- Etnosocium
- The Power Of History
- Volume 10. Issue 7. (№57)
- Volume 10. Issue 6. (№56)
- Volume 10. Issue 5. (№55)
- Volume 10. Issue 4. (№54)
- Volume 10. Issue 3. (№53)
- Volume 10. Issue 2. (№52)
- Volume 10. Issue 1. (№51)
- Volume 9. Issue 8. (№50)
- Volume 9. Issue 7. (№49)
- Volume 9. Issue 6. (№48)
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- Volume 8. Issue 8. (№42)
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- Volume 8. Issue 1. (№35)
- Volume 7. Issue 8. (№34)
- Volume 7. Issue 7. (№33)
- Volume 7. Issue 6. (№32)
- Volume 7. Issue 5. (№31)
- Volume 7. Issue 4. (№30)
- Volume 7. Issue 3. (№29)
- Volume 7. Issue 2. (№28)
- Volume 7. Issue 1. (№27)
- Volume 6. Issue 8. (№26)
- Volume 6. Issue 7. (№25)
- Volume 6. Issue 6. (№24)
- Volume 6. Issue 5. (№23)
- Volume 6. Issue 4. (№22)
- Volume 6. Issue 3. (№21)
- Volume 6. Issue 2. (№20)
- Volume 6. Issue 1. (№19)
- Volume 5. Issue 4. (№18)
- Volume 5. Issue 3. (№17)
- Volume 5. Issue 2. (№16)
- Volume 5. Issue 1. (№15)
- Volume 4. Issue 4. (№14)
- Volume 4. Issue 3. (№13)
- Volume 4. Issue 2. (№12)
- Volume 4. Issue 1. (№11)
- Volume 3. Issue 4. (№10)
- Volume 3. Issue 3. (№9)
- Volume 3. Issue 2. (№8)
- Volume 3. Issue 1. (№7)
- Cultural World
- Mission confessions
- Almanac Crimea. Economics, innovation
Murashko S.F., Rudakova S.V., Kasatikova А.А. The use of information technology by a university teacher in the process of teaching
Pavlova E.K. Publicism of mark twain in the context of modern us politics
Popel A.E. The image of the profession as a factor of its demand among applicants (on the example of maritime specialties)
Pavlova E.K. Diachronic analysis of Donald Trump’s tweets vocabulary
Napso M.D. Humanistic imperative of an epoch of globalization
924 |
Ryabova E.I., Ternovaya L.O. Social determinants of daily life in food rankings
930 |
Ivakin G.A. Legislative activities of the right-wing monarchists in the State Duma and the state council in 1906
Egorov V.V. The policy of the Soviet government towards the Russian Orthodox Church in 1918-1924 (on the materials of Alatyr, Ardatovsky and Kurmysh districts of the Simbirsk province)
Bogatyreva M.R. Regional budget planning
Dolakova M.I. Additional city taxes as a source of replenishment of the city budget
Chapkin N.S. Machine learning as a promising area of research and development in the field of informatics and information technology |
Ternovaya L.O. Political sharivari: «empty pot marches»
Laptev E.A., Yusupov R.G. The role of the International Association of the Academies of Sciences (IAAS) in the scientific and informational interaction of Eurasian countries (1993 - 2021) |
Deputy. Chief Editor and Project Manager:
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the history of Russian Ural Federal University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of science of Russia, Head of the Department of political analysis and management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Ivakin G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert.
Dolgenko A.N., Doctor of Philology. Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages at the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Naumova G.R., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the A.M. Vassilevsky Soviet Union.
Varsonofiev V.V., Candidate of Political Science, Military expert.
Chapkin S.V., Honorary Academician, President of the “Academy of Ecology and Law”.
Kondratyev V.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Center for retraining and advanced training of universities IDPO FGBOU "KNITU" (Kazan National Research Technological University).
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor.
Ignatov I.S., Candidate of Political Sciences, senior advisor of justice.
Vrajnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (MADI).
Tihonov A.K., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of History, Archeology and Local History of the Humanitarian Institute of the Vladimir State University, chairman of the Union of Local History of the Vladimir region.
Konuchenko A.I., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History of Russia and foreign countries of Chelyabinsk State University.
Honali Kurbonzoda, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Rector of the «National Institute of professional development and training of educators».
Platonova N.M., Doctor of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department “Theory and History of State and Law” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Far Eastern State University of Communications” (Khabarovsk).
Klimenko D.A., Candidate of Philology, specialist in Italy.
Nagornova E.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Nikashina N.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Murashko S.F.
Rudakova S.V.
Kasatikova А.А.
The use of information technology by a university teacher in the process of teaching
In this article, the authors consider the issues of training and readiness of teachers to use information technologies in the process of teaching students in universities. The authors consider the influence of information technologies on the role and functions of the teacher and learners and the components of the process of teaching, the development of a system of generalized knowledge, skills and abilities in the use of information technologies in the educational process among teachers.
Key words: information technologies, informatization of education, didactic functions, computer culture, distance technologies.
Pavlova E.K.
Publicism of Mark Twain in the context of modern US politics
The study of Mark Twain’s works of and comparison of his critical analysis of the political consciousness and political culture of the US ruling elite with the realities of modern US politics showed the relevance of this criticism. The concepts of Anglo-Saxon superiority, the principles of permissiveness and the right to use force, exposed by Mark Twain 115 years ago as the basis of the political consciousness of the US ruling elite, also determine the modern US policy. In this light, the prohibition of studying Mark Twain's works in Minnesota schools under the pretext of using the word "nigger" in them actually has much more serious reasons and deeper consequences. It can be considered as an act of political censorship.
Key words: US politics, political consciousness, Mark Twain, political censorship.
Popel A.E.
The image of the profession as a factor of its demand among applicants (on the example of maritime specialties)
The article is devoted to the issues of demand among applicants for maritime specialties relat-ed to the image of professions and a high level of responsibility in the maritime sector. In the econ-omy of a state with a port infrastructure, shipping plays a special role due to the fact that sea and river vessels are one of the most attractive types of transport and logistics system that are in high demand. Thanks to dry cargo ships, tankers and other vessels, large volumes of oil, fuel, minerals, grain crops and other goods are annually transported, replenishing the country's budget revenues. Vessels included in the river and sea infrastructure will be able to sail if there is a specially trained team of sailors on board. Also, without shipbuilding engineers, mechanics and other specialties serving the port infrastructure on land, it is impossible to imagine the development of the shipping industry. Currently, due to the increase in demand for maritime specialties, due to high wages and the expansion of the range of working positions on land, educational organizations educate and train professional personnel for the Russian fleet, raising the image of maritime specialties and promoting the popularization of professions among the younger generation. The relevance of the research topic is due to the need to form motivation among applicants for a conscious approach when choosing a profession related to the maritime sphere and the importance of introducing and maintaining maritime traditions in the educational process, along with professional competencies. The profes-sional self-determination of school graduates in the modern and rapidly changing world should be based on the personal development and full life of a young person in the society in which he wants to realize himself. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of the image of the profession in the maritime sector on its demand among applicants in the conditions of the modern development of maritime transport and logistics relations.
Key words: applicant, profession image, professional self-determination, corporate culture of sea-farers, maritime specialties.
Pavlova E.K.
Diachronic analysis of Donald Trump’s tweets vocabulary
The aim of the study was to identify peculiarities of the development of lexical and stylistic components of Donald Trump's political discourse in the environment of the Internet messenger Twitter. A pragmalinguistic analysis of critical and accusatory discourse practices was carried out, the vocabulary used in them was revealed, its statistical analysis was carried out, and frequency dictionaries of the use of such vocabulary during the first (2016) and second (2020) election campaigns were compiled. A comparative analysis of the two dictionaries revealed both a significant quantitative increase in the entry of negatively coloured vocabulary into Donald Trump's political discourse, and a significant change in its composition, reflecting the exacerbation of the internal political struggle in the United States. As a result of the study, it is shown that the analysis of political discourse in social networks is promising as a source of the most immediate and operational information about the positions and sentiments of participants in political processes.
Key words: political discourse, USA, domestic politics, vocabulary, social networks.
Napso M.D.
Humanistic imperative of an epoch of globalization
In article the questions connected with valuable aspects of globalisation are considered. The humanism is investigated as ideology as the moral and rationalistic principle, is focused attention on the posthumanism nature, discrepancy of ideas of the concept of classical humanism, their conformity/discrepancy to social and global processes is analyzed. Influence of installations of a consumer society on system of humanistic values is shown. Communication of humanism and multiculturalism is traced.
Key words: globalisation, value, humanism, posthumanism, postmodernism, multiculturalism.
Ryabova E.I.
Ternovaya L.O.
Social determinants of daily life in food rankings
The article presents an analysis of such a significant problem of social reality as the manifestation of the laws of social development in the transformation of everyday life, which is much more inert than the development of the technosphere, infosphere or political life. However, it is the changes in everyday life that make it possible to record the transition of humanity to a different level and a different quality of life. This article discusses metrics such as food ratings.
Key words: social reality, everyday life, consumption, ratings, “soft power”.
Ivakin G.A.
Legislative activities of the right-wing monarchists in the State Duma and the state council in 1906
On the basis of archival documents that were previously not introduced into the scientific circulation, the article explores the legislative activity of the right-wing monarchists in 1906 during the work of the First State Duma and the State Council of the Russian Empire. The lack of political activity of the right-wing monarchists in election campaigns led to the fact that the right-wing constituted a representative minority in the lower house of the emerging institution of parliamentarism. Hence is the ineffective legislative work: "The majority of the State Council and the Duma were not Russian patriots, but the enemies of Russia... scoundrels". The right-wingers proceeded from the primacy of state interests over all others; they did not trust in the reforms conducted by P.A. Stolypin and the bureaucracy in general.
Key words: legislative activity, parliamentarism, Emperor Nicholas II, State Duma of the Russian Empire, State Council of the Russian Empire, Black Hundreds, rightists, right-wing monarchism, Orthodox clergy.
Egorov V.V.
The policy of the Soviet government towards the Russian Orthodox Church in 1918-1924 (on the materials of Alatyr, Ardatovsky and Kurmysh districts of the Simbirsk province)
This article explores the little-studied features of building relations between the Soviet state authorities with the church and believers in general and the relationship of the Simbirsk authorities with the church and believers in particular, using the example of Alatyr, Ardatovsky and Kurmysh countieР. This study is based on factual materials cured by the author from the State Archives of the Ulyanovsk Region. These materials are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time by the author.
Key words: Russian Orthodox Church, Soviet power, Simbirsk province, Pokrovsky convent, commune named after Frolov.
Bogatyreva M.R.
Regional budget planning
Budget planning occupies an important place in the regional finance management system. It is at the stage of drafting the regional budget that a system of budget reassignment is planned, which will largely determine the socio-economic development of the subject of the Russian Federation not only in the coming year, but also in the future.
Key words: budget planning, regional budget, budget process, subject budget, regional level.
Dolakova M.I.
Additional city taxes as a source of replenishment of the city budget
The article discusses the transformation of the system of city taxes collection, a new model of the formation of the city budget, analyzes changes in the order of collection of city excise taxes, reveals general trends in changes in city taxes, shows the dependence of additional fees on the territorial features of economic development.
Key words: financial system, city status, city budget, city council, excise taxes, additional city taxes.
Chapkin N.S.
Machine learning as a promising area of research and development in the field of informatics and information technology
The article deals with issues related to the theoretical and applied aspects of machine learning and research developments in this area. The definition of the concept of "machine learning" is given, its connection with artificial intelligence and information technologies is determined. A review of scientific publications and patent documentation was carried out, indicating the active development of research and practical implementation of machine learning in various sectors of the economy.
Key words: artificial intelligence, machine learning, information computer technologies, progress, development, implementation.
Ternovaya L.O.
Political sharivari: "empty pot marches"
In the modern world, where imagination is increasingly replacing social reality, and fakes are replacing true information, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to express real dissatisfaction with the existing order. Many previously quite effective protest actions have lost their potential to unite like-minded people and bring the demands of the people to the authorities. In this regard, according to the postmodern pattern, according to which the protest mood of society is increasingly unfolding, citizens begin to use forms of demonstrating dissent, reminiscent of pastiche, which is a secondary work of art, in fact, an imitation of what previously existed in art. So in the modern practice of social protest, “marches of empty pots” refer to medieval sharivari. And at the same time, while preserving the spectacular spirit of these historical performances, they act as an example of a mild form of protest, leaving room for a contract for both the demonstrators and the authorities.
Key words: history, everyday life, social protest, noise, theatricalization.
Laptev E.A.
Yusupov R.G.
The role of the International Association of the Academies of Sciences (IAAS) in the scientific and informational interaction of Eurasian countries (1993 - 2021)
The article is devoted to the historical experience of the activities of the International Association of Academies of Sciences (IAAS), aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and information relations between the post-Soviet states and the wider geographic space of Eurasia. The purpose of the study is to identify the role and place of the IAAS in the process of Eurasian integration in the 1990s-2010s. The subject of the study is the institutional development of the IAAS, the organizational and publishing activities of the Association, its interaction with the CIS, international scientific organizations. The work is based on general historical approaches of objectivity and consistency, and is based on retrospection, inventory analysis, content analysis and other special methods of historical research. The authors come to the conclusion that the IAAS made a significant contribution to strengthening the common scientific and technological space of the post-Soviet states in the 1990s and to increasing the efficiency of intellectual integration interaction between Eurasian countries in the 21st century.
Key words: International Association of Academies of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, post-Soviet space, Eurasian integration, CIS, EAEU.
Bogatyreva M.R., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Caucasus State Academy".
Chapkin N.S., Leading head of IT technologies. International publishing center "Ethnosocium".
Dolakova M.I., PhD in History, Department of Anthropology and Ethnography, Kazan Federal University.
Egorov V.V., Teacher of history and social science of the highest qualification category of the Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution "Gymnasium № 67".
Ivakin G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Deputy Director FSBSI Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education.
Kasatikova А.А., Senior teacher of the of the Department of the Russian and Foreign Languages. Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Laptev E.A., Associate Professor. Director of the Recreational and Health Center. Bashkir State University, Law Institute.
Murashko S.F., Professor of the Department of the Russian and Foreign Languages. Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Napso M.D., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, professor of department of humanities sciences, North-Caucasus state academy.
Pavlova E.K., Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Popel A.E., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Depart-ment of Management, Deputy Director of the Institute of Social Engineering. FSBEI HE Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art)".
Rudakova S.V., Associate Professor of the of the Department of the Russian and Foreign Languages. Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Ryabova E.I., 2nd Class Lawyer, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of theoretical and public law courses, Institute of Economics and Law (affiliate) educational institutions of higher education unions «Academy of Labor and Social Relations» in Sevastopol.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Yusupov R.G., Professor of the Department of Public Law, Doctor of History. Bashkir State University, Law Institute.