1. Submissions should be relevant and new, have scientific and practical significance.
2. The volume of materials should not exceed six (6) pages of typewritten text (for post-graduate students), and 10 (ten) pages of typewritten text (for doctoral candidates and doctors of science), with text type 14, line spacing 1.5. All sources should be supplied with bibliographic references.
3. Footnotes are placed per page.
4. The material should be supplied with an annotation in Russian and English (with volume no more than 1000 characters), author's translation of the title of the article, the name and surname of the author, a list of key words in the Russian and English languages, as well as a bibliography.
5. All presentations should be submitted in electronic form (as e-mail and directly on the media).
6. Be sure to specify the surname, name and the patronymic name of the author, their scientific degree, rank, position, the official name of the workplace, contact phones, full home address and email address.
7. A fee for the acceleration of the publication of the submitted manuscripts is not charged.
The basic conditions of the publication
If you are ready to send the article
These general requirements can be found practically in any edition.
1. All the materials submitted to the Editorial Board are checked for the presence of borrowings from public sources (simply speaking, plagiarism, the test is performed with the help of the system Texts where the borrowing index is more than 10% may not be published in the journal.
Make sure that your article contains more than 90% of the original text, thus you will save your and other people's time and relieve us from the unpleasant duty to point it out to you.
What can you do if you find a lot of loans in the text? It can be easily corrected. In the selected non-original parts of the text, leave only the most important quotations. Describe briefly in your own words the parts which were withdrawn.
2. Make a list of the keywords and the summary (a short text not more than 3-4 sentences (up to 500 characters). The purpose is to give the reader a brief idea of what your article is), translate the title of your article, summary and key words into RUSSIAN.
Фамилия Имя Отчество
Surname, Name, Patronymic Name
Иванов Петр Сергеевич
Ivanov Petr Sergeevich
Аспирант факультета Мировой экономики Академии народного хозяйства при Правительстве РФ, ведущий менеджер ООО «ОргСинтез»
graduate student of the faculty of World economy, of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, leading Manager of LLC «Orgsintez»
Почтовый адрес
Postal address
109559, Россия, г.Москва, ул. Белореченская, д. 1, кв. 125
109559, Russia, Moscow, Belorechenskaya Str., h. 1, 125 sq.
Контактный телефон и факс (с кодом страны и города)
Contact phone and Fax (with country and city code)
+7 (903) 215 8545 +7 (903) 215 8545 , +7(495) 234-1101 +7(495) 234-1101
+44 (20) 2158 5450
Адрес электронной почты
Email address
Желаемый месяц публикации
Desired publication month
December 2019
The order of reviewing of the manuscripts
1. All scientific articles, sent to the editors of the «Etnosotsium and ethnic culture», must be reviewed.
2. Production editor of the journal (Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board) defines if the article fits the journal’s profile and typescript requirements, then sends it for the first consideration to the editor-in-chief, who examines scientific context of the typescript and instructs to transfer the typescript to the specialist for review.
3. The members of the editorial Board, highly qualified scientists and specialists of the state educational institutions of higher education (doctors and professors, associate professors), state scientific institutions (academic institutions, libraries, museums), with the closest to the topic scientific specialization are involved as reviewers for peer-reviewing of the typescripts. The author or co-author of the book under review cannot be the reviewer.
4. Reviewing terms in each case are defined by the Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board of the journal (Production Editor) in order to create conditions for the most rapid publication of an article.
5. The reviewing is confidential. The information about the reviewer is anonymous for the authors; it is only for editors and commissions HAC. The author can read the text of the review.
6. If it’s necessary, the text of the review is sent to the author by e-mail or regular mail.
7. The presence of positive reviews is not sufficient for publication.
8. If the reviewer approved the article, but there are some comments, the text of the review is sent to the author confidentially. After the revision of the article getting the revised article from the author, the article is sent for retrial to the same reviewer.
9. In the case of a negative review the text of the review is confidentially sent to the author.
10. If the author sends a well-reasoned response to the comments of the reviewer, the article should be sent to a committee, which is created by way of exception from the three members of the editorial board.
11. The final decision on whether the publication is accepted by the editorial Board of the journal and is recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the editorial board.
12. After the editorial board makes a decision on the admission of the article for publication, executive secretary of the magazine informs the author and indicates dates of publication.
13. If there is a significant proportion of the criticism of the reviewer but there is an overall positive impression, the editorial board can put the article to the category of polemical materials and publish it in the order of scientific discussion.
14. In the case of deviations from published articles Executive Editor sends a note to the author within three working days.
15. The originals of the reviews are stored in the editorial office within five years from the date of publication and they are provided on request of an expert commission HAC RF.