working in the digital space are considered. The article also analyzes the main challenges and threats associated with privacy violations in digital journalism and suggests possible ways to overcome them.
Key words: digital journalism, confidentiality, information protection, information space.
Elezov M.A.
"The way home": the story of the burial of the remains of soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War in the Tomsk region from 2007 to 2023
The article presents the work of search teams to deliver the remains of fallen soldiers found at the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War to their homeland. The mechanism of preparing the necessary documents for the transportation and burial of soldiers in the municipalities of the Tomsk region is described. Attention is paid to the fate of all soldiers who were solemnly buried with military and religious customs in the Tomsk region in the period from 2007 to 2023.
Key words: search movement, search teams, perpetuation of memory in the Tomsk region.
Zagoruyko M.V.
The flag as an indicator of state policy - the history of the Russian flag
Vexillology is a young discipline, hardly having passed its centenary. However, the history of the use of flags, banners, standards goes back centuries. The author of the article, relying on legislative sources regulating the use of state symbols, determined the prerequisites and main historical dates for the origin and development of the state flag of Russia. Bold hypotheses have forward to explain the popularization of the white-blue-red flag in the public life of Russia both in the middle of the 19th century and at the turn of the 21st century. The areas of use of certain flags, as well as their transformation from a military attribute into a state symbol. The study uses historical-legal, retrospective, historical-genetic methods and a systematic approach. The article shows that the flag of modern Russia is fully consistent with the course of development of the state chosen in the 90s, but contradicts the trends of today - imperial ambitions and the search for a sovereign path. The state symbols of modern Russia - the coat of arms and the flag - are not a single artistic composition and are replete with predictive errors. These important symbols require rethinking, correction, standardization and protection at the legislative level.
Key words: Flag of Russia, flag of the Russian Empire, history of the flag of the Russian Federation, history of the flag of the USSR, prognostic aspects of the flag, vexillology of Russia, hypothesis of popularization of the flag, commercial flag of Russia.
Serenko M.N.
The main difficulties of restoring the integral education system of Stalingrad in 1943-1950
The article deals with the problem of involving the population in the restoration of Stalingrad, using the example of the revival of the education system, the role and tasks of the government as an organizing and directing force. The main events of the initial period of the restoration of Stalingrad are highlighted and unique methods of managerial activity in difficult conditions are characterized.
Key words: volunteerism, education, school, war, Stalingrad, management, trade unions, restoration.
Bogdanov S.V.
Feklistova I.V.
Soviet agency in the territory of the Kursk region occupied by the German troops: success and failure
One of the most closed topics in the activities of the special services of any country is agents - that part of the "iceberg" completely hidden from prying eyes, with which state security agencies are sometimes compared. This article analyzes the process of deploying the NKVD agent network in the Kursk region on the territory of the region on the eve of the occupation of the region by German troops and their allies. The work is based on archival documents extracted by the author from the archival fund of the 4th Directorate of the NKVD in the Kursk region. The vast majority of used documents are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. From the documents one can get an idea of the successes and failures of the Soviet agent network, which began to operate in the occupied parts of the Wehrmacht and their allies in various parts of the Kursk region in the autumn of 1942 - in the winter of 1943.
Key words: state security organs, intelligence network, German occupation, intelligence and sabotage activities.
Avliev V.N.
Emelyanenko A.E.
The origins of the church schism of the 17th century in the studies of some historians of the 20th century
This article examines the problems of the origins of the schism of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century in the interpretations of some prominent historians of the second half of the 20th century, including representatives of the Russian emigration. The article provides a brief overview of their scientific work.
Key words: Charch, charch schism, russian orthodox charch, patriarch Nikon, old belief, historiography, 17 century.
Adzhigova A.M.
Development of new forms of economy and social relations in the period of modernization of the Ingush society
The relevance of the study of the socio-economic and Ingushetia in the second half of the 19th-first third of the 20th centuries in the context of its inclusion in the Russian civilizational process is associated with the need to comprehend this complex and contradictory process without going to extremes, without embellishment, on the one hand side, and slander, on the other hand. This article shows the reasons for the difficult current situation in the North Caucasus, and, in Ingushetia, in particular, which are hidden in the incomplete and inconsistent nature of imperial and Soviet measures to integrate traditional mountain societies into the sociocultural and economic space of Russia with their inherent contradictions and costs that boomerang back today.
Key words: Russia, North Caucasus, Ingush, society, economy, modernization, Vainakhs, farming, life, land, aul, inhabitants.
Spivak N.D.
History of Rurik’s family according to genetic data
Data on origins and history of Rurik’s family, acquired by application of methods of genetic genealogy and paleogenetics, are summarized. Application of the former method allowed to attribute data on Y chromosome haplogroups by 19 present-day Rurikids. The latter method was applied for analysis of Y chromosome haplogroups by four Rurikids, living in the 11th to 13th century. General conclusion consists in the thesis that both in ancient times and nowadays, “Northern Russian” / Finnish haplogroup N1a1 tends to predominate in the Rurikid family, while presence of “Central Russian” / Western Slavic haplogroup R1a1 is at the second place. The data obtained confirm: in one regard, position already expressed within the framework of Russian historiography, concerning Central Russian (or Western Slavic) origin of the Rurik clan, in another one, drawing their origin from Northern Russia (or present-day Fennoskandia).
Key words: Ancient Russian history, “Call of Varangians”, Rurik family, genetic genealogy, paleogenetics.
Borodin M.P.
Zuev A.V.
Platonov A.V.
Features of living conditions of employees of the professional fire team of the capital of the Russian Empire, affecting the combat readiness of fire departments
The article analyzes the main aspects of the living conditions of members of the professional fire brigade of the capital of the Russian Empire as part of improving firefighting. The relevance of the article is due to the continuity of the main aspects of the living conditions of the servicemen of the imperial fire brigade in the activities of the fire service at the present time. The purpose of the study is to identify the emphasis of the main directions of development and improvement of the living conditions of the imperial fire brigade, which contribute to the fulfillment of the tasks of modern fire and rescue units in extinguishing fires and eliminating emergency situations, based on historical experience and professional competencies in the field of fire safety. An analysis of the main directions of development and improvement of the living conditions of servicemen of the imperial capital's professional fire brigade indicates the relevance of their use at the present stage in extinguishing fires and eliminating emergency situations, taking into account their optimization and corresponding technical progress.
Key words: Fire department buildings, plan, premises, fire chief, attendants, barracks.
Akhmetova A.R.
Timofeeva L.S.
Karimova G.R.
The fate of traditional religious education "in the cultural turning point" of post-revolutionary Tataria
The reform of school education in Tatarstan in 1929 were finally eliminated Muslim religious schools, which caused serious transformations confessional culture and socialization of the Tatar people.
Key words: religion, religions, Islam, Muslims, clergy, education, religious school, teacher.
Aliyeva Irada
Georgia and international security strategies: exploring possible scenarios
The article analyzes Georgia's strategic approaches in the context of international security, assessing both current challenges and prospective opportunities for the country amid global and regional changes. The authors view Georgia as a significant participant in the system of international relations, subject to the influence of both external and internal factors that determine its political and economic dynamics.
The article also provides an overview of historical events that have shaped Georgia's foreign policy orientation, including its path to independence, conflicts on the territory of the former USSR, and aspirations for Euro-Atlantic integration. It describes Georgia's strategic priorities in the field of international security, including strengthening ties with the European Union and NATO, developing bilateral relations with key global and regional players, and participating in international peacekeeping and security initiatives. The potential scenarios for the development of the situation in the field of international security for Georgia are forecasted, assessing potential threats and opportunities that may arise as a result of global political and economic changes. The article emphasizes the importance of an adaptive and flexible approach by Georgia in forming and implementing its foreign policy and strategies in the field of international security. Given the dynamically changing geopolitical landscape, Georgia faces the need to constantly reassess its priorities and strategies to ensure its security and sustainable development in the long term.
Key words: Georgia, NATO, prospects of cooperation.
Sedova T.V.
Cognitive distortions in Spain king Christmas greetings
In the article, within the framework of cognitive psychology and text linguistics, ten texts of Christmas and New Year greetings of the Spain King Philip VI are analyzed with the objection to identify possible cognitive distortions. The matrix of cognitive distortions applied in the study revealed a number of distortions repeated in the monarch's congratulatory texts from year to year. Apart from distortions that a priori cannot be observed in the texts of the leader of the nation, the prevailing part of the distortions, presented in the matrix, could not be found in the Christmas messages.
Key words: cognitive distortion, dysfunctional persuasion, automatic thoughts, matrix, genre.
Yonghong Gong
The Cultural United Front Work of the Southern Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in the alternate capital Chongqing
The Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China has attached great importance to the united front work in the Kuomintang controlled areas, and cultural united front was an important means. The Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China has thoroughly implemented the general policy of the CPC on the anti-Japanese national united front, combined with the reality of the revolutionary struggle, closely united the progressive cultural figures in the rear area around the Party, and implemented a series of cultural united front policies. The purpose of this study is to reveal the positive contributions made by the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China to the Anti-Japanese War literary and artistic movement. The novelty of the article lies in examining the literary and artistic policies and cultural united front work of the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China from the perspective of cultural institutions. The Southern Bureau has carried out rich and flexible cultural united front work from multiple perspectives and levels, including the establishment of the "Cultural Committee", supporting the establishment of the "All China Literary and Art Anti-Enemy Association", and leveraging the legitimate status of the "Third Department" of the Political Department of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government and its later "Cultural Work Committee". They have united and led a large number of literary and artistic workers, while insisting on resisting Japan and saving the country, On the one hand, there was an indomitable struggle against the reactionary forces of the Kuomintang.
Key words: Anti-Japanese War, Southern Bureau of CPC, Cultural United Front, Chongqing, CPC, Zhou Enlai.
Huang Xusheng
Differences in the history of media development in Russia and China. The decline of traditional media?
The purpose of the article is to examine, on the basis of a wide range of historical sources, the differences in the history of the development of the media sphere in the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. To obtain the result, the article uses methods - theoretical, comparative, analytical. The author has conducted a deep historical study of the origin, formation and current state of traditional and new media. As a result of a detailed study, it can be concluded that it is somewhat premature to talk about the decline of traditional media. It is possible to note the successful adaptation of media in both countries due to the challenges associated with the computerization of many aspects of society. As you know, Russian-Chinese relations have recently reached a level that allows us to talk about strategic partnership or cooperation. This opinion is confirmed not only by the size of the constantly growing trade turnover, but also by the increasing influence of such organizations as the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
Key words: Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, media, mass media, content, policy of "openness".
Adzhigova A.M., Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior lecturer, Ingush State University, Magas, Republic of Ingushetia.
Akhmetova A.R., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of World Cultural Heritage, Institute of International Relations, Kazan (Volga Region) University.
Aliyeva Irada, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher Institute of History named after A.A. Bakikhanov, Department of World History. Senior Lecturer. Azerbaijan. Institute of Architecture and Construction. ORCID 0000-0003-3162-0256
Avliev V.N., Candidate of historical sciences, docent of the department of history of Russia, documentation and archival studies. Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikova.
Bogdanov S.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Gubkin branch NUST "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys".
Borodin M.P., Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of Specialists, St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia named after Hero of the Russian Federation General of the Army E.N. Zinicheva.
Bragina D.G., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha, Yakutia.
Chubarova Yu.E., Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Theory and Translation of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogareva", Saransk.
Dolgenko A.N., Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. A.Y. Sukharev Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Emelyanenko A.E., Master's student, Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikova.
Elezov M.A., Postgraduate Student. Tomsk State Pedagogical University.
Feklistova I.V., Candidate of the Department of Russian History and Documentation of the National Research University of Belarus.
Hong Dou, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Huang Xusheng, Master, Faculty of Philology for a journalist, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Karimova G.R., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior lecturer, Department of World Cultural Heritage, Institute of International Relations, Kazan (Volga Region) University.
Kasatikova A.A., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. A.Ya. Sukharev Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Koloskov M.S., Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin, Ryazan.
Kosyreva M.S., Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Doctor of Philological Sciences. Order of Zhukov Novosibirsk Military National Guard Troops Institute.
Malinina D.A., Senior lecturer, Lipetsk State Technical University.
Markova E., Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Murashko S.F., Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor. A.Ya. Sukharev Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Orlova T.A., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, IOM, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Prokopieva S.M., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Department of Yakut, Institute of Languages and Cultures of Peoples of North-Eastern Russia, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University.
Rezepova N.V., Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages No. 2, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov", Moscow. Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. FSBEI HE All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov (VGIK)", Moscow.
Platonov A.V., Candidate of philosophical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines, Leningrad Regional Branch of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Rudakova S.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, Candidate of Psychological Sciences. A.Ya. Sukharev Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Sedova T.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Russian State Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow.
Semenova S.N., Associate Professor, Kuban State University.
Serenko M.N., Lecturer, Volgograd Branch of the Russian University of Economics. laureate of the prize of the city-hero of Volgograd in the field of education.
Simonyan M.S., Kuban State University.
Spivak N.D., Master's student (2nd year), Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Institute of History and Social Sciences.
Timofeeva L.S., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of World Cultural Heritage, Institute of International Relations, Kazan (Volga Region) University.
Wan Gziyi, Master, Institute of Humanities Linguistics, Altai State University.
Wang Jing, Graduate student, Moscow State Institute of Culture.
Wang Lerong, Master's Degree, Moscow State University.
Yonghong Gong, Associate professor and master's supervisor of the College of Music of Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, China.
Zagoruyko M.V., PhD, Director of The educational and experimental soil-ecological center Moscow State University.
Zhandarova A.V., Associate Professor, Kuban State University.
Zuev A.V., Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the of private law departments, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping.