Nazarov A.D. The unity and spiritual community of the multinational people of Russia in the coordinates of the state national policy: communicative aspects and features
Grusov E.V., Grusov F.E. Legal culture of sustainable development as an imperative of the era of global challenges
Kondrashihin A.B. International collective monographs as a means of organization of ethnosocium’s space
Mihailenko A.N. The development of Russia's «soft power»: a leadership approach
Laminina O.G. The processes of informatization of Russian society: problems and prospects
Shestun Y.N. Conceptual aspects of improving the quality of municipal services
Khubulava G.G. The stages of the doctor’s spiritual evolution. In the light of the Nikolai Pirogov’s religiosity
Vasilov S.I. Improvement of the efficiency of Customs Service employees on the basis of management of their professional development
Kurmanov Y.A., Nikolaeva G.N. Professional development and training of the teachers at the branch TRAINING SUE "Mosgortrans"
Komandishko E.F., Akishina E.M. Specificity of artistic perception and thinking of students on the basis of the conceptual ideas of the theory of music content
Kosireva M.S., Murashko S.F. The paradigm in the interlinguistic analysis
Zabolotskih A.S. The main social problems in the policy documents of the black-hundred organizations at the beginning of the XX century
Polyanchuk T.V. The evolution of national policy in modern Russia in the context of the strengthening of the state
Didigova I.B. Terminological system in modern linguistics
Kolesnikova N.A. Specificity of the institutionalization of civil society and the processes of self-organization in modern Russia
Abramova O.D., Abramov V.L. A comparative analysis of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and the BRICS group of index-based globalization, competitiveness and social development
Ternovaya L.O. "Miracle" among the categories of International Relations
Tkachenko E.N. Analysis of foreign practice of financing vocational education
Masich V.A. The specifics of Russia as a subject of "soft power"
Economics and Law
Etnoekonomika in the sustainable development of regions of Russia: the legal basis
Legal regulation of public-private partnerships in a global economy
Russia: state and society in the new reality
Scientific-practical conference «Problems in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol city»
Volkov M.Y. Some problems of proof of inflammatory provocative actions during the operatively-search activities (during operational experiment) in cases of bribery
Raskidnaya D.A., Loza G.G. Political and legal problems of the modern electoral process in the Russian Federation (based on the materials of the city of Sevastopol)
Ryabova E.I. The changes in the legal regulation of labour relations (1917-1925)
Visockaya Z.R. The administration practices of Russia in relation to the Crimea: XVIII - XIX
People's Republic of China
Se Chjenchjen The prospects of establishing Chinese-Russian alliance
Ryabova I.E. Valdes Odrisola Mariya Sant’yago «Such different Havana (Guide to historic sites)»
Requirements to materials submitted to the international publishing house "Etnosocium"
The article discusses the problem of formation of new ecological and moral standards, which are socio-natural in essence. Thereby the traditional understanding of natural processes from the standpoint of anthropocentrism is overcome. This is due to the necessity in the context of globalization to contribute the implementation of the concept of sustainable development as a condition of ensuring national security.
The work among the specific priorities of the world community in the current historical situation describes the transition of the humanity to biospherically compatible renewable energy and the formation of a new legal culture of nature.
Keywords: globalization, biosphere centrism, culture of resource use, renewable energy, legal culture of sustainable development, national security.
We consider the problems of the formation of the ethhnosocium’s space in publishing and educational activities. The peculiarities of editing and publication of the international scientific monographs as a form of publishing in a accelerated integration of scientific and information space of the world are touched in the article. The main aspects of the coordination of interests of the participants of the monograph - authors and entities that correspond to the stages of preparation for printing and publication distribution. The author proposes to tabulate the subject of monographic studies with author's alteration and subsequent placement on the available information resources as a way to enhance the scientific value of the collective research in space of ethnosocium.
Keywords: ethnosocium, scientific and information space, editing publications, scientific monograph, the team of authors.
There are different approaches to the concept of "soft power". Its most important components are the content of the country’s image, which is broadcast abroad to form its positive perception, as well as means of broadcasting. The experience of the United States, China, France shows that they improve both of these components. In the image of the country there are general and specific features. In the process of the analysis of the Russia’s image a reconstruction of the classical triad "hard power" - "soft power" - "smart power” was made. The author comes to conclusion that the development of Russia’s "soft power" should be associated with strengthening her leadership qualities. Several ways of improving Russia’s "soft power" are proposed.
Keywords: "hard power", "soft power", "smart power," American exceptionalism, "Chinese Dream", Francophonie, leadership, modernity, nationalism, patriotism.
The article considers the processes of informatization of Russian society, it also considers the ways of using information technologies for social and economic development of our country.
Keywords: informatization, information society, information technologies, information politics.
The article discusses conceptual approaches to improving the quality of municipal services. The role of monitoring and testing activities, and public monitoring in the process of support of normative and improved quality of municipal services.
Keywords: municipal services, monitoring, quality, satisfaction.
This article analyzes the development of the religious views of the surgeon and public figure of Nikolai Pirogov.
Keywords: history of medicine, Pirogov, φάσις, religious quest.
The article deals with the management of the personnel of customs authorities. The main factors affecting their efficiency are defined. The author proves that the increase of labor productivity depends on the conditions and opportunities for the staff professional development. The main directions of improving the system of professional development of customs officials are suggested.
Keywords: customs, public service, education, professional development, labour productivity.
The article analyzes the problems of professional development and training of the teachers at the branch TRAINING SUE "Mosgortrans". The formation of modern forms and methods of training and professional development of the teaching staff. It is necessary to train the teachers so that their knowledge conform to modern technology.
Keywords: teaching methods, forms of education, training, teaching staff, professional development, professional training, a branch TRAINING SUE "Mosgortrans".
The article deals with urgent for our time pedagogical problem of artistic perception and thinking of students. It focuses important methodological aspects of the disclosure of the theory of musical content as the innovative technology of familiarizing students to the art of music. This makes it possible to draw attention to the specifics of the development of semantic-expressive essence of the musical works of art, as well as the importance of the conceptual ideas of the theory of music content in the development of artistic perception and thinking among school children and youth.
Keywords: artistic perception, value perception, emotional and creative thinking, art information, the content of the music, a special and non-special music content, character, musical meaning.
This article analyses characteristics and properties of the paradigm as a linguistic model. The authors analyse the paradigmatic modelling at different linguistic levels. The main tendencies and features of the paradigms described in modern linguistics are identified in the article. The authors also investigate the ability to use the paradigm in the linguistic analysis of modelling of the international vocabulary of modern Russian language.
Keywords: paradigm, interlinguistics, international vocabulary in the Russian Language.
The article describes the basic program of Russian right monarchism organizations at the beginning of the XX century, in terms of their proposed measures for the development of education and healthcare, as well as of human rights and freedoms. The author demonstrates a consolidated position of the majority of the Black Hundreds. It is concluded that the principles of the estate in the education system are inviolable. The author proves the statement about the absence of a full development program of the Russian healthcare system at the right monarchism organizations, which they considered only as part of a nationwide charity case. Human rights, as the Black Hundreds understood them, could exist only within the strict limits of the autocratic regime.
Keywords: Right monarchism, the black hundreds, education, health, human rights and freedoms.
The article discusses the problem of formation of the national policy of the Russian Federation in the post-Soviet period. The task of creating the legal framework of national policies and the establishment of its institutional foundations was solved simultaneously with the problem of quest of national development strategies and national idea adequate to modern conditions. This process has been stretched in time. We can assume that nowadays the national policy is recognized as one of the most important aspects of national security of the country.
Keywords: national policy, national identity, national and ethno-confessional relations.
The terminology of the theory of the text carries the quantitative and qualitative changes, so it is necessary to consider it as a problem in terms of the general linguistic terminology, and in connection with the study of specific problems of the theory of the text associated with the further complication of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of this science. However, despite this level of research in the field of linguistic terminology, as well as its presentation in sufficiently broad lexicographic editions, there is a problem of incomplete description of the terms and concepts of the text theory – the science, which continues today to develop dynamically.
Keywords: text, the term text linguistics, terminological text linguistics, communicative text linguistics, non-separable and composite terminological units, terminological lexical unit of the text theory.
In this article the author considers the specifics of institutionalization of civil society in modern Russia and processes of self-organization of citizens, pointing out their catalyzistic character. The author points out the notion of civil society and its elements and underlines the necessity for developing the institutes of civil society in order to provide for more complete ensurance of rights and protection of the citizens’ interests. She gives the main directions of activity of non-commercial organizations that the Russian citizens want for. The author points out that the response to the actual public problems is, in fact, the actual sphere (platform) for interaction of civil society institutions and power agencies with the situation as of today.
Keywords: civil society, civil society institutions, non-commercial organizations, political parties, population confidence, processes of the citizens’ self-organization, voluntary activity, interaction.
Among the many concepts that constitute the categorical apparatus of the theory of international relations, the range of definitions that characterize the "soft power" has recently expanded. There are international ratings of happiness and hope. We can compare the states of what constitutes a national dream. Many accumulated examples allow to assess international life by the term of "miracle".
Keywords: international relations, the cycles of economic development, "economic miracle", comparative analysis.
The article discusses some aspects of foreign experience in securing vocational education funding. Approaches to the participation of the state and the private sector in education costs are defined. The conclusions regarding the possibility of using foreign experience in the experience of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: education, vocational education, finance, government, the private sector.
The article considers the specifics of Russia as a subject of "soft power". For consideration four factors are presented that influence the situation in the field of environmental, economic, social, and doctrinal factors.
Keywords: soft power, international relations, politics, Russia, Joseph Nye.
The article considers the problem of proving the facts of incitement to commit a crime of corruption (bribery) during the "operational experiment".
The article provides a list of circumstances to be proved when checking the following versions of accusation: a slander of an official by an applicant; provocatively-inflammatory actions of law enforcement officers during the search operations.
The author considers the objective and subjective components of the problem of proof of inflammatory actions by law enforcement officers during the operatively-search activities.
Keywords: counteraction against corruption, operatively-search activities, bribery, provocatively-inflammatory actions, accusatory.
The article covers political and legal problems of the modern electoral process with which the residents of the city of Sevastopol have faced during the transition to the Russian legal field. The authors consider the electoral process as such, define the main problems and ways of their decision.
Keywords: law, elections, electoral process, suffrage, democracy, legal system, legislation, voting rights.
The author analyzes the legislation of the first years of the Soviet power in the sphere of labour and concludes that at the level of the "Center", the law-making of "places" was widely used.
Keywords: People's Commissariat of Labour, Labour Code, decrees of the Council of People's Commissars.
On the basis of historical, legal, political analysis, the article investigates the issues of the Crimean subdivision in the XVIII – XIX centuries. It also looks into the national, religious and migratory politics of the Russian Empire in regards to the Crimea and observes the activities in arrangement the Crimean resort.
Keywords: the Russian Empire, the Crimea, Crimean Khanate, administration, national politics, XIX century, XVIII century.
With the convergence of the Russian-Chinese relations and the deterioration of Chinese-US relations, the issue of the Russian-Chinese alliance is attracting more and more attention. The author studies different opinions of Russian, Chinese and American scientists, and believes that the possibility of creating such an alliance is relatively small.
Keywords: Russia, China, the Russian-Chinese relations, Russian-Chinese alliance.