Almanac Crimea 39

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Editorial Council
Chief Editor:
Ryabova E.I., Candidate of Political Sciences, head of the scientific and political project "Almanac Crimea" of the publishing center "Etnosocium", developer and teacher of advanced training courses for civil servants in the city of Sevastopol. Practicing lawyer, specialist in labor and service disputes.
Deputy Chief Editor:
Halimbekov Kh.Z., Doctor of Economics, professor, international expert.
Kondrashihin A.B., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Institute of Economics and Law (Branch) “Academy of Labour and Social Relations” in Sevastopol.
Academic Council:
Abdulaeva Z.L., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Applied Informatics in Jurisprudence, Dagestan State Technical University.
Abramov V.L., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Chief Researcher of the Russian Federation Government Institute for International Economic Research of the Financial University.
Abramova O.D., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Bolotskih E.G., Honored Member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Member of the Russian Union of Artists, the Moscow Union of Artists, the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, the International Art Foundation, Professor of the Design Department of the Russian State University of Art and Design.
Fotina L.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor.
Honali Kurbonzoda, Doctor of Historical Sciences. Professor, Rector of the “National Institute of professional development and training of educators”, Tajikistan.
Kantaeva O.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Certified Auditor of the Russian Federation, General Director of “Lyudmila” Audit firm.
Larina T.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Head of the economic development department in Sevastopol.
Martinkin A.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Center for Political and Ethnic Confessional Studies at the Moscow State University in Sevastopol, Head Department of History and International Relations, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol.
Mikhaylenko A.N., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, State Counselor of the Russian Federation of the 3rd class.
Murashko S.F., Professor. Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages, Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Naumova G.R., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Member of the Academy of Economic Philosophy.
Nosov V.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor.
Sanzheeva L.V., Doctor of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Ethnoculturology of the Russian State Pedagogical Herzen University.
Stas’kov N.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Expert.
Vodolackiy V.P., Doctor of Social Sciences, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Supreme Ataman of the Union of Cossacks of Russia and abroad Warriors, Cossack General.
Yanuskina V.V., Candidate of Law, Lecturer of the department of jurisprudence and practical jurisprudence, Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
International block:
In Jui, People’s Republic of China, Far Eastern Federal University.
Verezubova T.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Finance, Educational Establishment "Belarusian State Economic University", Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Wang Haiyan, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Senior Researcher, Deputy Head of the Center for Central Asian Studies, Center for Russian Studies, Institute of International Relations and Regional Development and the Institute for the Study of the SCO East China Pedagogical University.


Current issues of economics and innovation
Morgunov A.V. Model of an intelligent electronic document management system to ensure efficient work of organizational personnel 13
Uzdenova B.H., Erkenova A.A., Chotchaeva Z.T., Betuganov M.M., Shorov A.A. Development of Russian information and communication technologies in modern conditions 23
Konnov D.V. Current trends in the development of autotourism 28
Korshunov A.M., Kotovskaya M.G. Financial literacy of pensioners as a factor of economic stability after the end of their working career 35
Slepchenko A.V. Business models of modern advertising: trends of digitalization 43
Titov V.N. Current trends and transformation of the labor market 49
Tkach D.N. Some aspects of retail development in the context of digital trends 57
Medvedeva O.A. Introduction of automated enterprise management information systems 63
Tong Tong Corporate culture: from management to non-traditional management and marketing 67
Jing Qiaojia Modern conditions of personnel policy in human resource management in a medical organization in Russia 74
Zhou Minghao The role of personnel selection in the organization’s personnel management 79
Chen Fei Innovative technologies and new media in social advertising 85
Semenova A.N., Chagarova A.B., Smakkueva A.K., Batdieva A.A., Chegemlieva A.M. Formation of a digital educational environment in modern conditions 91


Regional and international studies
Druzhinina E.S. International student mobility as a factor of effective employment of university graduates 96
Silaev D.S., Baimeshova S. Motivational factors of attracting and retaining talents in the company (review of foreign literature) 102
Tolmachev I.V. The quality of workers’ working life: review of foreign literature 108
Baranov V.A. Methodology of a flexible approach to managing construction projects in the American economic model 113
Bebko I.M. Business ecosystems in Russia and abroad: classification and types 120
Saeed Hiba Abdalsalam Saeed, Alxso Mohammed Raaed Mahmoud Strategic planning for the digital hospital and the role in the development of health care 124
Xia Bingyu Cross-border e-commerce between Russia and China: past, present, future 129
Fan Wei The impact of green economy on sustainable development processes 134
Yuan Sisheng, Li Ruomei, Zhang Qian Development of investments of Chinese companies in Russia after the special operation 139



Morgunov A.V.
Model of an intelligent electronic document management system to ensure efficient work of organizational personnel
The article poses and solves a number of optimization problems at each stage of document flow using subsystems. The features of the development of a model of an intelligent document management system that can be used in enterprises are considered. It has been proven that the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed model of intelligent document management based on machine learning and multi-agent modeling of information retrieval processes ensures maximum reliability and reduction of time for working with documents. The process of applying topic modeling, methods and algorithms for text analysis based on a multi-agent approach, which can be used to build an intelligent document management system, are also analyzed.
Keywords: organizational personnel, electronic document management system, machine learning, multi-agent technologies, topic modeling.
Uzdenova B.H.
Erkenova A.A.
Chotchaeva Z.T.
Betuganov M.M.
Shorov A.A.
Development of Russian information and communication technologies in modern conditions
One of the priority directions of the transition to a knowledge-based economy is information and communication technologies and the digital economy, the development of which contributes to improving the quality of life of the population, the efficiency of business and government management, the emergence of new ways of education, communication and socialization of people, providing access to various types of information.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, digital modernization, Russian information market.
Konnov D.V.
Current trends in the development of autotourism
Autotourism, or automobile tourism, is a promising and actively developing direction of the travel industry. The increased incomes of the population and the reduction in the cost of cars, as well as the construction of roads and the reduction of visa restrictions have led to the fact that people began to travel actively, often choosing their own car as a means of transportation. The article considers some factors that determine the development of this type of tourism.
Keywords: car, travel, autotourism, development, accessibility, factors.
Korshunov A.M.
Kotovskaya M.G.
Financial literacy of pensioners as a factor of economic stability after the end of their working career
The article examines various aspects of financial literacy of pensioners in the context of economic sustainability after reaching retirement age and leaving the sphere of social and labor relations. It is noted that the decrease in social activity and the extinction of cognitive functions in pensioners necessitates the ability to plan and manage financial assets. The data of Russian and foreign researchers are presented, proving the need for purposeful work on the formation of financial literacy of pensioners.
Keywords: financial literacy, pensioners, financial asset management, economic sustainability retirement.
Slepchenko A.V.
Business models of modern advertising: trends of digitalization
The article deals with topical issues of digital advertising development as a modern business model of advertising promotion of goods and services. The global trends that caused the process of digitalization of advertising communications and the transition towards digital media are highlighted. The role of traditional advertising and the prospects of using its methods in the conditions of total digitalization are noted. The conclusion is made about the further development of digital methods of advertising communications and the continuation of the use of certain traditional methods.
Keywords: communications, advertising, promotion, digitalization, trends, business model, traditional advertising.
Titov V.N.
Current trends and transformation of the labor market
The labor market is a term that economists use to refer to all the different labor markets. There are regional differences in the development of local labor markets. However, in the global dimension, modern technological innovations, which have become a stable trend, are transforming the global labor market. Global processes in the world economy, when there is a rapid movement of capital and information flows spread at lightning speed, force the labor market to transform and adapt to the conditions of time. And in general, the labor market is adapting to new foreign economic challenges.
Keywords: innovation, technology, labor market, transformation, impact.
Tkach D.N.
Some aspects of retail development in the context of digital trends
Digital technologies have become a fundamental element for all industries, but retail is facing a number of challenges that have brought them to the fore. The industry has undergone changes under the influence of a number of factors, including the growth of e—commerce and omnichannel, changing customer behavior and hyperpersonalization, as well as the growing complexity of the supply chain - all accelerated due to the pandemic. These changes have increased the pressure on retailers' profits: over the past five years, margins have been shrinking by two to three percentage points per year, or even by as much as five to six percentage points, depending on the vertical. The article discusses some aspects of the development of the retail trade and its corresponding business models in the conditions of digitalization of the trading business.
Keywords: trade, retail, retailing, business model, digitalization, trends.
Medvedeva O.A.
Introduction of automated enterprise management information systems
A modern sign of our time is the intensively growing processes of informatization of almost all aspects of society. All this has led to the creation of a new information mechanism, which is associated with the modern type of public relations, reality, information technologies of various types of activities.
Keywords: information systems, informatization, automation, automated control system; business process management.
Tong Tong
Corporate culture: from management to non-traditional management and marketing
Traditional management is based on traditional culture, representing a hierarchical management model, constant changes in the national cultural environment, cultural and economic integration requires constant scientific research of new management methods other than traditional ones, which determines the relevance of the study. The object of research is management as a management science. The subject of the study is corporate culture as a management environment. The purpose of the study is to reveal the content of corporate culture in the difference between the contents of traditional and non–traditional management and marketing. The article reveals that there are two main approaches to the study of organizational culture: variable and procedural. The content of culture is revealed from the point of view of organizational communication, which is considered in three different ways: traditionalist, interpretivist and critically interpretative. It is revealed that in non-traditional management based on constructive cultures, it is assumed to actively interact with colleagues and work in a team, and not alone, this culture is considered effective in positions where complex work is required, and not mechanical tasks.
Keywords: organizational culture, traditionalist approach, ethics, economic agent, motivation, cultural integration, company culture.
Jing Qiaojia
Modern conditions of personnel policy in human resource management in a medical organization in Russia
Personnel policy in healthcare is the most important condition for maintaining social stability, economic growth, and the development of society and man. The transformation of the economic formation, which is characterized by economic confrontation and sanctions pressure, actualizes the content of this study. The object of research is healthcare as a type of economic and social activity. The subject of the study is human resources in the healthcare system according to the subject economic characteristic of management. The purpose of the study is to consider the personnel policy in the management of human resources in a medical organization in modern economic conditions. The study revealed the insufficiency of providing the number of doctors and nursing staff with modern requirements. It is argued that an effective personnel policy is the basis for ensuring the effectiveness of the social and economic policy of the state. Priority directions for the development of the human potential of healthcare are highlighted.
Keywords: human resources, medical personnel, social effect, salary, healthcare.
Zhou Minghao
The role of personnel selection in the organization's personnel management
The article considers the meaningful role of selection in the process of personnel management as a key function of management. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the selection of personnel personifies the responsibility of the manager for the effectiveness of individual and collective work, which requires a constant scientific search for new scientific methods in management. The object of research is management as a management science. The subject of the study is personnel management as a significant aspect of the management of organizations. The purpose of the study is to present the meaningful role of personnel selection within the organization's personnel management as one of the most significant elements of management. The article identifies three integral criteria for personnel selection as an integral characteristic of the selection consisting of a triad: time-price-quality. The fact is revealed that there is a broad consensus that the sphere of work efficiency includes at least three main levels of hierarchy: knowledge of tasks, contextual (civil) efficiency and counterproductive efficiency.
Keywords: management, labor, labor organization, human resource management, selection, choice.
Chen Fei
Innovative technologies and new media in social advertising
Advertising as one of the ways of transmitting information has a thousand-year history. The flow of advertising is one of the most significant in the general information flow, consisting of an innumerable multitude of highly specialized advertising streams, on all possible media. The process of information technology development and the general computerization that followed it, and today we can talk about worldwide "gadgetization", led to the emergence of completely new platforms with previously unattainable capabilities. The author of the article conducted his own analysis of innovative technologies and new media in social advertising.
Keywords: information society, machine information processing, feedback form, computer, information flows.
Semenova A.N.
Chagarova A.B.
Smakkueva A.K.
Batdieva A.A.
Chegemlieva A.M.
Formation of a digital educational environment in modern conditions
The active development of digital technologies and their introduction into all spheres of human activity generates a new social reality, types of activities and ways of communication in the digital space. Digital technologies have acquired the status of demanded tools of the modern educational process today. The digital turn in education is a new stage in the development of educational and training practices, which determines the trends of the modern learning process.
Keywords: digital education, digital transformation, information and communication technologies.
Druzhinina E.S.
International student mobility as a factor of effective employment of university graduates
The presented paper examines the socio-political conditions affecting the employment opportunities of students upon completion of their studies in higher educational institutions. The importance of participation in international student mobility programs as a tool to increase employment opportunities after graduation is noted.
Keywords: students, graduates, employment, international mobility, efficiency.
Silaev D.S.
Baimeshova S.
Motivational factors of attracting and retaining talents in the company (review of foreign literature)
The article examines the approaches of foreign researchers to the definition of the essence of the concept of "motivation" and its features in relation to highly productive employees – talents. It is noted that the motivation of talents, although it has in common with the motivation of other categories of employees, however, it has some significant differences. For talents, more than for others, a comfortable working environment, the authority of the head, a cohesive team are important. A review of foreign publications has shown that companies interested in hiring talents need to pursue a systematic and purposeful motivational policy focused specifically on this category of employees and taking into account factors that are important for highly productive employees.
Keywords: high-performance employees, talents, motivation, company policy, factors of attraction and retention, features.
Tolmachev I.V.
The quality of workers' working life: review of foreign literature
Work plays an important role in people's lives and can have a negative impact on their personal life if it is not a source of satisfaction. In recent years, we have been hearing more and more about the quality of an employee's working life (QWL), and the quality of life at work has become a key issue for both employers and employees. The introduction of the QWL approach seems important, even inevitable, for companies because of all that it can bring to the organization and because of all the transformations that it can allow. The main goal of this approach is to link the improvement of working conditions and the efficiency of the company in terms of results. This approach should align and meet the expectations of employees, while meeting the expectations of employers.
Keywords: work, social and labor relations, working life, quality of working life, staff, employees.
Baranov V.A.
Methodology of a flexible approach to managing construction projects in the American economic model
American economics in the twentieth century borrowed much from the competitive practices of the USSR. The methodology of the Soviet theorists of the economic model of the country's development N.A. Voznesensky, N.K. Baibakov has become generally accepted in project management in the USA. It is based on the traditional planning model, which has not always been the most effective when working with complex construction projects subject to many changes. For such projects, American economists are currently developing the idea of creating a Joint Chiefs of Staff (Economic JCS) by analogy with the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) created in the states in 1947. The purpose of this article is to show a hybrid approach to the management of construction projects. He relies not only on tradition, but also takes into account the practice of supporting changes at the time of project implementation, pays more attention to interaction with the client and increasing the value of the project (its constant capitalization in the process of working on the product).
Keywords: flexible management approach, construction project.
Bebko I.M.
Business ecosystems in Russia and abroad: classification and types
The article discusses the classification and types of business ecosystems in Russia and abroad. The current global economic environment emphasizes the importance of analyzing and understanding business ecosystems as a key element of successful entrepreneurial activity. The author attempts to deepen the understanding of the role of business ecosystems as a factor in successful business and reviews the insights provided by experts for entrepreneurs, investors and regulators seeking to create favorable conditions for the development of a business ecosystem on both a national and global scale.
Keywords: business ecosystems, Russia, European countries, entrepreneurial potential, modern economy, digital platforms.
Saeed Hiba Abdalsalam Saeed
Strategic planning for the digital hospital and the role in the development of health care
Strategic planning has played a role in the rapid creation of modern health technologies in recent years, with the potential to revolutionize health care delivery. Hospitals in global countries are working to adopt digital technologies in hospitals, which has the potential to transform health care delivery by improving patient outcomes, enhancing employee productivity, and reducing costs by analyzing the resources available to the health institution through the technology acceptance model and its suitability to the institution’s internal and external environment. Health care to ensure that it meets regulatory standards and protects patient safety. This paper concludes by highlighting the need for continuous evaluation and innovation in the use of digital health technologies to support modern health technologies and improve the quality of health care.
Keywords: Digital Health, Strategic Planning, Resource-Based View (RBV), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
Xia Bingyu
Cross-border e-commerce between Russia and China: past, present, future
This article examines the issues of cross-border e-commerce as a geopolitical tool to counter the economic and sanctions pressure of Western countries on national economies. The object of research is international trade. The subject of the study is cross–border e-commerce in Russia and China. The article examines the retrospective foundations, the current state and prospects of cross-border e-commerce in China and Russia. A form of international exchange is considered – energy consulting, as a resource reorientation of logistics flows of energy resources, which greatly facilitate work with China and make it the most preferred trading partner in the coming years. The long-term effectiveness of cross-border e-commerce between Russia and China is justified on two grounds: 1) there is a huge demand from consumers inside China; 2) there are stable partnerships between Russia and China, as well as a positive attitude towards Russia from ordinary Chinese residents.
Keywords: foreign economic activity, electronic payments, trade, energy resources, Internet commerce, Internet platforms.
Fan Wei
The impact of green economy on sustainable development processes
This article examines the problem of green economy on the problems of sustainable development, i.e. harmonious socio-economic development, which meets the needs of society, but does not jeopardize the stability of life support of future generations. In the first part of his study the article dwells on the concepts of economic development of the classics of economic theory, then considers the concepts of researchers of the school of ecological economics, which influenced new approaches to the sphere of exploitation of natural resources. The second part of the study is devoted to the disclosure of the concepts of “green economy”, “green finance”, “sustainable development” and the specifics of implementation of green economy in production. The author also dwells on such a concept as “green investments”, considering them as projects that improve the economy. In the process of researching “green finance” of the economy in the paradigm of sustainable development, the author concludes that green finance contributes to sustainable socio-economic development of the country.
Keywords: green economy, sustainable development, green finance, natural resources, green investments.
Yuan Sisheng
Li Ruomei
Zhang Qian
Development of investments of Chinese companies in Russia after the special operation
The article discusses the features of the development of Chinese companies' investments in Russia after the special operation. The author notes that the volume of China's investment in the Russian economy gained significant weight in the period under review due to the withdrawal of major European players from the market. The vacant niches are of considerable interest to Chinese partners, especially since China today can offer, for its part, not only financial resources, but also highly innovative technologies that will consolidate cooperation between both countries and make it highly productive. The paper notes that the interest of Chinese investors in Russian enterprises in particular and in joint cooperation in general is extremely high, which is the key to the long-term development of both countries.
Keywords: Russia, China, cooperation, investment, special operation.



Alxso Mohammed Raaed Mahmoud, Postgraduate student, Kazan Federal University.
Baimeshova S., PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Advertising Communications of the Kosygin Russian State University.
Baranov V.A., Graduate student. St. Petersburg Restoration and Construction Institute.
Batdieva A.A., 2nd year student of the direction of training 09.03.03 Applied informatics. North Caucasus State Academy.
Bebko I.M., 2nd year postgraduate student in the field of Economics, St. Petersburg State University of Economics.
Betuganov M.M., 2nd year student, areas of training 09.03.03 Applied Informatics. North Caucasus State Academy.
Chagarova A.B., 2nd year student of the direction of training 09.03.03 Applied informatics. North Caucasus State Academy.
Chegemlieva A.M., 2nd year student of the direction of training 09.03.03 Applied computer science. North Caucasus State Academy.
Chen Fei, Graduate student, Department of Theory and History of Journalism, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Chotchaeva Z.T., 3rd year student, areas of training 09.03.03 Applied computer science. North Caucasus State Academy.
Druzhinina E.S., Postgraduate student, All-Russian Research Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.
Erkenova A.A., 3rd year student, areas of training 09.03.03 Applied Informatics. North Caucasus State Academy.
Fan Wei, Graduate student, Higher School of Industrial Policy and entrepreneurship. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.
Jing Qiaojia, Master, Graduate School of Contemporary Social Sciences, Moscow State University.
Konnov D.V., Graduate student, Moscow International Academy.
Korshunov A.M., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Advertising Communications, Kosygin Russian State University.
Kotovskaya M.G., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Advertising Communications of the Kosygin Russian State University.
Li Ruomei, Shandong Water conservancy vocational college, China.
Medvedeva O.A., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Supply. North Caucasus State Academy.
Morgunov A.V., Master's student of the Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University.
Saeed Hiba Abdalsalam Saeed, Assistant Teacher of Management Information Systems. Northern Technical University, Iraq.
Semenova A.N., Senior lecturer of the Department of General Informatics. North Caucasus State Academy.
Shorov A.A., 2nd year student, areas of training 09.03.03 Applied Informatics. North Caucasus State Academy.
Silaev D.S., Scientific Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of the Department of Healthcare of the City of Moscow.
Smakkueva A.K., 2nd year student of the direction of training 09.03.03 Applied informatics. North Caucasus State Academy.
Slepchenko A.V., Graduate student, Moscow International Academy.
Titov V.N., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management of the Kosygin Russian State University.
Tkach D.N., Graduate student, Moscow International Academy.
Tolmachev I.V., Graduate student, Moscow International Academy.
Tong Tong, Master, Faculty Higher School of Modern Sciences, Moscow State University.
Uzdenova B.H., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Informatics. North Caucasus State Academy.
Xia Bingyu, Graduate student, Graduate School of Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship-Economics. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Yuan Sisheng, Shandong Water conservancy vocational college, China.
Zhang Qian, Shandong Water conservancy vocational college, China.
Zhou Minghao, Master, Faculty of Public Administration, Moscow State University.