Dzucev H.V., Hugaeva A.A., Dibirova A.P. The problem of religious extremism in the world sociological literature
Moshnyaga V.P. Social development and social relationships: the relationship and interdependence
Varsonofiev V.V. Theory and practice of national policy in the Russian army
Lezina O.V. Engineering education as a factor of modernization and a drive for socio-political changes
Ivakin G.A. Activities monarchist movement «Brotherhood of freedom and order» (based on the Special Section of the Police Department)
Orcuev S-M.H. Theoretical and methodological rationale for youth policy
Kuzmichev A.S. Visual appearance of publications: current trends and design technology
Babaeva Z.M. On the evolution of the social sphere in the Russian Federation in 1990
Timofeeva E.K. Formation and the imperatives of corporate social responsibility
Kaminskaya E.A. The cultural milieu of contemporary folk culture
Danilenko O.V., Chernishev A.I., Vorobev D.P. Service personnel and enterprise management business career employees
Sidorova D.A. Sign and symbol in hospitality
Letynovski P.V. Ambivalence and agradecia political and legal culture of Russia in the light of contrastive – regulatory analysis
Biryukov S.V., Ryabova E.L. «Turkish Gambit» of Tayip Erdogan
Ternovaya L.O. Price of lie in international relations
Ismaylova L.G. Emotive phraseological units of the Azerbaijani language, and its means to express joy, love, happiness and admiration
Aliev Z.T. Spirituality. Solidarity. Competitiveness
Bodrov S.N. On the question of ensuring Russia’s national interests in the Arctic and Antarctic
Puzipev K.S. Spain: regional and local elections, prospects for social and political transformation
Dannenberg A.N. The Catholic Church in Argentina: social mission in times of crisis
People's Republic of China
Pchelkina S.U. The borrowing of Western-style management in China
Kazanin M.V. Modern threats to environmental security of People’s Republic of China
Etnoekonomika in the sustainable development of regions of Russia: the legal basis
Legal regulation of public-private partnerships in a global economy
Boltenkova L.F. The political and legal bases of management of people and territory in the Russian Empire (Part 1)
Ryabova E.I. The political and legal bases of management of people and territory in the Russian Empire (Part 2)
Smirnova M.I., Staricin A.V. Religious policy of Russia in the North Caucasus: historical and legal aspect
Requirements to materials submitted to the international publishing house "Etnosocium"
This article is devoted to the problems of religious extremism and is based on the materials of the modern world literature.
Keywords: post-industrial society, a Christian country, religious pluralism and religious tolerance, the traditional Muslim society, religious fundamentalism, insurgents, sin, self-identity, the emancipation of women in Western society, the sacred passwords Islam, the French «secularism» and Islam, sectarian conflict, confrontation line «power-people» economic crisis.
Until 1917, The term “indigenous dwellers”, which concerned citizens of the Russian Empire, was used to refer to a certain part of the inhabitants of Russia. A special type of management was applied to them, characterized by the reference to their origin. It did not allow the laws to spread on them n their full scale, including the questions of military construction. In a number of reasons, this problem is related to one of the least-studied in the course of the military history of the Russian state. It is the role of the national factor in military construction.
Keywords: indigenous dwellers, history, military, politics, sociology, culture studies.
In the context of globalization, it is higher education that most actively transforms the world. There is a particularly rapidly growing need of staff with engineering and technical education. This line corresponds to the tasks of not just economic modernization, but also to the improvement of the socio-political relations.
Keywords: modernization, competitiveness, engineering education, integration.
The article is devoted to the formation and activity of the Fellowship of Freedom and Order – a monarchist society, which was established during the first Russian revolution. Some documents of the Special Section of the Police Department concerning this ultra-right monarchical organization are introduced and analyzed for the first time. A detailed research of the ideology of the Fellowship within the framework of formation of the black-hundredist ideas is undertaken.
Keywords: the Fellowship of Freedom and Order, the Revolution of 1905-1907, the Black Hundred movement, ultra-right monarchism, E.A. Shabelskaya.
The article is devoted to the actual problem of processes of interactive communication between graphic designers, layout and art directors in the framework of interactive multi-media. Common design errors happen due to the lack of awareness of designers of the development of digital media outside the editorial office. The answers to the question of how to avoid these errors and which professional skills you must possess are contained in the text.
Keywords: multipage publications, digital publications, mobile devices, interactive communications, information structure, graphic design, design methods, layout, typography, font, artistic and technical editing.
The article is dedicated to the changes of the approaches in the Russian Federation and the problems of the development of social sphere. In the center of attention there is a change of the nature of approaches to it in the society.
Keywords: The Russian Federation, social state, social sphere, liberal course, social guarantees.
Its origins lie in the development of relations of the business community and the public, it is based on a fairly high standard of social responsibility of the state. Today we have various models of this policy in different countries. The necessary framework of documents is already established, which helps to develop corporate social responsibility in Russia.
Keywords: economy, the trade union movement, philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, stakeholder.
The author gives his own understanding of modern folk culture and focuses on its active functioning at the present time. In the article, the cultural millieu is divided into negative, neutral and positive judging by the criterion of the interaction with folklore and modern culture. In this context, professional artistic culture, mass culture, educational milieu, leisure are considered. The article shows the dependence of their influence on purposeful actions and attitudes to minimizing the negative impact and strengthening positive role.
Keywords: traditional folklore, postfolklore, folklorism, folk culture, cultural milieu.
The article considers the main directions of work of the staff service concerning the motivation of the employees, and the process of bringing up the information about vacancies to the employees. The measures of development and implementation of a personal career development of the staff are offered. The notion of “the staff development by means of professional growth” is presented as a long and continuous process, perfecting professional skills, employee’s personal qualities and forming such the right attitude towards work.
Keywords: improving staff motivation, motivational improvement policy of the enterprise, service personnel, management of business career, the criterion scale needed for the staff assessment, supportive motivational policies, the budget for the development of motivation.
The article is about two main communication problems of hospitality. The first problem is the perception of the other human in the situation “The host and the guest”. This perception expressed in symbols and signs is, first, formalized by a strict ceremonial and, second, is individual and unique. That is, because we always communicate with a unique person. The second important problem is a verbal expression of existing connections in our interaction. Language, being a formal structure, nevertheless conveys humans’ interactions inadequately. Besides, in the article main practices of the hospitality itself are denoted. They are the following: invasion of our personal place, mutual conditionality of the host and the guest, and distrust among them. The author believes that the clarification of these practices is important for the communicative problem-solving as well as for the understanding of our own attitude toward bonds which appear in the relations between the host and the guest.
Keywords: hospitality, language, communication, symbol, sign system.
In the article the author raises the question of statehood and the problems of constitutional transformation of the society, based on the understanding of historical identity and national consciousness of Russian citizens.
Keywords: cultural and legal heritage, national traditions, spirituality, Orthodoxy, sovereignty and national dignity.
The article describes the internal and external crisis in the Turkish Republic in the connection with the dramatic development of the military and political conflict in the Middle East. The authors analyze the strategic and tactical mistakes that led the Turkish leadership and the country to the brink of default in politics.
Keywords: Turkey, Middle East, Syria, the conflict, the crisis, the religious question, the strategy, Realpolitik.
In times of international tension on the world political scene poured huge amounts of lies. Although the essence of diplomacy, which was originally supposed to follow the rule not to lie and use default, lies eventually managed to distort not only a tool of international relations as a belief, but has managed to influence the practice of the use of force.
Keywords: international morality, lies, truth, falsification, double standards.
The author of the article gives a definition of the word «emotion» and emotive phraseological units. Emotive phraseological units expressing feelings of joy, love, happiness, admiration, delight are listed. The article focuses on the use of emotive phraseological units that express love, joy.
The author also introduces phraseological units that are associated with customs, traditions and rituals of the Azerbaijani people.
The author explains the origins of some emotive phraseological units which express the feeling of joy, admiration and love.
The set phrases used in different situations are analyzed. The article reveals the mentality and national character of the Azerbaijani people by the emotive phraseological units.
Keywords: the emotion, the human condition, positive emotions, negative emotions, customs of the Azerbaijani people, the bride, the approval of the choice of the soul of man, wedding, happy news, love, jump with happiness, experiencing delight, emotion, feelings.
Russia is returning to the international arena as a key player, the most important part of the global competitive space. The country is desperately interested in strengthening its position in the strategically important regions. Consequently, the return of Russia as a fair mediator and peacemaker, proceeding from the fact that the practice of resolving political conflicts is historically familiar to it, a task not only economic viability , but also a question of the international prestige, the basis of successful sovereign development of Russia.
Exploring the experience of global development with the USA and China as examples over the last three decades reveals the full potential of public policies aimed at increasing the international competitiveness in terms of global challenges erected to the rank of «national idea».
The article explains the complex preconditions for the formation of the Russian national idea. It is noted that without social justice, in alliance with spirituality overcoming of discord in society will be difficult to form and maintain the unity for sustainable global development, global competitiveness of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: The national idea, modern political discourse - dialogue, spirituality and social justice, regional and global political stability, international competitiveness.
The article raises some very important questions concerning Russia’s contemporary geopolitical interests in the Arctic and Antarctic at present. The author denotes also some problems, which he considers important for observing the interests of the country in these regions in the future.
Keywords: The Russian Federation, the Arctic, Antarctic, geopolitical interests, strategy of development, purpose, task.
The article examines the nature and the content of the protest movement in Spain starting from the mid-2000s, with the projection of the results on the regional and local elections in May 2015. The author analyzes the potential for protest movements, taking into account their possible impact on the transformation of the party and political system of Spain and the country’s political culture.
Keywords: Spain, elections, political parties, protest movements, regionalism, electoral culture, regional separatism
The article discusses the activities of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina in the period of social and economic crisis of 2000-2002. It is concluded that in the period under review the Church played a major mediating role in the resolution of social conflict in the country, acting as a «third force», consolidating the various layers of Argentinean society. However, with the level of social instability in Argentina getting lower, the government returned to the previous model of state-church relations, in which the Catholic Church was deduced from the political process, leaving only humanitarian functions in the public space.
Keywords: Catholicism, Catholic Church, Latin America, Argentina, crisis, CELAM, Episcopal Conference.
The article deals with the Chinese approach to the adoption of cultural borrowings with Chinese management as an example. Acculturation as a leading method of development of Western culture management in China rises as the main question of article. The basic sign of acculturation as an external addition to the traditional practice, which does not lead either to assimilation or integration. Chinese management is a striking example of acculturation of cultural borrowings. Management of the Western model did not become a Chinese cultural norm. Its use is limited to the external adoption of attributes of Western business culture, without actually affecting the system of views on the business in general and the relationship in the workplace. The lack of attempt to change the tradition through the integration of Western management contributes to its preservation, but may deprive the Chinese culture of new resources for further development and may reduce the dynamics of its growth.
Keywords: cultural borrowings, the Chinese management, the Western management, acculturation, assimilation, integration, tradition.
The article is devoted to the description of modern ecological situation in China, established as a result of the policy of the so-called «Reforms and opening up» There is also a description of the main causes of pollution, the magnitude of environmental problems and threats that they form, as well as possible ways to resolve them.
Keywords: PRC, ecological safety, pollution, public health, direct economic damage.
Chronologically, the article covers the pre-Soviet period of Russian history. The issue of religious policy is most relevant in the context of the mechanisms of formation of the Russian territorial and civilizational space, as well as contemporary issues of security of Russia and its territorial integrity. No one disputes the modern religious revival in the North Caucasus, as well, on the whole south of Russia and in its other regions. Religion also includes a dividing potential. This is particularly evident today in the «hot spots» of the planet. There are not any extreme hazards in the North Caucasus, but there is a tendency to contradictions. Russia has accumulated centuries-old experience of coexistence of religions and cultures. It is necessary to study and communicate it in order not to be defenseless against attempts to destabilize the situation.
Keywords: religious politics, religion, the North Caucasus, the pre-Soviet period, the history of religious policy.