- Etnosocium
- The Power Of History
- Volume 10. Issue 7. (№57)
- Volume 10. Issue 6. (№56)
- Volume 10. Issue 5. (№55)
- Volume 10. Issue 4. (№54)
- Volume 10. Issue 3. (№53)
- Volume 10. Issue 2. (№52)
- Volume 10. Issue 1. (№51)
- Volume 9. Issue 8. (№50)
- Volume 9. Issue 7. (№49)
- Volume 9. Issue 6. (№48)
- Volume 9. Issue 5. (№47)
- Volume 9. Issue 4. (№46)
- Volume 9. Issue 3. (№45)
- Volume 9. Issue 2. (№44)
- Volume 9. Issue 1. (№43)
- Volume 8. Issue 8. (№42)
- Volume 8. Issue 7. (№41)
- Volume 8. Issue 6. (№40)
- Volume 8. Issue 5. (№39)
- Volume 8. Issue 4. (№38)
- Volume 8. Issue 3. (№37)
- Volume 8. Issue 2. (№36)
- Volume 8. Issue 1. (№35)
- Volume 7. Issue 8. (№34)
- Volume 7. Issue 7. (№33)
- Volume 7. Issue 6. (№32)
- Volume 7. Issue 5. (№31)
- Volume 7. Issue 4. (№30)
- Volume 7. Issue 3. (№29)
- Volume 7. Issue 2. (№28)
- Volume 7. Issue 1. (№27)
- Volume 6. Issue 8. (№26)
- Volume 6. Issue 7. (№25)
- Volume 6. Issue 6. (№24)
- Volume 6. Issue 5. (№23)
- Volume 6. Issue 4. (№22)
- Volume 6. Issue 3. (№21)
- Volume 6. Issue 2. (№20)
- Volume 6. Issue 1. (№19)
- Volume 5. Issue 4. (№18)
- Volume 5. Issue 3. (№17)
- Volume 5. Issue 2. (№16)
- Volume 5. Issue 1. (№15)
- Volume 4. Issue 4. (№14)
- Volume 4. Issue 3. (№13)
- Volume 4. Issue 2. (№12)
- Volume 4. Issue 1. (№11)
- Volume 3. Issue 4. (№10)
- Volume 3. Issue 3. (№9)
- Volume 3. Issue 2. (№8)
- Volume 3. Issue 1. (№7)
- Cultural World
- Mission confessions
- Almanac Crimea. Economics, innovation
Rzaev E.E. Problems of training party cadres in the late 1920s - 1930s at the regional level (based on the materials of the Nizhny Novgorod – Gorky Region
Vazankov M.V. Formation of the system of pedagogical education in the territory Kuban and Adygea in Soviet Russian 20-30 years (historical analysis)
19 |
Gavrilyuk N.P., Makarova E.M. Scenario forecast of the development of the union state in the context of the dialogue of Russia and Belarus
30 |
Bakharev V.V., Shavirina I.V., Demenenko I.A. Social entrepreneurship: drivers and possible limits
41 |
Gichibekova R.M. The problem of forming the ideological basis of the peoples’ liberation movement of the North Caucasian peoples in the ХIХ-th century
50 |
Kubanova A.K. Psychology of youth and formation of self-consciousness
59 |
Babenko O.V. The problem of guarantees of the Polish-German border in the first half of the 1920s: contemporary historiography
Ryabova E.I.,Ternovaya L.O. Sources for studying the history of everyday life: Europe through the eyes of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
Gavrilyuk N.P., Makarova E.M. Problematic aspects of the integration processes of Russia and Belarus on the way to becoming a stable union state |
Makhnev V.A., Zainullina P.R. China’s private military companies in Africa |
Deputy. Chief Editor and Project Manager:
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the history of Russian Ural Federal University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of science of Russia, Head of the Department of political analysis and management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Ivakin G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert.
Dolgenko A.N., Doctor of Philology. Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages at the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Naumova G.R., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the A.M. Vassilevsky Soviet Union.
Varsonofiev V.V., Candidate of Political Science, Military expert.
Chapkin S.V., Honorary Academician, President of the “Academy of Ecology and Law”.
Kondratyev V.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Center for retraining and advanced training of universities IDPO FGBOU "KNITU" (Kazan National Research Technological University).
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor.
Ignatov I.S., Candidate of Political Sciences, senior advisor of justice.
Vrajnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (MADI).
Tihonov A.K., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of History, Archeology and Local History of the Humanitarian Institute of the Vladimir State University, chairman of the Union of Local History of the Vladimir region.
Konuchenko A.I., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History of Russia and foreign countries of Chelyabinsk State University.
Honali Kurbonzoda, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Rector of the «National Institute of professional development and training of educators».
Platonova N.M., Doctor of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department “Theory and History of State and Law” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Far Eastern State University of Communications” (Khabarovsk).
Klimenko D.A., Candidate of Philology, specialist in Italy.
Nagornova E.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Nikashina N.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Rzaev E.E.
Problems of training party cadres in the late 1920s - 1930s at the regional level (based on the materials of the Nizhny Novgorod – Gorky Region)
This article is devoted to the problem of training party cadres in the Nizhny Novgorod (Gorky) region in the late 1920s - 1930s. The main structures involved in party training and education are outlined. The main features and the most significant disadvantages associated with party training are identified. The main emphasis in this article, in general, is on the art schools as the most popular and popular institute for training party organizers and propagandists. The author concludes that the short training period objectively did not contribute to the qualitative and comprehensive training of party workers. Practical experience, which, in this case, represents real party work on the ground, gave them the opportunity to become strong managers. At the same time, there were also reverse examples when a person who is in party work could not take place either as an agitator and propagandist, or as a manager. Conclusions are drawn that both the strengths and weaknesses of the training of party cadres were a characteristic manifestation of the development of the Soviet state in the first decades of its existence.
Key words: USSR, CPSU(b), Gorky region, party cadres, agitators, propagandists, party work, party training, Soviet party schools, courses of party activists.
Vazankov M.V.
Formation of the system of pedagogical education in the territory Kuban and Adygea in Soviet Russian 20-30 years (historical analysis)
The article deals with the problems of the formation of a complex of historiographical studies on the formation of the Soviet system of pedagogical education in the territory of Kuban and Adygea in the 20 – 30s XX century. Its critical analysis is given, the transformation of the issues of interest to researchers in different historical periods.
Key words: pedagogical education, historiography, cultural revolution, labor faculty, vcevobuch.
Gavrilyuk N.P.
Makarova E.M.
Scenario forecast of the development of the Union state in the context of the dialogue of Russia and Belarus
The article attempts to study the practice and trends of interaction between the two state entities, within the framework of the Union State, in the context of the events of the last decades of the XXI century. The use of modern methods of political analysis and forecasting made it possible to substantiate the practical significance of the study, as well as to present a scenario forecast for possible areas of development of cooperation between Russia and Belarus in the process of integration and determine the viability of the Union State project.
Key words: Russian-Belarusian relations, Union State, integration, scenario forecast, Republic of Belarus, RF, CIS.
Bakharev V.V.
Shavirina I.V.
Demenenko I.A.
Social entrepreneurship: drivers and possible limits
The article presents a qualitative analysis of the results of a series of focus group studies conducted by the authors in 2021 in the Belgorod region in order to study the development of social entrepreneurship among young people. The main drivers are the ideas of assistance and support in solving urgent social problems, the inability to receive an important service or product of adequate quality, as well as the desire for independence and independence, determined by a possible problematic circumstance faced by a family and a person personally. The group of drivers in which business motivation is a priority turn out to be less pronounced. Limiting factors include a low level of personal social responsibility, as well as a lack of inclination to engage in activities aimed at solving social problems.
Key words: social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, youth environment, drivers of social entrepreneurship, responsibility and limitations of social entrepreneurship.
Gichibekova R.M.
The problem of forming the ideological basis of the peoples' liberation movement of the North Caucasian peoples in the ХIХ-th century
In the presented article, on the basis of little-known and newly introduced into scientific circulation sources, an attempt is made to objectively and reliably cover the problematic aspects of the formation of the ideological base of the people's liberation movement of the North Caucasian peoples in the 19th century.
The official pre-revolutionary historiography presented the struggle of the Caucasian mountain peoples for independence in the 19th century as the result of fanatical agitation by individual representatives of the Muslim clergy. It was believed that it was the religious agitation of a number of mullah fanatics that caused that grandiose situation, which for many years required the presence of significant forces of the tsarist army here, and more than once called into question the success of the conquest of the Northeast Caucasus undertaken by tsarism. A similar thesis in a wide variety of variations can be found in almost all authors of pre-revolutionary historiography, and often in the scientific works of researchers of the Soviet period.
The strengthening of the Russian political and military presence in the region in the last third of the XVIII century. caused sharp sentiments among the Muslim nobility against the official policy of the Russian autocracy. At that time, the idea of a war for faith and the liberation of the North Caucasian Muslims from the rule of tsarism gained popularity among the local population.
Thus, the identification of the ideological foundations and causes of the people's liberation movement of the North Caucasian peoples in the 19th century, in our opinion, is of particular interest in the modern period.
Key words: North Caucasus, ideology, religion, national liberation struggle in the 19-th century, pre-revolutionary historiography.
Kubanova A.K.
Psychology of youth and formation of self-consciousness
The stage of formation of self-awareness and one's own worldview, life position, making responsible decisions that determine the choice of a profession and one's place in life, determining its meaning occurs in adolescence, which is characterized by personal-age introversion, increased attention to one's inner personal-individual world. The connection between the emergence and formation of self-consciousness with entry into human culture, communication and activities of people serves as a starting point for the development of specific ideas about self-consciousness, when a person of adolescence becomes a full-fledged representative of the human community, mastering values, norms, standards and ways of acting, communicating, evaluating and self-assessment.
Key words: adolescence, self-awareness, personality, own worldview, needs, interests.
Babenko O.V.
The problem of guarantees of the Polish-German border in the first half of the 1920s: contemporary historiography
The article deals with the problem of guarantees of the western border of Poland in the first half of the 1920s in the coverage of domestic and foreign historians. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the Versailles system and the position of Germany defeated in the First World War. Information about territorial changes in Central Europe is provided. The international situation of Poland is analyzed. The conclusion is made about the objectivity and completeness of the coverage of the problem under consideration in modern domestic and foreign historiography.
Key words: Polish-German border, Versailles system, first half of 1920s, modern historiography.
Ryabova E.I.
Ternovaya L.O.
Sources for studying the history of everyday life: Europe through the eyes of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
The article analyzes the views of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky on Europe. It is shown that they were formed and presented in a significant period for the development of Russia, when it was significant for the authorities and society, firstly, to determine the development model in the conditions of the formation of the capitalist economy; secondly, it was necessary to present in a new way the foundations of national and cultural-civilizational self-identification; thirdly, to realize the presence of Russia's geopolitical allies and to understand the degree of their reliability. In many ways, it was Europe, both Western and Eastern, that became the mirror in which, with the help of the works of the great writer, Russia tried to find its own features.
Key words: culture, history, geopolitics, literature, Dostoevsky, Europe.
Gavrilyuk N.P.
Makarova E.M.
Problematic aspects of the integration processes of Russia and Belarus on the way to becoming a stable union state
The article attempts to identify and analyze the problematic aspects of the integration processes of Russia and Belarus in building good neighborly relations between the two state entities within the framework of the Union State. In the context of the establishment of a new world order, it is important to identify priority areas for cooperation and draw up a clear plan of interaction, including a clear definition of the very format for the existence of the Union State, the main areas of interaction in the coming years.
Key words: Union State, integration, Russian-Belarusian relations, Republic of Belarus, CIS, USA, scenarios for the development of Russian-Belarusian relations.
Makhnev V.A.
Zainullina P.R.
China’s private military companies in Africa
The proposed article aims to review the military component in China's foreign policy in Africa. The prerequisites for strengthening China's influence in the regions of Africa and the subsequent development of Chinese private military companies in Africa are considered. The article discusses the features of China's private military companies in Africa, the creation in the Republic of Djibouti of China's first foreign multifunctional military base in order to ensure collective security in the regions of presence.
Key words: private military companies, China in Africa, military base in Djibouti, China's military strategy.
Babenko O.V., Senior researcher, Doctor of History (PhD). Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAS).
Bakharev V.V., Doctor of sociology, Professor of the Department of sociology and management of Belgorod state technological University.
Demenenko I.A., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of sociology and management, Belgorod state technological University.
Gavrilyuk N.P., Candidate of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department of History of the Institute of History and Law, Kaluga State University.
Gichibekova R.M., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and History of Social Work, Faculty of Social Sciences. Dagestan State University.
Kubanova A.K., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines. North Caucasian State Academy.
Makarova E.M., IV-year student of the Institute of History and Law of the Kaluga State University.
Makhnev V.A., Master-degree student, Far Eastern Federal University.
Ryabova E.I., Candidate of Political Sciences, expert. «Academy of Labor and Social Relations» in Sevastopol.
Rzaev E.E., Postgraduate student. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Shavirina I.V., Candidate of sociological sciences, Associate professor of the department of sociology, ethnography and sociometry, Russian State Social University.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Vazankov M.V., Aspirant of the Kuban State University of Technology, lecturer at the Russian University cooperation.
Zainullina P.R., Master-degree student, Far Eastern Federal University.