Etnosocium №10 (196) 2024




Khubieva Z.A., Magulaeva A.A., Karaeva A.M. Some aspects of the evolution of morality in modern conditions
Logacheva E.A. Influence of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the development of cognitive functions of students
Starostina N.A. Mixed foreign language learning: principles, models and methods of effective implementation in the educational process at the University
Filippov S.V. Features of the formation of the assortment policy of trade enterprises
Eshchenko T.V., Skabe Y.A. The use of innovative technologies in the study of the discipline "engineering geology and soil mechanics"
Khubieva Z.A., Magulaeva A.A. Features of innovation activity as an economic and legal institution
Petrosyan F.A. Russia's national interests in the Arctic: conceptual and historical aspect
Meng Weihan The civil service systems of China and Russia at the current stage
Bairamkulova T.D., Batchaeva M.K., Gedieva T.K. The Star Chamber as an organ of emergency justice in early absolutism in England
Requirements to materials submitted to the international publishing house "Etnosocium"



Ryabova E.L.,  Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Ozerov V.A., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Representative public authority of the Khabarovsk region.
Zorin V.U., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Member of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation, Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher of the Center for Scientific Cooperation with Public Organizations, Mass Media and Government Authorities of the IEA named after N.N. Miklukho-Maclay RAS.
Bormotova T.M., Doctor of Sociology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry, Chief Researcher at the Research Center №1.
Yudina T.N., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor. Chief researcher at the Institute of Demographic Research of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Bakharev V.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.
Danakin N.S., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of The Belgorod State Technological University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of science of Russia, head of the Department of national and federal relations of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, member of the Council for Interethnic Relations of the President of the Russian Federation.
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, State Advisor of the 1st class.
Mihailova N.V., Professor of the Department of Political Analysis and Management PFUR, Doctor of Political Sciences.
Mikhaylenko A.N., Professor of International security and Russian foreign policy chair at the Department of national security, Institute of law and national security, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Staskov N.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, military and political expert, Lieutenant-General.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vassilevsky.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ilarionova T.S., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, General Director of the Institute of energy of knowledge.
Bakharev V.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of The Belgorod State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Remarchuk V.N., Dean of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Sciences», The Bauman University, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor.
Yudin V.I., Doctor of Political Sciences, international expert.
Gribanova G.I., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department international political processes of St. Petersburg State University.
Biryukov S.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, School of advanced international and area studies at the East China Normal University (ECNU) (Shanghai, China).
Gulzar Ibrahimova, Doctor of Political Sciences. Professor of the Omer Khalisdemir University, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti.
Hikmet Koras, Professor of the Omer Khalisdemir University. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti.




Khubieva Z.A.
Magulaeva A.A.
Karaeva A.M.
Some aspects of the evolution of morality in modern conditions

In the context of the reform of modern Russian society, the analysis of morality as an element of social regulation is a very urgent problem. In the work, the author reveals that morality is the most ancient form of social consciousness, and therefore it is difficult to distinguish moral relations from other forms of social consciousness in a «pure» form, because these relations are organically included in the fabric of all forms of spiritual relations. Therefore, morality began to act as an element of regulating the relationship of people in any sphere. But speaking about the relatively independent field of action of moral norms, we must talk about their main feature - the pervasive nature of morality in the most diverse areas of social relations. In particular, attention is focused on the fact that by making a moral choice of an act, a person forms a certain line of his behavior and the reciprocal tendency of other people's actions. The scientific novelty lies in the process of studying the stability and variability of moral experience in accordance with the requirements of the epoch of the development of new elements of moral norms.

Key words: individual, morality, self-esteem, self-regulation, behavior, needs, social relations.

Logacheva E.A.
Influence of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the development of cognitive functions of students

This article examines the effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on students' cognitive development. Omega-3 fatty acids derived from fish and plant sources play a key role in maintaining brain health and improving cognitive performance. The study aims to analyze the relationship between omega-3 consumption and measures of memory, attention and learning ability in students. The work would analyze the research in detail, revealing the positive effects of these acids on cognitive function. The results of the study may be of practical importance for the development of recommendations to optimize the nutrition of students in order to improve their academic performance and overall productivity.

Key words: omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), cognitive health of students, memory, attention, educational process, student youth, educational environment, health-saving education, physical culture and sport, healthy lifestyle.

Starostina N.A.
Mixed foreign language learning: principles, models and methods of effective implementation in the educational process at the University

The article reveals the concept of blended learning. The principles, models and methods of this type of training are analyzed. A study of the effectiveness of the introduction of blended learning into the educational process is described. The author reveals the positive and negative sides of blended learning, provides examples of ways out of difficult situations associated with its implementation.

Key words: blended learning, teacher-student interaction, principles, models and methods of blended learning.

Filippov S.V.
Features of the formation of the assortment policy of trade enterprises

The problems of managing the assortment policy of a trading enterprise are considered, the definitions of the assortment policy, the product as its element, the product range and its classification features are clarified. The stages of building the assortment matrix of a trading enterprise and the key vectors of managing the assortment policy of a trading enterprise in the long term are presented.

Key words: assortment policy, product, consumer properties, product range, product classifier, product items, assortment matrix, planogram, assortment minimum.

Eshchenko T.V.
Skabe Y.A.
The use of innovative technologies in the study of the discipline "engineering geology and soil mechanics"

This article analyzes the effectiveness of innovative methods in the study of disciplines. Interactive learning technologies act as an innovative approach. They are used to create laboratory and practical works with the help of computer technology and subsequent discussion of the results obtained. This allows making the learning process more interesting and intriguing for students.

Key words: innovative methods, interactive technologies, process, learning, laboratory work, practical work, discipline, study, development.

Khubieva Z.A.
Magulaeva A.A.
Features of innovation activity as an economic and legal institution

In the context of the reform of modern Russian society, the analysis of innovation activity and its legal regulation is a very urgent problem. Despite the apparent stability of the regulatory framework for innovation, this structure is subject to constant shocks. Scientific and technological progress generates more and more new challenges, to which participants in innovative activities have to look for worthy answers. In particular, attention is focused on the fact that nowadays innovations in various fields of science, technology, and production are in high demand, which requires appropriate legal regulation.

Key words: innovative activity, structural competitiveness, economic space, technologies, production, state, legal environment.

Petrosyan F.A.
Russia's national interests in the Arctic: conceptual and historical aspect

The article contains an analysis of the historical periods of Arctic development and Russia's interests at each stage in this region. The article also examines priority interest groups at each stage of the study. The work uses a specific historical approach, which made it possible to substantiate the periodization of Arctic development and research and determine priority areas for implementing Russian interests in the Arctic region at each stage.

Key words: Arctic, national interests, history, stages, concept.

Meng Weihan
The civil service systems of China and Russia at the current stage

This article is devoted to the analysis of the most characteristic features of the modern civil service system of China in comparison with the model of public service of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to cultural, historical, and institutional aspects influencing the structure and dynamics of civil service in both countries. The objective of the study is to identify key differences and similarities between the two systems and assess their development prospects. The article analyzes data reflecting the results of civil service reforms, such as corruption levels, management efficiency indicators, and the implementation of information technologies. Comparative analysis methods are employed, including the examination of legal acts and leading experts' publications. The study reveals that despite significant differences in approaches, both countries aim to establish an effective and transparent civil service system.

Key words: civil service, China, Russia, meritocracy, anti-corruption measures, ethics, political control, decentralization, professionalism, management technologies.

Bairamkulova T.D.
Batchaeva M.K.
Gedieva T.K.
The Star Chamber as an organ of emergency justice in early absolutism in England

The article analyzes the features of the evolution of the Star Chamber as a body of emergency justice of early absolutism, contributing to the strengthening of royal power. The jurisdiction of the Star Chamber is indicated, which covered criminal, civil cases, and also exercised civil jurisdiction with a special commercial bias. The difficulties of identifying the source of authority and function of the Star Chamber are explored.

Key words: Star Chamber, common law, common law courts, judicial powers, Privy Council Court, jurisdiction.

Bairamkulova T.D., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines of the North Caucasus State Academy.
Batchaeva M.K., PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Universal History Karachay-Cherkess State University named after U.D. Aliyev.
Eshchenko T.V., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Natural Sciences, Information Technology and Management, Kamensk Institute of Technology (branch) of the M.I. Platov YURSPU (NPI).
Filippov S.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences, Information Technologies and Management, Kamensk Technological Institute.
Gedieva T.K., Student, North Caucasus State Academy.
Karaeva A.M., Student. North Caucasus State Academy, Cherkessk.
Khubieva Z.A., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, North Caucasus State Academy, Cherkessk.
Logacheva E.A., Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Natural Sciences, Information Technology and Management, Kamensk Technological Institute.
Magulaeva A.A., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor. Karachay-Cherkess State University named after U.D. Aliyev, Karachaevsk.
Meng Weihan, Magistrant. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Petrosyan F.A., Applicant, Department of International Security and Foreign Policy of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Skabe Y.A., Student of the 4th course, construction direction of the Department of Natural Science Disciplines, Information Technologies and Management, Kamensky Technological Institute (branch) of Platov YRHPU(NPI).
Starostina N.A., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Natural Sciences, Information Technology and Management, Kamensk Technological Institute.