Etnosocium №6 (192) 2024




Ryabova E.L., Ternovaya L.O. “Global East”: historical reality or geopolitical fiction
Lezina O.V., Ternovaya L.O. New sources for studying political sociology: indices of a beautiful life
Gadzhieva R.G. Factors in the formation of modern political leadership
Sedov V.V. Digital thinking and leadership as key factors in the modern world
Pachina A.A. A brief overview of cooperation between Russia and African countries in the military-political sphere of international relations (2019-2023)
Bykov N.R. The geopolitical status of Taiwan: analysis of the key characteristics and the historical context
Zhou Xuanlin Fuel and energy complex of Russia and the world economy
Samsonov M.M. Cooperation between China and East African countries within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative at the current stage of development
Requirements to materials submitted to the international publishing house "Etnosocium"



Ryabova E.L.,  Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Ozerov V.A., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Representative public authority of the Khabarovsk region.
Zorin V.U., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Member of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation, Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher of the Center for Scientific Cooperation with Public Organizations, Mass Media and Government Authorities of the IEA named after N.N. Miklukho-Maclay RAS.
Bormotova T.M., Doctor of Sociology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry, Chief Researcher at the Research Center №1.
Yudina T.N., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor. Chief researcher at the Institute of Demographic Research of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Bakharev V.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.
Danakin N.S., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of The Belgorod State Technological University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of science of Russia, head of the Department of national and federal relations of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, member of the Council for Interethnic Relations of the President of the Russian Federation.
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, State Advisor of the 1st class.
Mihailova N.V., Professor of the Department of Political Analysis and Management PFUR, Doctor of Political Sciences.
Mikhaylenko A.N., Professor of International security and Russian foreign policy chair at the Department of national security, Institute of law and national security, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Staskov N.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, military and political expert, Lieutenant-General.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vassilevsky.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ilarionova T.S., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, General Director of the Institute of energy of knowledge.
Bakharev V.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of The Belgorod State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Remarchuk V.N., Dean of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Sciences», The Bauman University, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor.
Yudin V.I., Doctor of Political Sciences, international expert.
Gribanova G.I., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department international political processes of St. Petersburg State University.
Biryukov S.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, School of advanced international and area studies at the East China Normal University (ECNU) (Shanghai, China).
Gulzar Ibrahimova, Doctor of Political Sciences. Professor of the Omer Khalisdemir University, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti.
Hikmet Koras, Professor of the Omer Khalisdemir University. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti.




Ryabova E.L.
Ternovaya L.O.
“Global East”: historical reality or geopolitical fiction

The article analyzes the change in global geopolitical paradigms, reflecting the basic natural, economic, socio-political and spiritual contradictions in the types of development of the macroregions of the South, North, West and East. To date, each of them has formed unique development mechanisms, and also developed an understanding of the model of interaction with other global centers. However, due to political and mental inertia, the leaders and part of the population of the “global West” and the “global North” continue to face difficulties in transitioning to the practice of cooperation based on mutual respect.

Key words: history, geopolitics, civilizations, centers of power, national interests.

Lezina O.V.
Ternovaya L.O.
New sources for studying political sociology: indices of a beautiful life

The article presents a problem associated with the narrowness of the source base for political sociology. This new integral discipline requires the combination of objective data with an array of evidence from the world of everyday life. The authors suggest paying attention to a set of indicators that can be called indices of a beautiful life.

Key words: political sociology, social development indices, everyday life, consumer culture, crisis, economic recovery, women leaders.

Gadzhieva R.G.
Factors in the formation of modern political leadership

The modern world is characterized by numerous challenges and crises – from politics and economics to socio-cultural problems. The events of recent years – the pandemic, military conflicts, sanctions policy, the changing role of international organizations and much more – require different approaches to the system of state governance and solving complex problems, from the regional to the global level.

Key words: leadership, management, formation, modernity, country.

Sedov V.V.
Digital thinking and leadership as key factors in the modern world

This article examines the concept of digital thinking and its role in contemporary society. The main levels of influence of digital technologies on cognitive processes are described, as well as the principles of digital leadership. The significance of digital management and the necessity of adapting governmental structures to the digital age are emphasized. Special attention is paid to the new opportunities and risks associated with digitization.

Key words: digital thinking, digital leadership, internet space, government management, cybersecurity, digitalization.

Pachina A.A.
A brief overview of cooperation between Russia and African countries in the military-political sphere of international relations (2019-2023)

The article overviews the increase in Russia's military and political influence in Africa in recent years. The author highlights the emergence of new partners of Russia on the continent, interested in strategic cooperation with it. The main factors stimulating this interaction are dissatisfaction with French influence, the success of Russian military operations in the region and the need for African countries to defend themselves. The further increase in Russia's military presence in Africa faces international and domestic political obstacles, which illustrates the complexity of the struggle for the influence of the great powers on the continent. The second part of the article raises the issue of the economic potential of cooperation between the countries of the continent and Russia, or rather the characteristic features of this cooperation and challenges. The author identifies and describes promising areas of cooperation, such as energy, food security exports and arms supplies.

Key words: international cooperation, Russia-Africa, military-political sphere, military operations, strategic cooperation, the economic sphere of cooperation, economic challenges, energy sphere, food security, arms supply.

Bykov N.R.
The geopolitical status of Taiwan: analysis of the key characteristics and the historical context

Modern international relations are characterized by significant inequality between countries due to differences in their geopolitical potential, territorial development and strategic goals. The article discusses various approaches to the formation of the term and its key characteristics, as well as provides an analysis of the geopolitical status of Taiwan in terms of the characteristics presented. The importance of the historical context is also emphasized in the analysis, as historical events and processes significantly affect the current geopolitical status of countries. Special attention is paid to the difficulties of determining the geopolitical status of Taiwan, which is a unique case due to conflicting international recognitions and the geopolitical interests of key players.

Key words: geopolitical status, geopolitical potential, geopolitical significance, geopolitical actors.

Zhou Xuanlin
Fuel and energy complex of Russia and the world economy

An analysis of the state of Russia's fuel and energy sector, the structure of the potential value of proven extractable mineral reserves, and the annual consumption of major types of mineral resources by countries worldwide has been conducted. The role of Russia's fuel and energy complex in the development of the Russian economy is highlighted. The interconnection between Russia's fuel and energy sector and the global economy is demonstrated, emphasizing the sector's significance in international trade. The fuel and energy sector is crucial for Russia's economic growth, as it not only provides essential energy resources for domestic consumption but also represents a major source of revenue through exports.

Key words: Russian fuel, Russian energy, world economy, Russian economic structure, energy exports.

Samsonov M.M.
Cooperation between China and East African countries within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative at the current stage of development

Recently, academic circles have paid rather little attention to cooperation between China and the countries of the East African Community. However, it seems quite important to highlight this region of Africa and separately analyze the prospects for the development of its cooperation with China.

In recent years, China has played an important role in the development of the entire African continent in general, and East Africa in particular. Through the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, large investment and infrastructure projects are being implemented in the countries of the East African Community, and alternative ideas and concepts for the development of the region are being created. China's views on global and regional development through the development of the BRI initiative are increasingly heard in the region, which makes the PRC an indispensable player with significant political and economic influence, thereby challenging traditional African partners.

Given the fact that Western states have so far been minimally involved in infrastructure development, EAC member states have adopted a “Look East” policy that favors China and its development initiatives. EAC states no longer need to rely on Western donors such as the European Union or the US, and Beijing is increasingly replacing them in many sectors.

In this regard, this article makes an attempt to consider the cooperation between China and East African countries within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, to become familiar with the main areas of cooperation, dynamics, prospects, to assess the benefits of all parties involved and to highlight those available today problems.

Key words: PRC, East Africa, EAC, “One Belt, One Road” initiative.

Bykov N.R., PhD student. Moscow State Linguistic University.
Gadzhieva R.G., Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department of National and Federal Relations of the Faculty of International Regional Studies and Regional Management, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
Lezina O.V., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Management, Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University.
Pachina A.A., Student. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Ethnosociety and Interethnic Culture".
Samsonov M.M., Senior Lecturer, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Sedov V.V., Graduate Student, St. Petersburg State University, Manager of Academic Affairs, Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, National Research University «Higher School of Economics and Management».
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University.
Zhou Xuanlin, Master. Moscow State University.