- Etnosocium
- The Power Of History
- Volume 10. Issue 7. (№57)
- Volume 10. Issue 6. (№56)
- Volume 10. Issue 5. (№55)
- Volume 10. Issue 4. (№54)
- Volume 10. Issue 3. (№53)
- Volume 10. Issue 2. (№52)
- Volume 10. Issue 1. (№51)
- Volume 9. Issue 8. (№50)
- Volume 9. Issue 7. (№49)
- Volume 9. Issue 6. (№48)
- Volume 9. Issue 5. (№47)
- Volume 9. Issue 4. (№46)
- Volume 9. Issue 3. (№45)
- Volume 9. Issue 2. (№44)
- Volume 9. Issue 1. (№43)
- Volume 8. Issue 8. (№42)
- Volume 8. Issue 7. (№41)
- Volume 8. Issue 6. (№40)
- Volume 8. Issue 5. (№39)
- Volume 8. Issue 4. (№38)
- Volume 8. Issue 3. (№37)
- Volume 8. Issue 2. (№36)
- Volume 8. Issue 1. (№35)
- Volume 7. Issue 8. (№34)
- Volume 7. Issue 7. (№33)
- Volume 7. Issue 6. (№32)
- Volume 7. Issue 5. (№31)
- Volume 7. Issue 4. (№30)
- Volume 7. Issue 3. (№29)
- Volume 7. Issue 2. (№28)
- Volume 7. Issue 1. (№27)
- Volume 6. Issue 8. (№26)
- Volume 6. Issue 7. (№25)
- Volume 6. Issue 6. (№24)
- Volume 6. Issue 5. (№23)
- Volume 6. Issue 4. (№22)
- Volume 6. Issue 3. (№21)
- Volume 6. Issue 2. (№20)
- Volume 6. Issue 1. (№19)
- Volume 5. Issue 4. (№18)
- Volume 5. Issue 3. (№17)
- Volume 5. Issue 2. (№16)
- Volume 5. Issue 1. (№15)
- Volume 4. Issue 4. (№14)
- Volume 4. Issue 3. (№13)
- Volume 4. Issue 2. (№12)
- Volume 4. Issue 1. (№11)
- Volume 3. Issue 4. (№10)
- Volume 3. Issue 3. (№9)
- Volume 3. Issue 2. (№8)
- Volume 3. Issue 1. (№7)
- Cultural World
- Mission confessions
- Almanac Crimea. Economics, innovation
Shandala V.S., Stanchuliak T.G. Linguo-stylistic means of influence in advertising of children goods
Ryabova E.L., Ternovaya L.O. «We cannot predict how our word will respond»: to the 75th anniversary of Winston Churchill’s Fulton speech
122 |
Golovanov M.V. Formation of the exclave status of east Prussia prior to the reign of king Frederick II of Prussia
133 |
Vedekhov A.V., Ternovaya L.O. The magic of the past in the form of historical aircraft
141 |
Pisarenko I.S., Sheludyakov I.F. The battle of the black sea squadron with the German-Turkish ships at cape Sarych in november 1914 |
Lobanov D.A., Nikitin A.Y., Nikitina N.N. Charitable activities of the Department of Empress Maria Feodorovna in the field of education
Sheludyakov I.F., Pisarenko I.S. Action of the black sea fleet in the Trapezund operation of the Caucasian army
Gavrilyuk N.P. Features of reflection of spatial and temporal representations of the residents of kaluga province in traditional household culture |
Ternovaya L.O. Geopolitics in Chrematonymy
Deputy. Chief Editor and Project Manager:
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the history of Russian Ural Federal University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of science of Russia, Head of the Department of political analysis and management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Ivakin G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert.
Dobrov P.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician, member of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Academy of Historical Sciences, Dean of the Historical Faculty of Donetsk National University, Honored worker of education of Ukraine.
Dolgenko A.N., Doctor of Philology. Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages at the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Naumova G.R., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the A.M. Vassilevsky Soviet Union.
Varsonofiev V.V., Candidate of Political Science, Military expert.
Chapkin S.V., Honorary Academician, President of the “Academy of Ecology and Law”.
Kondratyev V.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Center for retraining and advanced training of universities IDPO FGBOU "KNITU" (Kazan National Research Technological University).
Vlasov V.I., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, State Advisor of the 3rd class.
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor.
Ignatov I.S., Candidate of Political Sciences, senior advisor of justice.
Vrajnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (MADI).
Tihonov A.K., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of History, Archeology and Local History of the Humanitarian Institute of the Vladimir State University, chairman of the Union of Local History of the Vladimir region.
Konuchenko A.I., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History of Russia and foreign countries of Chelyabinsk State University.
Honali Kurbonzoda, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Rector of the «National Institute of professional development and training of educators».
Platonova N.M., Doctor of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department “Theory and History of State and Law” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Far Eastern State University of Communications” (Khabarovsk).
Klimenko D.A., Candidate of Philology, specialist in Italy.
Nagornova E.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Nikashina N.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Shandala V.S.
Stanchuliak T.G.
Linguo-stylistic means of influence in advertising of children goods
The article reflects the results of the research that aimed at studying the specifics of using various linguistic and stylistic means in advertising texts designed for children’s audience. In the course of the research, we considered the ways of language influence on potential consumers and the means of speech manipulation of children whose psycholinguistic perception peculiarities differ from the adult audience.
Key words: advertising text, language influence, linguostylistic means, persuasive effect.
Ryabova E.L.
Ternovaya L.O.
"We cannot predict how our word will respond": to the 75th anniversary of Winston Churchill's Fulton speech
The article is devoted to the problem of the beginning of the Cold War, which is associated with the speech of Sir Winston Churchill, delivered at Westminster College in the small American city of Fulton on March 5, 1946. The British politician did not say the word "cold war" in it. But, despite their absence, it was this speech that marked the transition from the still possible cooperation of the former allies in the Anti-Hitler coalition during the Second World War to open geopolitical rivalry and often specially accentuated expressions of hostility. At the same time, the message of that speech, which was to prevent the cold war from escalating into a hot one, was preserved in the relations of international actors.
Key words: history, international relations, geopolitics, political rhetoric, cold war.
Golovanov M.V.
Formation of the exclave status of east Prussia prior to the reign of king Frederick II of Prussia
The article examines the position of the state of East Prussia in the historical period preceding the reign of Frederick II. The author identifies the causes and consequences of the existing territorial disunity, and also points to the well-grounded nature of the actions of the ruling monarchy of the Hohenzollerns, which had a noticeable impact on European history in the period of the 17th - 18th centuries. The performed historical analysis allows us to assess the initial stage of the activities of Frederick II, after he came to power.
Key words: Frederick II, Hohenzollern dynasty, Frederick I, exclave, Brandenburg - Prussia, Union of Northern Powers.
Vedekhov A.V.
Ternovaya L.O.
The magic of the past in the form of historical aircraft
The article raises a problem that has not only technical, geopolitical, historical, but also romantic aspects, since it is associated with the realization of a person's long-standing dream - to rise into the sky. In each historical period in the realization of this dream, its own characteristics prevailed. Now, when, thanks to the development of aviation technology, flights have become available to the vast majority of people, one of the first plans is to preserve the memory of how outstanding inventors created the first aircraft, how they changed the picture of the world and human self-awareness. Numerous aviation museums have largely taken care of preserving this memory. The ongoing process of a more active attitude of people towards the preservation of heritage has resulted in the practice of museification, which is understood as the transformation of something of historical, artistic or other value into an object of display, and has also affected historical aircraft. Their search and restoration are becoming a process that captivates an increasing number of enthusiasts. This activity has not only general cultural, but also geopolitical significance.
Key words: history, aviation, invention, aircraft, airships, museums, historical reconstruction.
Pisarenko I.S.
Sheludyakov I.F.
The battle of the black sea squadron with the German-Turkish ships at cape Sarych in november 1914
The article analyzes the course and results of the squadron battle from the perspective of the implementation of the strategic and tactical plans of the Russian and German-Turkish naval command to achieve a one-time and final total superiority in the Black Sea in a single general squadron battle.
Key words: navy, squadron, battleship, battleship, cruiser, destroyer, minelayer, admiral, captain, sailor, turret weapon, side gun, military strategy and tactics.
Lobanov D.A.
Nikitin A.Y.
Nikitina N.N.
Charitable activities of the Department of Empress Maria Feodorovna in the field of education
Today in our society a significant part of the population needs charitable assistance from the state and public organizations. Unfortunately, the pandemic has greatly increased the need for such assistance. In these conditions, the experience of organizing and providing charitable assistance that existed in pre-revolutionary Russia can be studied and successfully applied in various spheres of our modern life, in particular, in the field of education and trusteeship. The main role in educational and charitable activities in the Russian Empire was played by the Department of Empress Maria Feodorovna.
The article discusses in detail the origin of the Office of Empress Maria Feodorovna, the main directions and forms of its activities in the field of education, changes in its functioning in connection with the reforms in the country in the 60-70s of the XIX century. The Department played a significant role in the development of female education in Russia.
On the example of the institutions of this Department in the Kaluga province, the system of organizing charitable activities in the field of education in the province is considered.
Key words: charity, women's education, Department of Empress Maria Feodorovna, guardianship, Kaluga province, Malyutin brothers.
Sheludyakov I.F.
Pisarenko I.S.
Action of the black sea fleet in the Trapezund operation of the Caucasian army
The victorious offensive operation of the Russian Caucasian Army reliably secured its position on the right flank of the Russian-Turkish front. A huge role in achieving the stunning success of the Russian troops over the superior enemy forces was played by the Black Sea Fleet, which blocked the Turkish squadron in the Bosphorus region, cut off the supply of industry and the army from the Zenguldan coal basin, and the Turkish land forces from the seaports, suppressed the coastal batteries of the Turks with its crushing fire and their firing positions in fortified areas deep in strategic defense in places of road communications, cutting off the routes for the supply of weapons, ammunition and food. The Black Sea Fleet ensured the unhindered transportation of a large-scale transfer of all types of troops to reinforce the Caucasian army, fully supplying it with ammunition, weapons and food, which ensured its strategic dominance in the area of the Turks' stronghold - Erzerum.
Key words: strategic initiative in the landing of all combat arms, naval blockade of the enemy coast, transport domination of the Russian fleet in the waters of the Turkish Black Sea naval and transport fleets.
Gavrilyuk N.P.
Features of reflection of spatial and temporal representations of the residents of Kaluga Province in traditional household culture
The article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical base in the field of interpretation of the concepts of space and time, revealing the peculiarities of the folding of space-time representations among the inhabitants of the Kaluga province. Based on the results of field research by the correspondents of the Ethnographic Bureau of Prince Tenishev, an attempt was made to comprehensively analyze the influence of elements of traditional everyday culture on the formation of ideas about space and time among peasants and townspeople. When drawing a parallel between the results of the studies of Edward Twitchell Hall in the 20th and the data of the 19th century for the Kaluga province, common features and characteristics were identified that are directly subordinate to the cultural spatio-temporal model, which is formed under the influence of geographic, climatic, religious, socio-economic, traditional household and etc. factors.
Key words: space, time, proxemics, traditional culture, Kaluga province, chronology.
Ternovaya L.O.
Geopolitics in Chrematonymy
The article introduces such a little-known section of onomastics as chrematonymy, devoted to the study of the names of proper objects of material culture. Chrematonyms clearly record the achievements of mankind in invention, construction, military affairs, sports, culture, etc. Each of these achievements can be both a source of pride for its creators, and an instrument of geopolitical propaganda, for which one does not need to use the object itself, but suffice it to mention its chrematonym.
Key words: linguistics, onomastics, chrematonymy, history, geopolitics, culture.
Gavrilyuk N.P., Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of the Institute of History and Law, Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University.
Golovanov M.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Political Processes Management and History, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University.
Lobanov D.A., Master's student at the Institute of History and Law, Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University. Priest, Secretary of the Diocesan Council of the Kaluga Diocese.
Nikitin A.Y., Senior teacher of the department Informatics and Information Technologies of Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University.
Nikitina N.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department. History of Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University.
Pisarenko I.S., Candidate of historical science, Docent, Department of History, Kaluga Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Ryabova E.L., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, International Publishing Center.
Shandala V.S., Master’s Degree Student. The Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Sheludyakov I.F., Master of History, Arch-priest, The rector of the Church named after Saint martyr Augustine Kaluzhsky.
Stanchuliak T.G., Candidate of philological sciences (PhD in Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages in Theory and Practice, Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Vedekhov A.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Vice-President of the Regional Public Foundation for the Support of a Healthy Lifestyle, Sports and Tourism.