- Etnosocium
- The Power Of History
- Volume 10. Issue 7. (№57)
- Volume 10. Issue 6. (№56)
- Volume 10. Issue 5. (№55)
- Volume 10. Issue 4. (№54)
- Volume 10. Issue 3. (№53)
- Volume 10. Issue 2. (№52)
- Volume 10. Issue 1. (№51)
- Volume 9. Issue 8. (№50)
- Volume 9. Issue 7. (№49)
- Volume 9. Issue 6. (№48)
- Volume 9. Issue 5. (№47)
- Volume 9. Issue 4. (№46)
- Volume 9. Issue 3. (№45)
- Volume 9. Issue 2. (№44)
- Volume 9. Issue 1. (№43)
- Volume 8. Issue 8. (№42)
- Volume 8. Issue 7. (№41)
- Volume 8. Issue 6. (№40)
- Volume 8. Issue 5. (№39)
- Volume 8. Issue 4. (№38)
- Volume 8. Issue 3. (№37)
- Volume 8. Issue 2. (№36)
- Volume 8. Issue 1. (№35)
- Volume 7. Issue 8. (№34)
- Volume 7. Issue 7. (№33)
- Volume 7. Issue 6. (№32)
- Volume 7. Issue 5. (№31)
- Volume 7. Issue 4. (№30)
- Volume 7. Issue 3. (№29)
- Volume 7. Issue 2. (№28)
- Volume 7. Issue 1. (№27)
- Volume 6. Issue 8. (№26)
- Volume 6. Issue 7. (№25)
- Volume 6. Issue 6. (№24)
- Volume 6. Issue 5. (№23)
- Volume 6. Issue 4. (№22)
- Volume 6. Issue 3. (№21)
- Volume 6. Issue 2. (№20)
- Volume 6. Issue 1. (№19)
- Volume 5. Issue 4. (№18)
- Volume 5. Issue 3. (№17)
- Volume 5. Issue 2. (№16)
- Volume 5. Issue 1. (№15)
- Volume 4. Issue 4. (№14)
- Volume 4. Issue 3. (№13)
- Volume 4. Issue 2. (№12)
- Volume 4. Issue 1. (№11)
- Volume 3. Issue 4. (№10)
- Volume 3. Issue 3. (№9)
- Volume 3. Issue 2. (№8)
- Volume 3. Issue 1. (№7)
- Cultural World
- Mission confessions
- Almanac Crimea. Economics, innovation
Rezepova N.V. Indications of tactile behavior of communicants in the English-speaking linguistic and cultural area: functional and lexical aspects
Lukina M.N. On some issues of the national specificity of language in the perception of the worldview
Song Yong Il Morphological and syntactic properties of the conjunction that...that
Ivanova M.E., Chubarova Yu.E. Conciliarity as the social foundation for sovereignty, citizenship and patriotism
Huang Xiangyuan On the issue of dialectal dictionaries
Kropta O.A., Shagina Y.V. Digital technologies in teaching humanities disciplines
Kiryukhin D.V., Polozova V.P., Starkova E.A., Egorova L.V., Gavrilova Y.V. Possibilities of dialogue in the media space on the example of the author’s project “chronica magistri”
Gubkina V.S. From the history of research of semantic types of predicate
Kobzeva O.V., Fedorova E.L., Chistyakova N.A. Semantic universals and specific national features of phraseological units with the component “soul” and “heart” in French, English and Russian
Rasul Fryad Ismail Rasul Reaction to the Iraqi Kurdistan referendum in the Russian media
Darenskaia I.V. “Dialogue with the people” in the context of mobilization mechanisms in the industrial cities of the Urals during the period of the “great turning point”
95 |
Harutyunyan M.N., Darmilova E.N., Urchukova S.R. Problems of formation and development of Russian public thought at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries
103 |
Narcissus M.S. The private life of the rural (white) clergy of the Vologda Diocese in the XVII century
111 |
Gorokhov V.M. On the issue of distorting the text of the Verdict of the International Military Tribunal in the Collections of Materials «Nuremberg Trials»
119 |
Alaa Alshikh, Vorozheykina T.M. Essay on the history of agricultural accounting
130 |
Bedretdinova L.N. Solovyov’s foreign trip in 1842-1844
138 |
Patrakeev A.V. The activity of factory inspectors in Russia at the beginning of the ХХ-th century
147 |
Feklistova I.V., Bogdanov S.V. Motivation of active collaborators in the soviet territory occupied by the German invaders (based on the materials of the criminal cases of the USSR KGB in the Belgorod Region)
156 |
Eshmatova G.B. Deputies from the Altai Republic in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
165 |
Kryzhanovskiy A.V. The USA and EU: ordeal by bananas (glimpses of the history of American-European trade conflicts)
176 |
Tape G.D., Duvu P.M. Reasons for the ineffectiveness of international organisations in resolving crises in Africa: the case of ECOWAS
191 |
Ngoye S.T. Evolution of Russia’s policy towards Central African
203 |
Zhu Wenqing Actual issues of international policy in the context of globalization processes
216 |
Krestovnikov V.A. Ancient German religious transformation
224 |
Deputy. Chief Editor and Project Manager:
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the history of Russian Ural Federal University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of National and Federal Relations of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
Dolgenko A.N., Doctor of Philology. Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages at the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Kovaleva N.A., Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University (PRC).
Kovaleva N.A., Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University (PRC).
Nenarokova M.R., Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, Leading Researcher, Department of Classical Literature of the West and Comparative Literature. Institute of World Literature RAN. Interpreter/Translator.
Nagornova E.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Nikashina N.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Klimenko D.A., Candidate of Philology, specialist in Italy.
Murashko S.F., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Ivakin G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert. Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education".
Naumova G.R., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the A.M. Vassilevsky Soviet Union.
Varsonofiev V.V., Candidate of Political Science, Military expert.
Chapkin S.V., Honorary Academician, President of the “Academy of Ecology and Law”.
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor.
Ignatov I.S., Candidate of Political Sciences, senior advisor of justice.
Vrajnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (MADI).
Honali Kurbonzoda, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Rector of the «National Institute of professional development and training of educators».
Platonova N.M., Doctor of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department “Theory and History of State and Law” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Far Eastern State University of Communications” (Khabarovsk).
Rezepova N.V.
Indications of tactile behavior of communicants in the English-speaking linguistic and cultural area: functional and lexical aspects
This article aims to study haptic indications that verbalize the tactile behavior of characters in communicative acts in English prose text. The functional potential of linguistic means that nominate situations of tactile behavior, weakening or strengthening the process of communicative communication is analyzed. A morphosyntagmatic analysis of haptic intications is carried out in order to establish the frequency of types of syntagmas in the structure of the sentence. Particular attention is paid to the review of the linguistic spectrum of communicative-tactile markers.
Key words: nonverbal semiotics, haptic indications, communicative-tactile markers, functional potential, literary communication, language spectrum, morphosyntagmatic analysis.
Lukina M.N.
On some issues of the national specificity of language in the perception of the worldview
The article is devoted to the problem of mutual understanding between peoples, the difficulties of clashing belief between cultures, the influence of grammar on the formation of personality and national character.
Key words: variety of linguistic means, national character, system of means expression, perception of the worldview, dialog between two cultures, native language, linguistic personality.
Song Yong Il
Morphological and syntactic properties of the conjunction that...that
In modern realities, interest in Russian as a foreign language is growing due to the strengthening of Russia in the international arena, the elevation of its status in the sphere of politics, economics, science and technology. Foreign students want to study in Russia, global business tends to move closer to Russian enterprises, and accordingly, the Russian language is gradually acquiring international status.
It is worth noting that the Russian language is multifaceted, interesting, beautiful, but one of the most difficult languages in the world. Its inflectional nature, as well as an extensive system of cases, synonymous-antonymic paradigms and tropes makes it extremely difficult for a foreign listener to understand. In addition, the variety of unions is also difficult material for foreigners who want to master the Russian language at a high professional level.
The relevance of this article lies in the urgent need to study the morphological and syntactic characteristics of conjunctions for a better perception of Russian-language material by foreign students.
The subject of the study is the conjunction that...that in the Russian language.
The object of the work is the morphological and syntactic characteristics of the conjunction that...that.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the qualitative description of the above characteristics of the union that...that for a better perception of the material by foreign listeners.
The practical significance of the work is represented by the possibility of using the work materials in the academic process of teaching foreigners the Russian language.
Key words: conjunctions, morphological-syntactic characteristics, speech, foreign listeners, perception, assimilation, paradigm, development.
Ivanova M.E.
Chubarova Yu.E.
Conciliarity as the social foundation for sovereignty, citizenship and patriotism
Conciliarity is one of the key features of the traditional culture of Russia. It is unprecedented in the western cultures. The article aims at analyzing the origins and development of the scope of the notion. The article argues the purpose of conciliarity is to unite people by introducing common social ideal. The conciliarity understood as such underlies the formation of citizenship and patriotism. First of all, it includes such notions as sovereignty and patriotism. The article reveals the scope of the relative notions of conciliarity, sovereignty, citizenship, and patriotism. The article analyzes the approaches of the leading domestic researchers to conciliarity and sovereignty.
Key words: patriotism, conciliarity, social ideal, sovereignty, citizenship.
Huang Xiangyuan
On the issue of dialectal dictionaries
In the modern world, learning a language is one of the most important tasks. However, when studying linguistic material, we are faced with the problem of understanding its meaning and context. There is a need to create tools that will help us more deeply understand language and its dialectal features.
Dialectal dictionaries are a special type of lexicographic reference books that include terms and definitions related to dialectology, which provides linguistic features depending on the region of operation of a particular language. The issue of dialectal dictionaries is relevant and interesting, since they represent a tool for understanding and analyzing complex and contradictory phenomena in various areas of linguistic knowledge, thus being a solution for a deeper study of language. In this paper we will consider the issue of dialectal dictionaries and their role in language learning.
The relevance of the study lies in the growing interest to languages and their dialects, the peculiarities of their functioning in the context of language systems, as well as in the description of all linguistic features in dialectal dictionaries.
The subject of the study is dialectal dictionaries, their features and purpose.
The novelty of the work lies in the description of the formation of such dictionaries in a comparative manner, their historical development, and purpose in modern realities.
The practical significance of the study is represented by the possibility of using the material and recommendations specified in the work in the educational process and research practices.
Key words: dialectal dictionary, dialectology, comparison, history, linguistic categories, development.
Kropta O.A.
Shagina Y.V.
Digital technologies in teaching humanities disciplines
The article discusses the term "digital technologies". The authors conclude that information technologies in modern education can be considered "a fundamental moment in the teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines, since they improve the quality of education, as well as reduce the time spent studying these disciplines." The authors are convinced that teaching disciplines of the humanities cycle is an important part of those processes that lead to the formation of a cultural structure in the social potential as an educational institution.
The authors came to the conclusion that modern IT technologies contribute to the emergence of new directions in humanitarian education. This process meets the requirements of modern education, where everyone must not only possess knowledge, but also acquire it independently. The process of informatization is the main mechanism that allows us to implement a new educational model in humanitarian education. We can conclude that IT technologies occupy a significant place in modern humanitarian education, which is manifested in the appearance of software products, the acquisition by students of modern tools that contribute to improving the quality of research in the field of humanities.
Key words: IT technologies, humanities, digitalization, informatization, modernization of education, methods, mechanisms.
Kiryukhin D.V.
Polozova V.P.
Starkova E.A.
Egorova L.V.
Gavrilova Y.V.
Possibilities of dialogue in the media space on the example of the author’s project “chronica magistri”
The article examines the problem of the relationship between a modern teacher and his students in the media space of the social network “Vkontakte” when conducting the author’s project “Chronica Magistri”, which is a public page which content analyzes mistakes made, draws attention to the discipline being studied and is a platform for informal communication. The authors draw attention to the increased interest in various aspects of learning foreign languages in recent years. Despite the fact that the named project is being implemented on a voluntary basis in the free time and at the authors’ own expense, the prospects for its development include not only expanding the audience, but also adding new educational and methodological materials, publishing new translations and sources, posting educational and scientific materials, popular content related to the history of the development of foreign languages and cultures of different countries, as well as a variety of multimedia audio and video materials.
Key words: teaching foreign languages at a non-linguistic university, Latin, English, classical studies, Internet, social networks and blogs, social network “Vkontakte”, Chronica Magistri project.
Gubkina V.S.
From the history of research of semantic types of predicate
In the modern world, linguistic semantics is represented by different movements and schools. It seems important to synthesize and harmonize various approaches and compare various methods and techniques. A significant role in this issue is given to the identification of semantic categories and ways of expressing them in a particular language. But the structure of the content of these categories, their status in language and the role of speech and mental activity have not yet been sufficiently studied. Issues of the semantic category are constantly in the attention of philologists. However, as far as we know, there are no fundamental studies on this topic.
Key words: active grammar, productive speech acts, onomasiological approach, Russian as a foreign language, positive meanings, proposition.
Kobzeva O.V.
Fedorova E.L.
Chistyakova N.A.
Semantic universals and specific national features of phraseological units with the component “soul” and “heart” in French, English and Russian
The article examines a variety of phraseological units that not only contribute to increasing the vocabulary of words in a foreign language, but are also a means of expanding the linguistic and cultural horizons of students. The purpose of this work was to study the corpus of phraseological units with the component “soul” and “heart” in different languages and to develop a step-by-step algorithm for teaching this phenomenon to students. The work emphasizes the important idea that the national-cultural plan of phraseological units of the Russian, French and English languages, facilitates the process of mastering background knowledge of the country of the language being studied, its history and culture, and also allows us to determine the universal and nationally specific features of phraseology. The method of comparative analysis of the semantics of phraseological units makes it possible to identify linguistic and extralinguistic reasons for the similarities and differences of phraseological units in different linguistic cultures.
Key words: phraseological units, method of comparative analysis, extralinguistic reasons, semantic universals, linguistic and cultural horizons of students.
Rasul Fryad Ismail Rasul
Reaction to the Iraqi Kurdistan referendum in the Russian media
The article examines the issues of relations between the Kurdistan Region and the Central Government of Iraq, which led to the Iraqi-Kurdish referendum in 2017. The author explains the reasons for the tension between the two sides. The analysis of Russian media publications on the referendum and its consequences, which show Russia's position on these issues, is carried out. The results of the study highlight the complexity of the situation and the need for a diplomatic settlement of the Kurdish issue, where Russia can play an important role. The recommendations aim to strengthen international mediation and dialogue to mitigate conflict and promote stability. In conclusion, the Kurdish right to self-determination is emphasized within the framework of global support and regional stability, covering a multidimensional discourse related to Iraqi-Kurdish relations.
Key words: Iraqi Kurdistan, Kurdish independence, Referendum, Iraq, Russian media.
Darenskaia I.V.
“Dialogue with the people” in the context of mobilization mechanisms in the industrial cities of the Urals during the period of the “great turning point”
Based on the involvement of a wide range of archival materials, the article analyzes the forms of dialogue between government and society during the mobilization campaigns of the early Soviet era. The article examines the forms that were common in the Urals during the "great turning point": meetings as a format of public forums with two-way communication, a dialogue between government and society on the pages of the media and by sending "letters to the authorities". On the basis of organizational and administrative, analytical materials, "ego documents" and urban folklore, the verbal and non-verbal reactions of the population of industrial cities to the proposed forms of interaction are considered, the reasons for participation/non-participation are analyzed, the motives of the authorities and society to maintain a dialogue format are compared. Interpreting mobilization campaigns as actions of the country's leadership to involve the population in the process of forced transformations in order to obtain political and economic results, the author proves the need for the country's leadership to maintain a dialogue with society as a tool for implementing the objectives of the campaigns.
Key words: power, mobilization campaigns, “great turning point”, dialogue, assemblies.
Harutyunyan M.N.
Darmilova E.N.
Urchukova S.R.
Problems of formation and development of Russian public thought at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries
The development of public thought and the formation of the main political trends, as well as the entire Russian culture of the XVIII-XIX centuries. was determined by the ideology of the Enlightenment era with its concepts of the supreme role of knowledge and reason in the life of every person and society as a whole, freedom and equality of all people, attention to the human personality.
Key words: government, society, state, public thought, history of Russia.
Narcissus M.S.
The private life of the rural (white) clergy of the Vologda Diocese in the XVII century
The article examines the peculiarities of the private life of the rural (white) clergy of the Vologda diocese of the XVII century. The purpose of the study was to examine the role and place of rural clergy in relation to the parish and the peasant community based on historical sources of that time: the Collection of Acts of the Northern Territory. Based on the use of the source and historical method of analysis and synthesis, the position of the parish clergy and the peculiarities of their status, as well as the relationship with their environment, including church elders, are analyzed. The role of the village priest is considered as the confessor of the community, it is shown that in the XVII century the traditions of church family service and the transfer of the parish from father to son were born. The results of the study revealed the peculiarities of the private life of the white clergy of the Northern Territory, who had the same existence as the other part of the population (peasants): birth, wedding, death, cultivation of the land, but some of them also had such vices of worldly life as drunkenness, theft, adultery, they could become the victim of a slip of the tongue.
Key words: rural clergy, white clergy, Vologda diocese, priest, parish, community, decanter, cellarer, bishop, deacon.
Gorokhov Vl.M.
On the issue of distorting the text of the Verdict of the International Military Tribunal in the Collections of Materials "Nuremberg Trials"
The article examines the text of the verdict of the International Military Tribunal from collections of materials “The Nuremberg Trials” of different years of publication and compares it with the verdict of the International Military Tribunal, announced on September 30 – October 1, 1946. It is concluded that these documents are not authentic. A probable connection between the distortion of the text of the verdict and an attempt by outside forces to hide a number of crimes of Hitler’s Nazi regime against the people of the Soviet Union is noted. The question is raised about the absence of the original verdict of the International Military Tribunal in the State Archives of the Russian Federation.
Key words: World War II, The Great Patriotic War, war crimes, Nuremberg Trials, Verdict of the International Military Tribunal, Dissenting Opinion of Judge Nikitchenko.
Alaa Alshikh
Vorozheykina T.M.
Essay on the history of agricultural accounting
This study examines the doctrine of "agronomic accounting" that spread to France in the first half of the nineteenth century. optimize their productive efficiency. Agronomic accounting thus embodies a broader concept of "yield" as part of the energetic understanding of production that led to the English "agricultural revolution" that began in the sixteenth century but gained momentum from the late seventeenth century. Historians often say that there was an agricultural revolution in England. This article compares the systems of slavery in the United States and their corresponding emancipations. accounting functions. In Egypt, the basis on which accounting concepts were based was defined, as became clear during the Egyptian revolution against the British occupation, as Egypt then became an agricultural economic complex. The main characteristics of economic growth, structural changes in the agricultural sector and the emergence of accounting reporting were discussed.
Key words: history, agricultural era, agricultural accounting, accounting record, accounting records.
Bedretdinova L.N.
Solovyov's foreign trip in 1842-1844
This paper examines the trip abroad of Sergei Mikhailovich Solovyov, his acquaintance with the scientific activities of foreign historians and philosophers as a factor influencing the emergence of his historical concept.
Key words: historical concept, articles, letters, archives.
Patrakeev A.V.
The activity of factory inspectors in Russia at the beginning of the ХХ-th century
The article analyzes the activities of factory inspectors in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The purpose of the study is to study the history of the development of the institute of factory inspection in the early twentieth century. The main areas of activity of the factory inspection, the problem of subordination of enterprises to its supervision and the possibility of release from it, the issue of personnel of factory inspectors were considered. In the course of the work, it was established that researchers on the issue of factory inspection in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century showed unanimity that factory inspectors were an important link in the labor protection system. This article may be useful to researchers of the situation of workers in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Key words: factory inspection, factory inspectors, control and auditing activities, mediation activities.
Feklistova I.V.
Bogdanov S.V.
Motivation of active collaborators in the soviet territory occupied by the German invaders (based on the materials of the criminal cases of the USSR KGB in the Belgorod Region)
The article deals with the problem of voluntary active cooperation of individual Soviet citizens with the German invaders and allies of the Third Reich during the Great Patriotic War. Particular attention is paid to the motivation of individual Soviet citizens - residents of the Kursk region to go over to the side of Nazi Germany. The information base of the study is the archival and investigative cases of traitors to the Motherland, which were investigated by employees of the state security bodies of the Belgorod region. Among the convicted persons were former employees of the secret services of Nazi Germany - the 725th external command of the secret field police (GFP), the gendarmerie, secret agents of the Nazi German security service (SD), military intelligence (Abwehr), Russian auxiliary police, etc.
Key words: German occupation, collaborationism, GFP, Kursk region, KGB of the USSR.
Eshmatova G.B.
Deputies from the Altai Republic in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
The article examines the procedure for the formation of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, contains an analysis of the main changes in the issue of admission of electoral associations to participate in elections to the lower house of parliament. Based on official data, the socio-professional characteristics of the deputies of the State Duma of all eight convocations elected from the Altai Republic were studied. The study showed that major political parties are winning the elections, for which the new electoral legislation is an ideal condition for conducting an election campaign.
Key words: State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representation of regions, electoral system, elections, mandate, deputies, political parties, social composition.
Kryzhanovskiy A.V.
The USA and EU: ordeal by bananas (glimpses of the history of American-European trade conflicts)
American-European trade clashes are an inseparable part of transatlantic relations due to the permanent economic competition between Washington and Brussels. Using as an example “banana wars” which lasted fifteen years (1994-2009) and were linked to the EU discriminatory tariffs on the bananas imported from non-ACP countries (ACP – Africa, the Caribbean region, the Pacific region) the author undertakes a detailed research of various components of the given trade conflict – economic, geopolitical, international legal, sociocultural. Special attention is paid to the fact that the lessons of «banana wars» induce reflections upon serious problems running far beyond the single trade conflict. The matter concerns such issues as critical importance of application of the most favoured nation principle, the need for settling trade disputes within the framework of WTO, growing interdependence of USA, EU and developing countries in the multilateral trade system and – last but not least – stable positions of economic lobbyism in the United States. Despite optimistic declarations of EC senior officials, a formal completion of American-European confrontation does not reliably protect against the relapse of “banana wars” in the short-term perspective.
Key words: USA, EU, transatlantic relations, American-European trade conflicts, “banana wars”, American foreign policy, EU foreign policy.
Tape G.D.
Duvu P.M.
Reasons for the ineffectiveness of international organisations in resolving crises in Africa: the case of ECOWAS
In the 19th century, the African continent became the focus of attention of the colonial empires, which determined their geopolitical interests. However, the struggle for resources did not end when African countries gained their independence: during the Cold War, they became a battleground between the Soviet and American blocs, and the former metropolises are still seeking to interfere in their internal affairs today. Today, African states are faced with various challenges and threats: demographic problems, the problems of international terrorism, the spread of infectious diseases and territorial conflicts. To solve these problems, African countries are striving to consolidate themselves within the framework of inter-state unions, whose activities are important to study in the context of the emergence of a modern multipolar world: this is precisely why the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was created, with the main aim of strengthening the economy. However, the organization has evolved into one dedicated to conflict prevention and resolution. The aim of this study is to identify the reasons for the ineffectiveness of this regional organization in resolving crises in West Africa.
Key words: resolution, political crises, inefficiency, international organization, sovereignty, ECOWAS, Globalization, Sovereign States, financial difficulties, electoral crises.
Ngoye S.T.
Evolution of Russia's policy towards Central African
The evolution of Russia's policy towards Central African countries has undergone a multifaceted transformation, reflecting Moscow's strategic recalibration and growing interest in the region. In recent years, Russia has strategically expanded its diplomatic, economic, and military engagements with Central Africa, signaling a departure from the relative neglect of the post-Soviet era. Economic collaboration serves as a cornerstone, with Russia seeking to secure access to the region's abundant natural resources. Notably, the Power of Siberia gas pipeline project exemplifies Moscow's efforts to strengthen energy ties and enhance economic cooperation. Furthermore, the military dimension of Russia's policy in Central Africa is evident through its involvement in peacekeeping and security initiatives. Moscow has deployed military advisors and equipment to assist in stabilizing conflict-prone areas, fostering closer ties with Central African governments.
The Central African Republic, in particular, has witnessed a deepening of military cooperation, with Russia providing training and support to bolster the nation's security apparatus. Diplomatically, Russia has engaged in high-level dialogues and partnership-building initiatives, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs. The creation of diplomatic platforms, such as the Russia-Africa Summit, underscores Moscow's commitment to fostering diplomatic ties and strengthening its influence on the continent. This evolution in Russia's policy is characterized by a departure from a transactional approach to a more comprehensive and strategic engagement.
Moscow's interests in Central Africa extend beyond immediate economic gains, encompassing geopolitical considerations, security dynamics, and the projection of influence in the global arena. The utilization of soft power, including cultural and educational exchanges, further illustrates Russia's multifaceted approach to building lasting partnerships in the region. While economic initiatives have contributed to Russia's increased presence in Central Africa, it is the combination of economic, military, and diplomatic efforts that defines the nuanced evolution of Moscow's policy. The strategic alignment with Central African countries serves Russia's broader geopolitical objectives, positioning it as a key player in the African continent's evolving landscape. The evolution of Russia's policy towards Central Africa reflects a dynamic engagement that balances economic interests with diplomatic and security considerations, marking a significant departure from historical patterns.
Key words: Africa, Russia, relations, cooperation, diplomacy, assistance, joint projects.
Zhu Wenqing
Actual issues of international policy in the context of globalization processes
This article comprehends the essence of the globalization process in the context of international relations, considers the nature of the globalization process and the spheres it affects. The article argues that globalization has radically changed the aspects of international politics that existed before the Cold War. Having analyzed the causes and trends of globalization development, the article concludes that political globalization, which captures the level of international relations, is rather a negative factor of political development than a positive one, because in the globalization world there is a hierarchy and interdependence of states on each other. Moreover, all processes in the system of international relations are approved or disapproved by the United States of America, a state that has declared itself the "leader of the world", which completely nullifies the theory of globalization. The problem of domination in the world by one power has raised the issue of creating a global government that will direct the process of international relations in the right direction, establishing a new world order and providing the world with a stable political development.
Key words: globalization, globalization process, world political system, international relations, world order.
Krestovnikov V.A.
Ancient German religious transformation
The article analyzes the ancient German religious transformation – the change in the role of the supreme deity and the appearance of the plot about the "Death of the Gods" after a three-year winter. The task of the study is to substantiate the approximate chronological boundaries of the noted changes, as well as to search for an analysis of the probable causes of the transformation. The ancient and medieval source base on German-Scandinavian paganism is highlighted and compared, and relevant modern scientific publications on the topic are noted. Next, data on ancient Germanic religious beliefs are compared by comparing the medieval Scandinavian sagas that have come down to the present time with the reconstructed proto-Indo-European mythology, and specific Germanic innovations are highlighted. Then the probable causes of mythological changes are analyzed: clashes with Rome, the allocation of a stratum of professional warriors against the background of the economic development of German society, climatic changes and the beginning of the events of the Great Migration of Peoples. As a conclusion, a generalized chronology of religious transformation is given.
Key words: mythology, Germanic paganism, ancient Germans, Indo-Europeans, skaldic poetry.
Alaa Alshikh, Graduate student. Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow State Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev.
Bedretdinova L.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences. Moscow Social-Psychological University.
Bogdanov S.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Gubkin branch, NUST "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys".
Chistyakova N.A., Senior Lecturer, Department of Philology (Faculty of Linguistics), MFPU "Synergy". Member of the expert council of the journal “Education Management: Theory and Practice”.
Chubarova Yu.E., Associate Professor, Department of Speech Theory and Translation, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogareva, Saransk.
Darmilova E.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities. North Caucasus State Academy.
Darenskaia I.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Institute (branch) of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Nizhny Tagil.
Duvu P.M., Phd student, department of theory and history of international relations and foreign policy. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Egorova L.V., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Linguistics and Foreign Languages. Volga branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.
Eshmatova G.B., Candidate of Political Sciences, Senior staff scientist, Scientific research institute of Altaic studies, by name of S.S. Surazakov (Budgetari scientific institution).
Fedorova E.L., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education State Institute of Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin.
Feklistova I.V., Candidate of the Department of Russian History and Documentation of the National Research University of Belarus.
Gavrilova Y.V., Lecturer at the Department of Tourism and Hospitality. Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics, Knyaginino.
Gorokhov V.M., The elder of the Russian community. Independent investigator. Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don.
Gubkina V.S., Lecturer at the Department of Comparative Language Studies, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Harutyunyan M.N., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines branch of the SSPI in Zheleznovodsk.
Huang Xiangyuan, Master. Heilongjiang University.
Ivanova M.E., Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages № 2. Plekhanov Russian Economic University.
Kiryukhin D.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Nizhny Novgorod State Agrotechnological University, Nizhny Novgorod.
Kobzeva O.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Professional Communication, National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.
Krestovnikov V.A., Graduate Student. Moscow City Pedagogical University.
Kropta O.A., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Vocational Training. Volgograd State Agrarian University, Volgograd.
Kryzhanovskiy A.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
Lukina M.N., Senior Teacher, North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies, Yakutsk.
Narcissus M.S., PhD student, St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Ngoye S.T., Postgraduate Student. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Patrakeev A.V., Postgraduate, Vologda State University.
Polozova V.P., Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor. Nizhny Novgorod State Agrotechnological University, Nizhny Novgorod.
Rasul Fryad Ismail Rasul, Master, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Rezepova N.V., Associate Professor of Chair of Foreign Languages № 2. The Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Associate Professor of Chair of Russian and Foreign Languages. Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. Gerasimov.
Shagina Y.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Vocational Training. Volgograd State Agrarian University, Volgograd.
Song Yong Il, Pacific national university. Incheon, Republic of Korea.
Starkova E.A., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages. Nizhny Novgorod State Agrotechnological University, Nizhny Novgorod.
Tape G.D., Phd student, department of theory and history of international relations and foreign policy.
Urchukova S.R., Candidate of Political Sciences, Head of the Department of Economics and Management, Institute of Business Career, branch in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Vorozheykina T.M., Doctor of economic science. Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow State Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev.
Zhu Wenqing, Master, Lomonosov Moscow State University.