- Etnosocium
- The Power Of History
- Volume 10. Issue 7. (№57)
- Volume 10. Issue 6. (№56)
- Volume 10. Issue 5. (№55)
- Volume 10. Issue 4. (№54)
- Volume 10. Issue 3. (№53)
- Volume 10. Issue 2. (№52)
- Volume 10. Issue 1. (№51)
- Volume 9. Issue 8. (№50)
- Volume 9. Issue 7. (№49)
- Volume 9. Issue 6. (№48)
- Volume 9. Issue 5. (№47)
- Volume 9. Issue 4. (№46)
- Volume 9. Issue 3. (№45)
- Volume 9. Issue 2. (№44)
- Volume 9. Issue 1. (№43)
- Volume 8. Issue 8. (№42)
- Volume 8. Issue 7. (№41)
- Volume 8. Issue 6. (№40)
- Volume 8. Issue 5. (№39)
- Volume 8. Issue 4. (№38)
- Volume 8. Issue 3. (№37)
- Volume 8. Issue 2. (№36)
- Volume 8. Issue 1. (№35)
- Volume 7. Issue 8. (№34)
- Volume 7. Issue 7. (№33)
- Volume 7. Issue 6. (№32)
- Volume 7. Issue 5. (№31)
- Volume 7. Issue 4. (№30)
- Volume 7. Issue 3. (№29)
- Volume 7. Issue 2. (№28)
- Volume 7. Issue 1. (№27)
- Volume 6. Issue 8. (№26)
- Volume 6. Issue 7. (№25)
- Volume 6. Issue 6. (№24)
- Volume 6. Issue 5. (№23)
- Volume 6. Issue 4. (№22)
- Volume 6. Issue 3. (№21)
- Volume 6. Issue 2. (№20)
- Volume 6. Issue 1. (№19)
- Volume 5. Issue 4. (№18)
- Volume 5. Issue 3. (№17)
- Volume 5. Issue 2. (№16)
- Volume 5. Issue 1. (№15)
- Volume 4. Issue 4. (№14)
- Volume 4. Issue 3. (№13)
- Volume 4. Issue 2. (№12)
- Volume 4. Issue 1. (№11)
- Volume 3. Issue 4. (№10)
- Volume 3. Issue 3. (№9)
- Volume 3. Issue 2. (№8)
- Volume 3. Issue 1. (№7)
- Cultural World
- Mission confessions
- Almanac Crimea. Economics, innovation
Lyssikova I.V. Disphemism or euphemism? Contradictions of modern political discourse (based on foreign language borrowings into the language of the modern German press
Subbotina N.S. Personalities in english and russian with the lexeme dry/сухой, wet/мокрый: comparative analysis
Petrukhina D.V. Modern views on the development of the linguistic situation in the republic of Belarus in the late XX and early XXI centuries
Wang Yuxuan Formation of linguocultural competence by means of Russian phraseology in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language
Vishnyagova E.P. Communicative functions of syntactic constructions in the texts of English-language social advertisements
Yang Shuangyu Study of the translation of Russian legal texts within the framework of the theory of functional translation
Yu Shengbo A study of the translation of educational terminology in the “History of Chinese pedagogical thought” based on the theory of prototype categories
Xiao Lingxu On the issue of Russian-Chinese educational and research migration
Zibukaeva Z.S. Russian and chechen verbs: the role of prefixes in word formation and inflection of Russian and chechen verbs (based on the material of verbs prefixed по- in Russian and their semantic analogues in chechen)
Mandzhieva S.V., Khalgaeva D.D., Tyurbeeva B.A., Karuev S.D. Content characteristics of slang in American newspaper text
Borodin M.P., Zuev A.V., Rubtsov S.N. Some aspects of the material and technical state of the fire business of the capital of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century
Bolurova A.N., Jazaeva I.A.-A. History of regional post-soviet elites
Napso M.B. The right of an individual to a favorable information environment: on the issue of risks and consequences of unreliability of information
114 |
Adzhieva Z.I., Badakhova I.T., Uzdenov A.K. Historical and legal aspects of the emergence of the institute of extradition in Russia
130 |
Moiseeva L.A. Characteristic features of the celebration of «Kyrkynan shygaru» among the Kazakhs of the Orenburg region in the middle of the XX - beginning of the XXI centuries (based on field research)
142 |
Uryumtsev E.R. The biography of Philippe de Dreux, Bishop of Beauvais (1158-1217) as a representative example of the «Militant Bishop» type
150 |
Anabud Public diplomacy as a trend in modern political relations: the experience of Russia and China
158 |
Sun Fulong The reasons for different approaches to the abolition of serfdom in Russia and the abolition of negro slavery in the USA
164 |
Deputy. Chief Editor and Project Manager:
Rybakov S.V., Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the history of Russian Ural Federal University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of National and Federal Relations of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
Dolgenko A.N., Doctor of Philology. Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages at the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Kovaleva N.A., Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University (PRC).
Kovaleva N.A., Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor. Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University (PRC).
Nenarokova M.R., Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, Leading Researcher, Department of Classical Literature of the West and Comparative Literature. Institute of World Literature RAN. Interpreter/Translator.
Nagornova E.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages at the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Nikashina N.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Klimenko D.A., Candidate of Philology, specialist in Italy.
Murashko S.F., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages. Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Ivakin G.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Expert. Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education".
Naumova G.R., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the A.M. Vassilevsky Soviet Union.
Varsonofiev V.V., Candidate of Political Science, Military expert.
Chapkin S.V., Honorary Academician, President of the “Academy of Ecology and Law”.
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor.
Ignatov I.S., Candidate of Political Sciences, senior advisor of justice.
Vrajnova M.N., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (MADI).
Honali Kurbonzoda, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Rector of the «National Institute of professional development and training of educators».
Platonova N.M., Doctor of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department “Theory and History of State and Law” of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Far Eastern State University of Communications” (Khabarovsk).
Lyssikova I.V.
Disphemism or euphemism? Contradictions of modern political discourse (based on foreign language borrowings into the language of the modern German press
The article examines new trends in borrowing foreign language vocabulary from English and French. Due to fundamental changes in the international arena, updating of special vocabulary is required. English continues to be the main donor language, while French is gradually regaining its status as the language of diplomacy. Specific examples show the contradiction of modern political discourse, namely the fact that foreign language vocabulary constantly requires updating in the recipient language, therefore, the corpus of euphemisms is also updated. The author identifies current reasons for foreign language borrowing into the German language and provides examples from current media texts. The author also asks the question of the dialectical unity of the processes of euphemization and dysphemization.
Key words: political discourse, Anglicisms, Gallicisms, euphemisms, dysphemisms, current vocabulary, media sources.
Subbotina N.S.
Personalities in english and russian with the lexeme dry/сухой, wet/мокрый: comparative analysis
The article discusses the question of the meaning of proper names in English and Russian. Particular attention is paid to personalities, the names of persons who have become famous in society or in certain social circles. Such fame of a person is inseparable from the set of information about him. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of personalities with the lexeme dry/сухой, wet/ мокрый in English and Russian. Research methods: continuous sampling method, onomastic analysis, linguocultural description, etymological analysis, comparative analysis and statistical analysis. The implementation of this goal is achieved as follows: the elements of etymological analysis are given, structural and semantic features, linguo-cultural description, the results of onomastic analysis are presented, and the similarities and differences of the studied vocabulary in the English and Russian languages are revealed.
Key words: a proper noun, personality, dry/wet lexeme, сухой/ мокрый lexeme, English, Russian, comparative analysis.
Petrukhina D.V.
Modern views on the development of the linguistic situation in the republic of Belarus in the late XX and early XXI centuries
In social discourse, language is traditionally regarded as one of the leading ethnic markers, the first sign of an individual’s ethnicity. The current situation in the Republic of Belarus shows that the active use of the mother tongue is not obligatory in order to preserve ethnic identity. The phenomenon of the preservation and development of Belarusian ethnic identity under the domination of the Russian-speaking environment has attracted the attention of specialists from various countries. Studies show that the republic has historically developed a special type of bilingualism with wide distribution of mixed speech.
Key words: post-Soviet period, linguistic situation, Republic of Belarus, Belarusians, Belarusian language, Trasianka.
Wang Yuxuan
Formation of linguocultural competence by means of Russian phraseology in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language
This article raises the problem of forming linguocultural competence in the process of studying Russian by the foreign students. Having defined the prerequisites that promote the study of the Russian language from the point of view of linguocultural approach, the author of the article offers the technology of formation of linguocultural competence on the example of phraseological units. Having analyzed the specifics of perception of nationally marked stable expressions of the Russian language, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that the exercises offered by the teacher of the Russian language should have intercultural character. The author of the article proves that the comparative analysis of phraseological units of the Russian and native languages of students will help to understand the specifics of national thinking of the Russian people better. It will cause to more effective study of the Russian language as a means of communication.
Key words: Russian as a foreign language, linguocultural competence, intercultural communication, dialog of cultures, phraseological unit.
Vishnyagova E.P.
Communicative functions of syntactic constructions in the texts of English-language social advertisements
This article analyzed the communicative functions of the syntactic structure of sentences in the context of social advertising, focusing on the influence on the audience of different communicative types of sentences. The communicative types of sentences as well as their influence on the recipients are examined. An attempt is also presented to consider additional factors such as visual elements of advertising and their interaction with the text in order to understand the influence of social advertising on public opinion and behavior.
Key words: communicative functions, syntactic structure, cognitive processes, influence on the recipient.
Yang Shuangyu
Study of the translation of Russian legal texts within the framework of the theory of functional translation
Currently, questions of functional translation are of increasing interest to researchers in this field, which is explained by the special difference between the target and original languages, the need for more accurate transfer of material from one language to another, as well as the general significance of linguistic research in the context of the Russian and Chinese languages. These languages belong to different systems and structures, which somewhat complicates the translation of the material; accordingly, a functional area is connected that can make decoding from one language to another better and more efficient.
In addition, the legal field is becoming more in demand due to the expansion of Russian-Chinese cooperation and partnership. Various contracts, agreements, negotiations, political information - all this requires correct interpretation and understanding, which is why functional translation is needed. Texts of the specified format are of interest both from a linguistic and translation point of view, which is discussed in this article.
The relevance of this study lies in the urgent need for true and accurate, as well as effective interpretation of legal material from Russian into Chinese and vice versa.
The subject of the study is functional translation in the context of Russian and Chinese languages.
The object of the work is legal texts in Russian and Chinese.
The novelty of the work lies in identifying the features of functional translation in the Russian and Chinese languages.
The practical significance of the work involves the use of the recommendations received in the educational process when teaching Russian as a foreign language, Chinese, as well as the basics of translation theory.
Key words: functional translation, meaning, accuracy, multisystem languages, equivalence, translation quality, decoding.
Yu Shengbo
A study of the translation of educational terminology in the “History of Chinese pedagogical thought” based on the theory of prototype categories
In this article, we will take a closer look at the relevance and significance of studying the translation of educational terminology in the context of Chinese educational thought. Given the importance of the pedagogical tradition in China and the growing international role of China in the educational space, this study aims to improve the understanding and interpretation of Chinese educational terminology in a cross-cultural context. Our research is based on category prototype theory, an important approach in the semantics and pragmatics of language. According to this theory, language categories are not always strictly defined, but can instead be organized around prototypical examples. Our research aims to explore the ways in which educational terminology has been translated in the history of Chinese pedagogical thought using the theory of category prototypes. To achieve this goal, we analyze specific examples of terminology, study their prototypical categories and study methods of their translation. The methodology of our research includes an analytical approach, comparative analysis, study of monographs and articles, the full sampling method, methods of linguistic analysis and generalization method. We expect that Our research will lead to a deeper understanding of educational terminology in the context of Chinese educational thought and improved translation practices of these terms.
Key words: educational terminology, History of Chinese pedagogical thought, Theory of prototype categories.
Xiao Lingxu
On the issue of Russian-Chinese educational and research migration
In modern society, cooperation between Russia and China in various fields of activity is becoming increasingly stronger. These are political, economic, research, and educational areas that are of great interest for the development of long-term and high-quality partnerships.
For a more effective perception of the different cultures and mentalities of the peoples of these countries, it is important to obtain an effective basis covering educational platforms.
Education is an important segment of Russian-Chinese relations, and in this context, it is appropriate to consider both colleges and universities, as well as schools.
Exchanges of students should occur constantly, and migration for educational purposes can significantly improve the competencies of pupils and students, also broaden their horizons and raise the general cultural level along with the linguistic component.
The relevance of this work lies in the need to develop a system of educational migration and effective exchanges between Russian and Chinese educational institutions.
The subject of the study is educational migration in modern realities between students in Russia and China at various stages.
The object of the study is the proposed exchange programs between students and schoolchildren from Russia and China.
The scientific novelty lies in the development of a number of recommendations for effective educational migration between Russian and Chinese schoolchildren and students.
The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using and improving the proposed educational programs for exchange between Russian and Chinese students.
Key words: migration, educational exchanges, stages of training, cultural segment, training, efficiency, development, recommendations.
Zibukaeva Z.S.
Russian and chechen verbs: the role of prefixes in word formation and inflection of Russian and chechen verbs (based on the material of verbs prefixed по- in Russian and their semantic analogues in chechen)
Verbal prefixation in languages of different structures primarily or even exclusively performs a word-forming role, but in some languages that differ structurally in many ways, it is possible to use prefixes in grammatical inflectional function, as we observe, for example, in Russian, in which prefixes not only change the lexical meaning, forming new verbs, but also in in most cases, the verb is translated into another grammatical form. The differences between languages are not only in this, but also in the fact that significant differences are possible in the word-formation relation, creating difficulties in translating verbs and sentence constructions formed by them from one language to another. A striking example confirming this is the Russian verbs with the prefix po-, many of which do not find verbal correspondences.
Key words: Russian language, Chechen language, verb, verb prefix, word-forming function, species-forming function, translation difficulties.
Mandzhieva S.V.
Khalgaeva D.D.
Tyurbeeva B.A.
Karuev S.D.
Content characteristics of slang in American newspaper text
The article is devoted to the study of the content characteristics of modern American slang vocabulary in a newspaper text. The relevance of the study is determined by the necessity to consider slang to be a mechanism that influences the recipient in the language of an American modern newspaper. As a rule, a newspaper, immediately presenting current events occurring within the country and around the world, expanding a reader’s horizons, is considered to be the most widespread means of information in society, which influences its readership with the formation of its worldview, behavior, perception and assessment of the surrounding reality. In American society, printed publications play a significant role in organizing constant control over government power and preserving the foundations of democracy. An assessment in the public consciousness requires the American print media to use a variety of expressive means, in particular slang vocabulary. Slang vocabulary plays a significant and productive role in the construction of newspaper and journalistic vocabulary, the use of which gives the press language expressiveness, color, wit, and the individualism of the author’s word. American slang in a newspaper text is one of the effective means of forming an assessment in journalism. Being an evaluative vocabulary, slang contributes to the constant updating of newspaper speech, performing an important function of the newspaper-journalistic style - the function of influence, and therefore the pragmatic function of language. The pragmatic features of slang in an American newspaper text are closely correlated with the thematic characteristics due to their presentation in various newspaper columns. The differentiation of the slang vocabulary has made it possible to identify thematic groups based on gender and social-role relations, appearance and character, emotional sphere and behavior of a person, type of activity and place of residence. Slangisms of these thematic groups can coexist within the same sentence, article, newspaper column, which helps to emphasize the impact due to the combination of emotional, evaluative and unique character of each slang unit.
Key words: slang, newspaper text, pragmatics, evaluation, thematic groups, expressive means.
Borodin M.P.
Zuev A.V.
Rubtsov S.N.
Some aspects of the material and technical state of the fire business of the capital of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century
The article analyzes the main aspects of the material and technical condition of the fire department of the capital of the Russian Empire. The relevance of the article is due to the continuity of the main aspects of the material and technical condition of the imperial fire brigade in the activities of the fire service at the present time.
The aim of the study is to identify the main directions of development and improvement of the material and technical base of the imperial fire brigade, aimed at fulfilling the tasks of modern fire and rescue units in extinguishing fires and eliminating emergencies, based on historical experience and professional competencies in the field of fire safety.
An analysis of the main directions of development and improvement of the material and technical base of the imperial metropolitan professional fire brigade indicates the relevance of their use at the present stage in extinguishing fires and eliminating emergencies, taking into account their optimization and corresponding technical progress.
Key words: material and technical condition, fire station, telegraph room, fire wagon inventory, team equipment.
Bolurova A.N.
Jazaeva I.A.-A.
History of regional post-soviet elites
The formation of Russian political elites at the regional level has gone through several periods in its development, corresponding to the stages of the formation of the political system of post-Soviet society: the period of formation of a new political system, the period of regionalization associated with the strengthening of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the period associated with the efforts of the federal center to strengthen the vertical of power.
Key words: regional elite, regionalization, recruitment mechanisms.
Napso M.B.
The right of an individual to a favorable information environment: on the issue of risks and consequences of unreliability of information
In the article, the processes of digital transformation of the information society are considered in the context of the causes and consequences of the growing volumes and forms of unreliable information. Due to this formulation of the question, the author pays special attention to such features of information turnover as the expansion of the space of unreliability, the spread of many varieties of unreliable information, the free handling of information in order to modify it and construct new information, the purposeful creation of fakes, information flows based on them to provide information and other effects on individual and public consciousness. In the conditions of the reality of information wars, attacks, provocations, info- and fake-demias, the problem of unreliability of information and overcoming the negative consequences of its impact becomes particularly relevant. The main difficulty in ensuring effective counteraction to the phenomenon of unreliability in general and unreliable information in particular is seen by the author in the absence of an integral system of measures - socio-cultural, moral, legal, information and technological. One of the reasons for this is the speed of changes in the digital environment, the rapid change of forms and methods of ideological, ideological, emotional and psychological impact, which makes the task of developing measures of proactive impact quite difficult. The author is convinced that the basis of the system of countering the negative impact of unreliable information should be based on the principle of reliability of information, which has a value character.
Key words: unreliability of information, disorientation, constructed reality, manipulation, fake, infodemia, information impact, information security, the principle of reliability, the right to reliable information.
Adzhieva Z.I.
Badakhova I.T.
Uzdenov A.K.
Historical and legal aspects of the emergence of the institute of extradition in Russia
This article discusses the historical and legal aspects of the emergence of the institution of extradition in Russia. Historical research shows that the first attempts to regulate issues of extradition of criminals from one country to another can be found in ancient states. However, the institution of extradition, as it exists today, was formed in the 19th century. In general, the article allows us to better understand the history and current state of the institution of extradition in Russia.
Key words: extradition, issue history, international cooperation in the fight against crime.
Moiseeva L.A.
Characteristic features of the celebration of "Kyrkynan shygaru" among the Kazakhs of the Orenburg region in the middle of the XX - beginning of the XXI centuries (based on field research)
The research task was to study the maternity rites of the Kazakhs of the Orenburg region. For the study, a series of expeditions was carried out to the areas of compact residence of the Kazakhs of the Orenburg region. The results of field research were a description of the characteristic features of maternity rites. The article highlights the features of holding "Kyrkynan shygaru" (forty days holiday) over the past 70 years. The regional features of the rite and the features of the development of ritual practice are revealed: revival, transformation, disappearance.
Key words: "Kyrkynan shygaru", forty days holiday, "besik toy", "kindik sheshe" and "kindik ake".
Uryumtsev E.R.
The biography of Philippe de Dreux, Bishop of Beauvais (1158-1217) as a representative example of the «Militant Bishop» type
The article examines the textbook image of the "Militant Bishop" on the example of the life of Philippe de Dreux, Bishop of Beauvais (1158-1217). The point of view of the French medievalist Achille Lucher on the permissible classification of bishops of the High Middle Ages is supported and developed. The characteristic features of a militant episcopate are highlighted, of an uncharacteristic and rare type due to inconsistency with the original duty of a clergyman. The conclusion is made about the bishop-warrior as a complex person who combines feudal and spiritual traditions equally.
Key words: High Middle Ages, diocese, Philip II Augustus, Philippe de Dreux, medieval symbolism.
Public diplomacy as a trend in modern political relations: the experience of Russia and China
The article considers the features of public diplomacy used by Russia and China in the modern international space. In the process of the research the similar and distinctive features of communicative strategies of the two countries are highlighted, specific examples and spheres of interaction are given.
Key words: public diplomacy, China, Russia, Internet.
Sun Fulong
The reasons for different approaches to the abolition of serfdom in Russia and the abolition of negro slavery in the USA
Aim. To analyze the different approaches and reasons for the abolition of serfdom in Russia and the abolition of Negro slavery in the United States.
Methodology. To analyse the literatures on the process of the abolition of serfdom in Russia and the abolition of Negro slavery in the USA.
Results. The conducted analysis showed that slavery in Russia and the USA existed for different reasons. Slavery in Russia was an act of state initiative. Slavery in the U.S. was an act of white people, such as the British, who had already entered the capitalist era and continued to turn black people into slaves to exploit for their own benefit, slavery in the U.S. was a retrograde step in history, but also an inevitable part of it. Since the development in the U.S. requires a large amount of labour if agricultural workers are to be used, capitalists in the hands of primitive accumulation will inevitably become very slow, only with a clear conscience, the human lives of black people as grass to complete the rapid accumulation of capital. In the process, the abolition of slavery in Russia and the United States, as the major differences in the socio-political and economic systems of the two countries are inextricably linked.
Research implications. The analysis can be used to study what approach should be used to resolve conflicts between different classes.
Key words: abolition of slavery, Russia, USA, economic differences, political differences.
Lyssikova I.V.
Disphemism or euphemism? Contradictions of modern political discourse (based on foreign language borrowings into the language of the modern German press
The article examines new trends in borrowing foreign language vocabulary from English and French. Due to fundamental changes in the international arena, updating of special vocabulary is required. English continues to be the main donor language, while French is gradually regaining its status as the language of diplomacy. Specific examples show the contradiction of modern political discourse, namely the fact that foreign language vocabulary constantly requires updating in the recipient language, therefore, the corpus of euphemisms is also updated. The author identifies current reasons for foreign language borrowing into the German language and provides examples from current media texts. The author also asks the question of the dialectical unity of the processes of euphemization and dysphemization.
Key words: political discourse, Anglicisms, Gallicisms, euphemisms, dysphemisms, current vocabulary, media sources.
Subbotina N.S.
Personalities in english and russian with the lexeme dry/сухой, wet/мокрый: comparative analysis
The article discusses the question of the meaning of proper names in English and Russian. Particular attention is paid to personalities, the names of persons who have become famous in society or in certain social circles. Such fame of a person is inseparable from the set of information about him. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of personalities with the lexeme dry/сухой, wet/ мокрый in English and Russian. Research methods: continuous sampling method, onomastic analysis, linguocultural description, etymological analysis, comparative analysis and statistical analysis. The implementation of this goal is achieved as follows: the elements of etymological analysis are given, structural and semantic features, linguo-cultural description, the results of onomastic analysis are presented, and the similarities and differences of the studied vocabulary in the English and Russian languages are revealed.
Key words: a proper noun, personality, dry/wet lexeme, сухой/ мокрый lexeme, English, Russian, comparative analysis.
Petrukhina D.V.
Modern views on the development of the linguistic situation in the republic of Belarus in the late XX and early XXI centuries
In social discourse, language is traditionally regarded as one of the leading ethnic markers, the first sign of an individual’s ethnicity. The current situation in the Republic of Belarus shows that the active use of the mother tongue is not obligatory in order to preserve ethnic identity. The phenomenon of the preservation and development of Belarusian ethnic identity under the domination of the Russian-speaking environment has attracted the attention of specialists from various countries. Studies show that the republic has historically developed a special type of bilingualism with wide distribution of mixed speech.
Key words: post-Soviet period, linguistic situation, Republic of Belarus, Belarusians, Belarusian language, Trasianka.
Wang Yuxuan
Formation of linguocultural competence by means of Russian phraseology in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language
This article raises the problem of forming linguocultural competence in the process of studying Russian by the foreign students. Having defined the prerequisites that promote the study of the Russian language from the point of view of linguocultural approach, the author of the article offers the technology of formation of linguocultural competence on the example of phraseological units. Having analyzed the specifics of perception of nationally marked stable expressions of the Russian language, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that the exercises offered by the teacher of the Russian language should have intercultural character. The author of the article proves that the comparative analysis of phraseological units of the Russian and native languages of students will help to understand the specifics of national thinking of the Russian people better. It will cause to more effective study of the Russian language as a means of communication.
Key words: Russian as a foreign language, linguocultural competence, intercultural communication, dialog of cultures, phraseological unit.
Vishnyagova E.P.
Communicative functions of syntactic constructions in the texts of English-language social advertisements
This article analyzed the communicative functions of the syntactic structure of sentences in the context of social advertising, focusing on the influence on the audience of different communicative types of sentences. The communicative types of sentences as well as their influence on the recipients are examined. An attempt is also presented to consider additional factors such as visual elements of advertising and their interaction with the text in order to understand the influence of social advertising on public opinion and behavior.
Key words: communicative functions, syntactic structure, cognitive processes, influence on the recipient.
Yang Shuangyu
Study of the translation of Russian legal texts within the framework of the theory of functional translation
Currently, questions of functional translation are of increasing interest to researchers in this field, which is explained by the special difference between the target and original languages, the need for more accurate transfer of material from one language to another, as well as the general significance of linguistic research in the context of the Russian and Chinese languages. These languages belong to different systems and structures, which somewhat complicates the translation of the material; accordingly, a functional area is connected that can make decoding from one language to another better and more efficient.
In addition, the legal field is becoming more in demand due to the expansion of Russian-Chinese cooperation and partnership. Various contracts, agreements, negotiations, political information - all this requires correct interpretation and understanding, which is why functional translation is needed. Texts of the specified format are of interest both from a linguistic and translation point of view, which is discussed in this article.
The relevance of this study lies in the urgent need for true and accurate, as well as effective interpretation of legal material from Russian into Chinese and vice versa.
The subject of the study is functional translation in the context of Russian and Chinese languages.
The object of the work is legal texts in Russian and Chinese.
The novelty of the work lies in identifying the features of functional translation in the Russian and Chinese languages.
The practical significance of the work involves the use of the recommendations received in the educational process when teaching Russian as a foreign language, Chinese, as well as the basics of translation theory.
Key words: functional translation, meaning, accuracy, multisystem languages, equivalence, translation quality, decoding.
Yu Shengbo
A study of the translation of educational terminology in the “History of Chinese pedagogical thought” based on the theory of prototype categories
In this article, we will take a closer look at the relevance and significance of studying the translation of educational terminology in the context of Chinese educational thought. Given the importance of the pedagogical tradition in China and the growing international role of China in the educational space, this study aims to improve the understanding and interpretation of Chinese educational terminology in a cross-cultural context. Our research is based on category prototype theory, an important approach in the semantics and pragmatics of language. According to this theory, language categories are not always strictly defined, but can instead be organized around prototypical examples. Our research aims to explore the ways in which educational terminology has been translated in the history of Chinese pedagogical thought using the theory of category prototypes. To achieve this goal, we analyze specific examples of terminology, study their prototypical categories and study methods of their translation. The methodology of our research includes an analytical approach, comparative analysis, study of monographs and articles, the full sampling method, methods of linguistic analysis and generalization method. We expect that Our research will lead to a deeper understanding of educational terminology in the context of Chinese educational thought and improved translation practices of these terms.
Key words: educational terminology, History of Chinese pedagogical thought, Theory of prototype categories.
Xiao Lingxu
On the issue of Russian-Chinese educational and research migration
In modern society, cooperation between Russia and China in various fields of activity is becoming increasingly stronger. These are political, economic, research, and educational areas that are of great interest for the development of long-term and high-quality partnerships.
For a more effective perception of the different cultures and mentalities of the peoples of these countries, it is important to obtain an effective basis covering educational platforms.
Education is an important segment of Russian-Chinese relations, and in this context, it is appropriate to consider both colleges and universities, as well as schools.
Exchanges of students should occur constantly, and migration for educational purposes can significantly improve the competencies of pupils and students, also broaden their horizons and raise the general cultural level along with the linguistic component.
The relevance of this work lies in the need to develop a system of educational migration and effective exchanges between Russian and Chinese educational institutions.
The subject of the study is educational migration in modern realities between students in Russia and China at various stages.
The object of the study is the proposed exchange programs between students and schoolchildren from Russia and China.
The scientific novelty lies in the development of a number of recommendations for effective educational migration between Russian and Chinese schoolchildren and students.
The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using and improving the proposed educational programs for exchange between Russian and Chinese students.
Key words: migration, educational exchanges, stages of training, cultural segment, training, efficiency, development, recommendations.
Zibukaeva Z.S.
Russian and chechen verbs: the role of prefixes in word formation and inflection of Russian and chechen verbs (based on the material of verbs prefixed по- in Russian and their semantic analogues in chechen)
Verbal prefixation in languages of different structures primarily or even exclusively performs a word-forming role, but in some languages that differ structurally in many ways, it is possible to use prefixes in grammatical inflectional function, as we observe, for example, in Russian, in which prefixes not only change the lexical meaning, forming new verbs, but also in in most cases, the verb is translated into another grammatical form. The differences between languages are not only in this, but also in the fact that significant differences are possible in the word-formation relation, creating difficulties in translating verbs and sentence constructions formed by them from one language to another. A striking example confirming this is the Russian verbs with the prefix po-, many of which do not find verbal correspondences.
Key words: Russian language, Chechen language, verb, verb prefix, word-forming function, species-forming function, translation difficulties.
Mandzhieva S.V.
Khalgaeva D.D.
Tyurbeeva B.A.
Karuev S.D.
Content characteristics of slang in American newspaper text
The article is devoted to the study of the content characteristics of modern American slang vocabulary in a newspaper text. The relevance of the study is determined by the necessity to consider slang to be a mechanism that influences the recipient in the language of an American modern newspaper. As a rule, a newspaper, immediately presenting current events occurring within the country and around the world, expanding a reader’s horizons, is considered to be the most widespread means of information in society, which influences its readership with the formation of its worldview, behavior, perception and assessment of the surrounding reality. In American society, printed publications play a significant role in organizing constant control over government power and preserving the foundations of democracy. An assessment in the public consciousness requires the American print media to use a variety of expressive means, in particular slang vocabulary. Slang vocabulary plays a significant and productive role in the construction of newspaper and journalistic vocabulary, the use of which gives the press language expressiveness, color, wit, and the individualism of the author’s word. American slang in a newspaper text is one of the effective means of forming an assessment in journalism. Being an evaluative vocabulary, slang contributes to the constant updating of newspaper speech, performing an important function of the newspaper-journalistic style - the function of influence, and therefore the pragmatic function of language. The pragmatic features of slang in an American newspaper text are closely correlated with the thematic characteristics due to their presentation in various newspaper columns. The differentiation of the slang vocabulary has made it possible to identify thematic groups based on gender and social-role relations, appearance and character, emotional sphere and behavior of a person, type of activity and place of residence. Slangisms of these thematic groups can coexist within the same sentence, article, newspaper column, which helps to emphasize the impact due to the combination of emotional, evaluative and unique character of each slang unit.
Key words: slang, newspaper text, pragmatics, evaluation, thematic groups, expressive means.
Borodin M.P.
Zuev A.V.
Rubtsov S.N.
Some aspects of the material and technical state of the fire business of the capital of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century
The article analyzes the main aspects of the material and technical condition of the fire department of the capital of the Russian Empire. The relevance of the article is due to the continuity of the main aspects of the material and technical condition of the imperial fire brigade in the activities of the fire service at the present time.
The aim of the study is to identify the main directions of development and improvement of the material and technical base of the imperial fire brigade, aimed at fulfilling the tasks of modern fire and rescue units in extinguishing fires and eliminating emergencies, based on historical experience and professional competencies in the field of fire safety.
An analysis of the main directions of development and improvement of the material and technical base of the imperial metropolitan professional fire brigade indicates the relevance of their use at the present stage in extinguishing fires and eliminating emergencies, taking into account their optimization and corresponding technical progress.
Key words: material and technical condition, fire station, telegraph room, fire wagon inventory, team equipment.
Bolurova A.N.
Jazaeva I.A.-A.
History of regional post-soviet elites
The formation of Russian political elites at the regional level has gone through several periods in its development, corresponding to the stages of the formation of the political system of post-Soviet society: the period of formation of a new political system, the period of regionalization associated with the strengthening of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the period associated with the efforts of the federal center to strengthen the vertical of power.
Key words: regional elite, regionalization, recruitment mechanisms.
Napso M.B.
The right of an individual to a favorable information environment: on the issue of risks and consequences of unreliability of information
In the article, the processes of digital transformation of the information society are considered in the context of the causes and consequences of the growing volumes and forms of unreliable information. Due to this formulation of the question, the author pays special attention to such features of information turnover as the expansion of the space of unreliability, the spread of many varieties of unreliable information, the free handling of information in order to modify it and construct new information, the purposeful creation of fakes, information flows based on them to provide information and other effects on individual and public consciousness. In the conditions of the reality of information wars, attacks, provocations, info- and fake-demias, the problem of unreliability of information and overcoming the negative consequences of its impact becomes particularly relevant. The main difficulty in ensuring effective counteraction to the phenomenon of unreliability in general and unreliable information in particular is seen by the author in the absence of an integral system of measures - socio-cultural, moral, legal, information and technological. One of the reasons for this is the speed of changes in the digital environment, the rapid change of forms and methods of ideological, ideological, emotional and psychological impact, which makes the task of developing measures of proactive impact quite difficult. The author is convinced that the basis of the system of countering the negative impact of unreliable information should be based on the principle of reliability of information, which has a value character.
Key words: unreliability of information, disorientation, constructed reality, manipulation, fake, infodemia, information impact, information security, the principle of reliability, the right to reliable information.
Adzhieva Z.I.
Badakhova I.T.
Uzdenov A.K.
Historical and legal aspects of the emergence of the institute of extradition in Russia
This article discusses the historical and legal aspects of the emergence of the institution of extradition in Russia. Historical research shows that the first attempts to regulate issues of extradition of criminals from one country to another can be found in ancient states. However, the institution of extradition, as it exists today, was formed in the 19th century. In general, the article allows us to better understand the history and current state of the institution of extradition in Russia.
Key words: extradition, issue history, international cooperation in the fight against crime.
Moiseeva L.A.
Characteristic features of the celebration of "Kyrkynan shygaru" among the Kazakhs of the Orenburg region in the middle of the XX - beginning of the XXI centuries (based on field research)
The research task was to study the maternity rites of the Kazakhs of the Orenburg region. For the study, a series of expeditions was carried out to the areas of compact residence of the Kazakhs of the Orenburg region. The results of field research were a description of the characteristic features of maternity rites. The article highlights the features of holding "Kyrkynan shygaru" (forty days holiday) over the past 70 years. The regional features of the rite and the features of the development of ritual practice are revealed: revival, transformation, disappearance.
Key words: "Kyrkynan shygaru", forty days holiday, "besik toy", "kindik sheshe" and "kindik ake".
Uryumtsev E.R.
The biography of Philippe de Dreux, Bishop of Beauvais (1158-1217) as a representative example of the «Militant Bishop» type
The article examines the textbook image of the "Militant Bishop" on the example of the life of Philippe de Dreux, Bishop of Beauvais (1158-1217). The point of view of the French medievalist Achille Lucher on the permissible classification of bishops of the High Middle Ages is supported and developed. The characteristic features of a militant episcopate are highlighted, of an uncharacteristic and rare type due to inconsistency with the original duty of a clergyman. The conclusion is made about the bishop-warrior as a complex person who combines feudal and spiritual traditions equally.
Key words: High Middle Ages, diocese, Philip II Augustus, Philippe de Dreux, medieval symbolism.
Public diplomacy as a trend in modern political relations: the experience of Russia and China
The article considers the features of public diplomacy used by Russia and China in the modern international space. In the process of the research the similar and distinctive features of communicative strategies of the two countries are highlighted, specific examples and spheres of interaction are given.
Key words: public diplomacy, China, Russia, Internet.
Sun Fulong
The reasons for different approaches to the abolition of serfdom in Russia and the abolition of negro slavery in the USA
Aim. To analyze the different approaches and reasons for the abolition of serfdom in Russia and the abolition of Negro slavery in the United States.
Methodology. To analyse the literatures on the process of the abolition of serfdom in Russia and the abolition of Negro slavery in the USA.
Results. The conducted analysis showed that slavery in Russia and the USA existed for different reasons. Slavery in Russia was an act of state initiative. Slavery in the U.S. was an act of white people, such as the British, who had already entered the capitalist era and continued to turn black people into slaves to exploit for their own benefit, slavery in the U.S. was a retrograde step in history, but also an inevitable part of it. Since the development in the U.S. requires a large amount of labour if agricultural workers are to be used, capitalists in the hands of primitive accumulation will inevitably become very slow, only with a clear conscience, the human lives of black people as grass to complete the rapid accumulation of capital. In the process, the abolition of slavery in Russia and the United States, as the major differences in the socio-political and economic systems of the two countries are inextricably linked.
Research implications. The analysis can be used to study what approach should be used to resolve conflicts between different classes.
Key words: abolition of slavery, Russia, USA, economic differences, political differences.
Adzhieva Z.I., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of State and Administrative Legal Disciplines. Law Institute of the North Caucasus State Academy.
Anabud, Master's student. Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.
Badakhova I.T., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department state and municipal administration and political science. Faculty of Economics and Management, Karachay-Cherkess State University named after U.D. Alieva.
Bolurova A.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History. Karachay-Cherkess State University named after U.D. Aliyev.
Borodin M.P., Candidate of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor of the Department of Retraining and Advanced Training of Specialists. St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia named after the Hero of the Russian Federation, General of the Army E.N. Zinichev.
Jazaeva I.A.-A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities. North Caucasus State Academy.
Karuev S.D., Student. Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov.
Khalgaeva D.D., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the German Philology Department. Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov.
Lyssikova I.V., Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.
Mandzhieva S.V., PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the German Philology Department. Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov.
Moiseeva L.A., Graduate Student of the Institute of History and Public Administration of the Ufa University of Science and Technology, Leading Specialist of the Inspectorate for the State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Orenburg Region.
Napso M.B., Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor. North-Caucasus state academy.
Petrukhina D.V., Researcher, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Rubtsov S.N., Doctor of historical sciences, Professor of the Departments of social sciences Northwest Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Subbotina N.S., Senior Lecturer, Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University.
Sun Fulong, Postgraduate student at the center for Russian language. literature and culture studies of Heilongjiang University.
Tyurbeeva B.A., Student. Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov.
Uryumtsev E.R., Graduate student of the Department of General History of Novosibirsk State University. teaching assistant of the Law faculty of Novosibirsk State Agrarian University.
Uzdenov A.K., 1st year law student. North Caucasus State Academy.
Vishnyagova E.P., Postgraduate student, Surgut State University.
Xiao Lingxu, Master, Senior Lecturer. Sanya Aviation Tourism College.
Wang Yuxuan, Graduate student. Faculty of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies - Theory and methodology of teaching and education (foreign language), Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Yang Shuangyu, Manchurian Institute of Russian Language.
Yu Shengbo, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Yancheng Pedagogical University, China, Yancheng.
Zibukaeva Z.S., Grozny State Petroleum Technical University, Grozny.
Zuev A.V., Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the of private law departments, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping.