- Etnosocium
- The Power Of History
- Volume 10. Issue 7. (№57)
- Том 10. Часть 8. (№58)
- Volume 10. Issue 6. (№56)
- Volume 10. Issue 5. (№55)
- Volume 10. Issue 4. (№54)
- Volume 10. Issue 3. (№53)
- Volume 10. Issue 2. (№52)
- Volume 10. Issue 1. (№51)
- Volume 9. Issue 8. (№50)
- Volume 9. Issue 7. (№49)
- Volume 9. Issue 6. (№48)
- Volume 9. Issue 5. (№47)
- Volume 9. Issue 4. (№46)
- Volume 9. Issue 3. (№45)
- Volume 9. Issue 2. (№44)
- Volume 9. Issue 1. (№43)
- Volume 8. Issue 8. (№42)
- Volume 8. Issue 7. (№41)
- Volume 8. Issue 6. (№40)
- Volume 8. Issue 5. (№39)
- Volume 8. Issue 4. (№38)
- Volume 8. Issue 3. (№37)
- Volume 8. Issue 2. (№36)
- Volume 8. Issue 1. (№35)
- Volume 7. Issue 8. (№34)
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- Volume 7. Issue 6. (№32)
- Volume 7. Issue 5. (№31)
- Volume 7. Issue 4. (№30)
- Volume 7. Issue 3. (№29)
- Volume 7. Issue 2. (№28)
- Volume 7. Issue 1. (№27)
- Volume 6. Issue 8. (№26)
- Volume 6. Issue 7. (№25)
- Volume 6. Issue 6. (№24)
- Volume 6. Issue 5. (№23)
- Volume 6. Issue 4. (№22)
- Volume 6. Issue 3. (№21)
- Volume 6. Issue 2. (№20)
- Volume 6. Issue 1. (№19)
- Volume 5. Issue 4. (№18)
- Volume 5. Issue 3. (№17)
- Volume 5. Issue 2. (№16)
- Volume 5. Issue 1. (№15)
- Volume 4. Issue 4. (№14)
- Volume 4. Issue 3. (№13)
- Volume 4. Issue 2. (№12)
- Volume 4. Issue 1. (№11)
- Volume 3. Issue 4. (№10)
- Volume 3. Issue 3. (№9)
- Volume 3. Issue 2. (№8)
- Volume 3. Issue 1. (№7)
- Cultural World
- Mission confessions
- Almanac Crimea. Economics, innovation
Dolgenko A.N., Kosyreva M.S., Lytkina O.I. Implicit expression of causality in Russian
Murashko S.F., Rudakova S.V., Kosyreva M.S. Use of the suggestive method in teaching English
Anzina T.I., Strizhova E.V. Language training for customs specialists – enhancing capabilities
Batalov A.A., Seregina M.K. Ted Talks as a base for the study of the verbal linguistic specificity of public speaking
Vyshegorodtseva M.S. The impact of social media on young people
Ivanova A.P. Speech culture as a key competence of guides (guides)
Goltsov A.N. The problem of imperial integration in the relations between Great Britain and dominions in the first decades of the 20th century
58 |
Ryabova E.L., Ternovaya L.O. Islands and state borders: history, culture, clash of civilizations
70 |
Puzanov V.D. Formation of the Siberian corps in the 50s XVIII century
79 |
Ryzhakov D.G., Srednyak K.V., Zaitseva E.A. State and political crimes in pre-retvolutionary Russia: on the issue of concepts (according to the materials of the Russian historiography of late 19th - early 21th centuries)
89 |
He Yi Political life of Russia in the epoch of cultural crisis (late 19th - early 20th century)
97 |
Berestennikova E.A. Cooperative development in the Far Eastern Republic (1920-1922)
105 |
Dudzko A.D. Foreign historiography of the issue of western Belarus development within poland (1921-1939): scientific, cultural and university centres of foreign belarusian studies
115 |
Zubov A.Yu. Psychological portrait of an officer of the Russian Imperial Navy during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905
123 |
Kurylev S.A. “The big leap?” Transformation of the population’s nutrition in 1900-1930s
132 |
Li Zelin Russian journalism of the Decembrist movement era
143 |
Mukov M.I. Experience of preserving the native language in the Abaza diaspora in Turkey
150 |
Gelaeva Z.A. Priterechye is a zone of Chechen-Russian good-neighborly relations in the 18th-19th centuries
161 |
Deputy. Chief Editor and Project Manager:
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the history of Russian Ural Federal University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of National and Federal Relations of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
Dolgenko A.N., Doctor of Philology. Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages at the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Kovaleva N.A., Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University (PRC).
Kovaleva N.A., Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University (PRC).
Nenarokova M.R., Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, Leading Researcher, Department of Classical Literature of the West and Comparative Literature. Institute of World Literature RAN. Interpreter/Translator.
Nagornova E.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Nikashina N.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Klimenko D.A., Candidate of Philology, specialist in Italy.
Murashko S.F., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Ivakin G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert. Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education".
Naumova G.R., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the A.M. Vassilevsky Soviet Union.
Varsonofiev V.V., Candidate of Political Science, Military expert.
Chapkin S.V., Honorary Academician, President of the “Academy of Ecology and Law”.
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor.
Ignatov I.S., Candidate of Political Sciences, senior advisor of justice.
Vrajnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (MADI).
Honali Kurbonzoda, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Rector of the «National Institute of professional development and training of educators».
Platonova N.M., Doctor of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department “Theory and History of State and Law” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Far Eastern State University of Communications” (Khabarovsk).
Dolgenko A.N.
Kosyreva M.S.
Lytkina O.I.
Implicit expression of causality in Russian
Determination of causative relations is peculiar to human consciousness, so it is not surprising that language as a product of human mind reflects these relations. Causative relations in language can be expressed not only explicitly, i.e. verbally, but also implicitly, when the meaning of causality is complicated by non-causal semantic relations: expository, selective, conditional, etc. The definition of causality in the Russian language is not only explicit, i.e. verbal, but also implicit, when the meaning of causality is complicated by non-causal semantic relations. In this connection, it seems important to describe the markers of implicit expression of causality, which allow us to understand the real intention of the subject.
Key words: Russian grammar, causality, markers of implicit causality.
Murashko S.F.
Rudakova S.V.
Kosyreva M.S.
Use of the suggestive method in teaching English
The method of teaching by suggestion was proposed by psychotherapist G. Lozanov in the 1960s. It gave a new idea for the development of foreign language teaching. Suggestive method indicates that people are prone to suggestion, and positive suggestion can bring a person into a relaxed and the mind into an active state. A good physical and mental condition can enable learners to reach their full potential and enhance the effectiveness of foreign language learning.
Key words: suggestopedia, suggestive teaching method, methods of teaching foreign languages.
Anzina T.I.
Strizhova E.V.
Language training for customs specialists – enhancing capabilities
The article deals with the creation of a conceptually new dictionary for customs students in an intensive course of a second foreign language for professional purposes. The phenomena of full and partial equivalence of customs terms in English, German and French, which formed the basis for the dictionary classification of this electronic multilingual terminology dictionary in the customs sphere, are considered.
Key words: a second foreign language for professional purposes, customs terms, full and partial equivalence, multilingual terminology dictionary.
Batalov A.A.
Seregina M.K.
Ted Talks as a base for the study of the verbal linguistic specificity of public speaking
The article is devoted to the study of speech behaviour of speakers of popular science conferences in English of the TED Foundation from the point of view of linguistics. The main points under research are expressive linguistic potential at the lexical and grammatical levels and common verbal models of representation of the author's opinion in correlation with such extra-linguistic features as the speech portrait of the speaker and his communicative goals. The main focus of the research is to detect the typical speech linguistic features of TED Talks as a genre of public speaking.
Key words: speech behavior, expressive language potential, verbal model, speech portrait, speaker, communicative goals, public speaking.
Vyshegorodtseva M.S.
The impact of social media on young people
In modern world, social networks play an important role in the lives of young people, providing connections, the exchange of information and resources, as well as new opportunities for communication and self-expression. However, they also have a negative impact on young people, including addiction, negative effects on self-esteem and the formation of incorrect values. This article examines the influence of social networks on the formation of public opinion on the social issue of feminism.
Key words: youth, social networks, emotional state, positive and negative impact, feminism.
Ivanova A.P.
Speech culture as a key competence of guides (guides)
The article examines the importance of developing the skills of speech culture among guides (guides). The purpose of the article is to study and discuss the role and significance of speech culture for the professional activity of a guide. The article discusses the main aspects of speech culture, such as language skills, oratorical skills, the ability to adapt to the audience and effectively transmit information. The influence of speech culture on the quality and perception of excursions is analyzed, and also offers recommendations and practical advice on the development of this competence among guides. The article examines the main aspects of speech culture, such as grammatical correctness, lexical diversity, intelligibility and clarity of statements, adequacy of the use of speech means in various situations. The importance of the ability to adapt one's speech to different audiences and cultural characteristics of tourists is also emphasized.
A number of recommendations and practical exercises for the development of speech culture among guides are offered, including pronunciation training, vocabulary expansion, study of stylistic features of the language and the development of intercultural communication skills.
In conclusion, the article emphasizes that the development of the culture of speech is an integral aspect of the professional training of guides, providing them with effective interaction with tourists, improving the quality of services provided and creating a positive image both for the guides themselves and for the tourism industry as a whole.
Key words: guide, oral speech, written speech, literacy, logic, syntactic constructions, linguistic analysis of the text, control and individual texts of excursions, culture of speech, excursion audience.
Goltsov A.N.
The problem of imperial integration in the relations between Great Britain and dominions in the first decades of the 20th century
At the beginning of the 20th century the British imperial system found itself at a crossroads. On the one hand, the growth of economic power of colonies and dominions inevitably triggered centrifugal processes in the Empire; on the other hand, the desire of the metropolis to preserve the status quo as long as possible, delaying the granting of political rights and freedoms to colonial possessions and dominions, did not abate. By the outbreak of the First World War, various political figures in the empire were openly expressing views on the restructuring of the British state and the creation of a political system in which the colonies and dominions would have, if not all the rights of an independent state, then a very wide range of powers, allowing them to pursue an independent domestic and partly foreign policy. The discussion on the establishment of a so-called Imperial Federation received a new impetus. After the First World War, for the victory in which the colonies and dominions paid a high price, the process of their isolation became inevitable. Given the stated theme, the subject of the study is the process of separation of colonial possessions and dominions, the outcome of which was the transformation of the British imperial system into the British Commonwealth. Special attention is paid to the consideration of positions of political and public figures and their influence on the process of transformation of the British Empire.
Key words: British Empire, colonial policy, integration, colonies, dominions, World War I, Imperial Federation, British Commonwealth, League of Nations, Round Table, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South African Union.
Ryabova E.L.
Ternovaya L.O.
Islands and state borders: history, culture, clash of civilizations
The materials of the article significantly expand the subject field of limology, including not only geopolitical, but also civilizational issues, choosing the island model of state development as the object of analysis. This research approach is determined, firstly, by the fact that islands in different eras and in various conceptual constructions acted as a kind of model of effective public administration and a territory of a happy life. Secondly, in the last century, the island was clearly outlined in geopolitics as an element of the spatial axis and the concentration of the power supporting it. Thirdly, the most diverse examples of the existence of two states on an island or the location of a military base belonging to another state on the island territory of one state lay the foundations for the development of border problems into a civilizational confrontation.
Key words: state, history, culture, civilization, limology, border, island, geopolitics, military base.
Puzanov V.D.
Formation of the Siberian corps in the 50s XVIII century
By 1755 in Siberian Province there were Olonets, Vologda and Lutsk dragoon field regiments, and Siberian and Newly established garrison dragoon regiments. In addition, the Tobolsk, Yenisei, Yakutsk infantry garrison regiments and the Newly established infantry garrison battalion served in the Siberian province. In total, 10,447 men served in 8 regiments and a battalion. January 31, 1755 Brigadier Yakov Pavlutsky in a report to the Governor of Siberia Lieutenant-General V.A. Myatlev, proposed to replace the Siberian Garrison Regiment, which served on the Irtysh line, with an army dragoon regiment from the New Ishim line. Brigadier I. Kraft - commander of field regiments and lines of Siberia criticized this plan and reported valuable data on the situation of Russian troops in Siberia.
Key words: line, garrison gubernia soldiers dragoons brigadier.
Ryzhakov D.G.
Srednyak K.V.
Zaitseva E.A.
State and political crimes in pre-retvolutionary Russia: on the issue of concepts (according to the materials of the Russian historiography of late 19th - early 21th centuries)
The proposed article illustrates the differences in historiographical interpretations of the state and political crimes. The methodology of the article is based on a chronological study of relevant legislative and memoir sources, as well as specialized literature dedicated to the history of the state crimes. It concludes with the need for the further research and the using of the past experience to develop legal norms.
Key words: state crimes, political crimes, historiography, Russian Empire, history of Russia.
He Yi
Political life of Russia in the epoch of cultural crisis (late 19th - early 20th century)
This article raises the question of the influence of the cultural crisis that engulfed Russia in the late XIX and early XX century on the political events of that time, which ended with the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907. The author of the article considers the prerequisites for the activation of the revolutionary movement in the early twentieth century, the balance of political forces in Russia at that time and the role of the creative intelligentsia in the process of revolutionary struggle. The article concludes that the political processes taking place in the Russian society of that period are the result of the impact of the crisis of culture, which became a powerful catalyst for the rise of the revolutionary movement.
Key words: culture, crisis of culture, creative intelligentsia, revolutionary movement, working class, peasantry.
Berestennikova E.A.
Cooperative development in the Far Eastern Republic (1920-1922)
The implementation of the cooperative model during the Civil War and the intervention in the Russian Far East was an indicator of the universality of this form of social activity in a difficult historical period. In accordance with the buffer laws, cooperative organizations in the republic were created and operated under the conditions of an educated economic model of the DDA, based on a multicultural economy, as well as including several forms of ownership - public, private and cooperative. A special economic model was created in the Far Eastern Republic, which included the following elements: state ownership of land, subsoil, forests, and waters; a variety of forms of ownership - state, cooperative, and private; a multicultural economy; freedom of producers, entrepreneurship, and trade; and economic independence of local administrative units. Cooperation, as an important component of the economic life of the buffer state, played an important role in the main directions of the economic policy of the DDA: collection of state tax by consumer organizations, participation in measures to overcome the food crisis. Such a picture developed in 1920-1922, where cooperative societies played a special role in the development of the economic life of the region. The article presents the characteristics of the main areas of cooperation in the Far Eastern Republic.
Key words: cooperation, consumer societies, commercial cooperation, credit cooperation, agricultural cooperation, cooperative system, cooperative model.
Dudzko A.D.
Foreign historiography of the issue of western Belarus development within poland (1921-1939): scientific, cultural and university centres of foreign belarusian studies
The article examines the place, relative importance and the degree to which the history of socio-political life of Western Belarus within Poland (1921-1939) in the Belarusian studies of the scientific and cultural institutions in Great Britain, Germany and France in the sec. half of the XX - early XXI cen. is developed. The article identifies the factors that influenced the formation of the traditions of Belarusian studies in Western Europe. The leading scientific institutions and researchers, in the creative heritage of which the problem has been given a certain prominence, have been outlined.
Key words: historiography, Western Belarus, foreign Belarusian studies, centres of Western European Belarusian studies, Belarusian diaspora, Slavic scholars.
Zubov A.Yu.
Psychological portrait of an officer of the Russian Imperial Navy during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905
The article describes some of the events of the early twentieth century, or rather, military operations between Russia and Japan in the period 1904-1905. In the context of the study of these events, the author assesses the moral, business and professional state of the imperial naval officer corps, while at the same time paying attention to the personal qualities of some officers who took part in this war. To a large extent, the author tries to emphasize the peculiarities of the individual condition of naval officers, their qualities, as well as individual traits and character traits manifested during the conduct of naval battles. The author, assessing the position and degree of influence of such officers on specific situations in battles, determines the reasons for their competent and selfless actions, thereby pointing out the main personal psychological components of the officers of the fleet of that time period.
Key words: war, Russia, Japan, naval corps, honor, dignity, history, imperial fleet.
Kurylev S.A.
“The big leap?” Transformation of the population's nutrition in 1900-1930s
The article examines the nutrition of the population of the Russian Empire and the USSR in the period of 1900-1930s, which is one of the traditional indicators of the well-being of the population. For the analysis, the materials of budget surveys of the population and calculations of caloric content undertaken by Russian and foreign historians are used. For the first time, data on the nutrition of engineering and technical workers (ITR) and employees from the funds of the Russian State Archive of Economics (RSAE) are introduced into scientific circulation. The calorie content per full consumer (adult eater) for various social groups is calculated, taking into account the characteristics of their professional activities. The results reflect the nature of the socio-economic changes that took place in Russia in the first third of the 20th century.
Key words: nutrition, caloric content, workers, collective farmers, engineers and employees, standard of living in Russia and the USSR, consumption, 1930s, welfare.
Li Zelin
Russian journalism of the Decembrist movement era
This article analyzes such an interesting and little-studied period in the history of Russian journalism as the publishing activity of the Decembrists' movement participants, whose advanced ideas were put in the form of journalistic journalism. The article reveals the structure and content of four journals created by the future Decembrists - “Competitor of Enlightenment and Beneficence”, “Nevsky Spectator”, “Mnemosina” and “Polar Star”. The author of the article concludes that all these journals promoted the revolutionary and liberation program of the Decembrists and the literary figures of that epoch sympathetic to them. The distinctive feature of these four journals is the emphasis on the national literature of Russia, saturated with high civil pathos, as well as a sharp criticism of the self-power and political regime.
Key words: Decembrists, Decembrists' publishing activities, secret societies, censorship, Polar Star almanac.
Mukov M.I.
Experience of preserving the native language in the Abaza diaspora in Turkey
The article attempts to reveal the factors of preserving the native language of the Abazins living in Turkey. The Abazins, who settled in Turkey mainly as a result of the mass exodus following the Caucasian War of 1817-1864, managed to preserve their national identity and one of its markers - their native language, which is confirmed by Russian, Abkhaz and Turkish researchers. Various factors influenced the purity of the native language and the degree of its use, nevertheless its role remains very significant for the Abazin people.
Turkey's course towards European integration, which led the authorities to understand the need to recognize the Caucasian peoples "by name", the Georgian-Abkhazian War of 1992-1993 and the subsequent international recognition of the state of Abkhazia were a catalyst for the growth of ethnic self-awareness, which determined the exit of representatives of individual peoples from the Circassian (North Caucasian) organizations in Turkey, and the subsequent creation of ethnic public structures, including Abazin ones. Among other things, this led to the intensification of activities aimed at preserving and developing the native Abaza language.
Key words: Abaza, Abazins, Abkhazfed, Alashara, Diaspora, Dernek, Kaffed, Türkiye, Language.
Gelaeva Z.A.
Priterechye is a zone of Chechen-Russian good-neighborly relations in the 18th-19th centuries
In Russia, due to the fact that it is a multinational country, the topic of interethnic relations remains relevant not only in the past, but also in the present. It is very important to maintain peace and stability in the multinational regions of the country to rely on positive examples of the past, when peoples, regardless of the policies pursued by the authorities, themselves built their relations on the basis of life-affirming folk customs and traditions that they carried through the centuries. The article shows the role of the Chechen Priterechye region as a zone of friendly, good neighborly relations between Chechens and Cossacks, where economic, cultural mutual enrichment and mutual influence of neighboring peoples shared by the Terek took place. In our article, we set a goal to show the formation of the Chechen-Cossack population of the Terek region, examples from the history of relations between Chechens and Cossacks, how the peoples of the Terek region, relying on the traditions of kunakism and hospitality, coexisted in friendship and good neighborliness. Analysis of the sources and literature used led us to the conclusion that the Chechens and Cossacks, living in the neighborhood, mutually influenced each other and were in ethnocultural, trade relations, etc. When studying this problem, we were guided by the methods of historical science, the principles of objectivity, and historicism.
Key words: Preterechye, upper-twilight Chechens, Cossacks, villages, kunachestvo, good-neighborly relations.
Anzina T.I., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
Batalov A.A., PhD, Assistant Professor. Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Berestennikova E.A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk.
Dolgenko A.N., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, A.Ya. Sukharev Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Dudzko A.D., Candidate of History, Associate Professor, Yanka Kupala Grodno State University.
Gelaeva Z.A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Chechen State University named after A.A. Kadyrov, leading research fellow, Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic.
Goltsov A.N., Postgraduate student, Institute of History and Law, K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University.
He Yi, Master. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Ivanova A.P., Assistant. Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Peoples of the North-East of the Russian Federation. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov", Yakutsk.
Kosyreva M.S., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Order of Zhukov Novosibirsk Military National Guard Troops Institute.
Kurylev S.A., PhD student. St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Li Zelin, Master. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Lytkina O.I., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. A.Ya. Sukharev Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Murashko S.F., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor. Sukharev Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee.
Mukov M.I., Graduate Student, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center «Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences», Russia, Nalchik.
Puzanov V.D., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. State Pedagogic University.
Rudakova S.V., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Docent. Sukharev Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee.
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Ethnosociety and Interethnic Culture".
Ryzhakov D.G., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Novgorod State Technical University name after R.E. Alekseev.
Seregina M.K., Master’s Degree Student. Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Srednyak K.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Novgorod State Technical University name after R.E. Alekseev.
Strizhova E.V., Senior lecturer of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Vyshegorodtseva M.S., Master. Russian State Social University.
Zaitseva E.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. Head of the Depart-ment of Public Relations, Marketing and Communication, Novgorod State Technical University name after R.E. Alekseev.
Zubov A.Yu., Senior Lecturer. St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation A.A. Novikov.