Ten years: the Russian economy, Sevastopol
Savelev V.V. On the question of the development of the theory of federated-ethnic relations
Vasilov S.I. Determination of the level of wages adjusted to the level of professionalism of customs officers
Ulyanova N.B. Fine art as a formative factor of socio-cultural space aesthetics
Hubulava G.G. The phenomenon of conflicts between a patient and a physician
Omarova Y.A. Housing policies in the Russian Federation
Kurmanov Y.A., Nikolaeva G.N. Educational competence of teachers and masters of vocational training as a major factor which influences road safety
Mikhailova N.V. On the harmonization of national interests in national policy: from past experience
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
North-Eastern Federal University
Levochkin V.V. The system of professional training as a basis for the development of cultural sector in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Kuzmina L.A. Actualization of cliff art sites in the context of cultural genesis
Egorova T.P. Psychological aspects of olonkho as the spiritual heritage of the Sakha people
Maximov A.A. Pomor identity in modern political journalism and scientific literature as a tool of manipulating the public opinion
Parfenov E.A. The memory phenomenon in the context of activization of speech and thought activities of a student who learns a foreign language
Popov N.S. Symbolism in the environmental culture of Sakha
Nikiforova S.V. Symbols of national self-awareness in the daily life of sakha (yakuts)
Levochkin V.V. The phenomenon of national cinema on the experience of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Popova G.S. Duality in nature and triple unity in culture
People's Republic of China
Evtyushin K.A. PRC’S foreign policy on the current stage: main factors and trends
Kazanin M.V. China-Taiwan relations: before and after meeting of the President of PRC Xi Jinping and the President of Republic of China (Taiwan) Ma Injiu in November, 2015
Economics and Law
Etnoekonomika in the sustainable development of regions of Russia: the legal basis
Legal regulation of public-private partnerships in a global economy
Russia: state and society in the new reality
Shestov S.N., Rudenko-Minih I.I. “Russian Spring” of 2014 won both on the squares and Crimea Internet platforms
Semenova V.I. Religious totalitarianism and mind control in new religious movements
Kondratyuk D.L., Saglayeva N.A., Sergeev V.A. On the problem of uncertainty of Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 2014 Number 91
Litvinov D.V., Saglayeva N.A. Violation of the right on judicial protection of persons subject to prosecution as a consequence of the uncertainty of some of the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 2014 № 91
Fecenko E.N. On the problems in the implementation of the new subjects of the procurement legislation
Requirements to materials submitted to the international publishing house "Etnosocium"
The author justifies the need for a theory of federated-ethnic relations and offers some basic concepts for its development, as well as the transition to the vector principle in domestic policy in Russia.
Keywords: national sectoral policies; mega-, macro-, meso- and micro-relevance of the national-cultural vector of internal policy; domestic ethnic-etatic understanding of the national factor, state-forming mission of the Russian people and the peoples of Russia, civilizational typology.
The article considers the main approaches to determination of the level of wages on the basis of appraisal of customs officers. The author states the main motivation and incentive functions of wages, as well as the interaction and interdependence of the income level and professional growth of employees.
Keywords: wages, income, motivation, professional advancement, professional development.
The article is devoted to the problem of preservation of traditions in contemporary art education. The author analyzes the meta-logic approaches and opportunities for developing art education by means of the national artistic culture. The author substantiates the necessity of introduction of the practical basics of graphic literacy in educational process, based on the experience of the historical development of folk art.
Keywords: art education, national traditions, development of a personality, aesthetics, culture, education.
This article analyzes the conflicts arising between a patient and a physician. In particular, the realistic and unrealistic types of the conflicts and possible ways out of the conflict situations.
Keywords: intersubjectivity, conflict, disease, motive.
In the article the author considers priorities in housing policies. The most significant sign of those priorities: the housing policies of a country are the result of its economic policies and the current political situation. The author tries to offer the new methodological approaches and principles of management of the housing stock.
Keywords: housing policies, system approach, innovation, adaptation, regionalization.
This article reflects the strategic guidelines of the state and transformational changes in the training of teachers and instructors of driving schools. They are aimed at overcoming non-standard professional situations and characterized with the existence of the internal development mechanism, the goal-setting capacity, the ability to plan actions, etc.
Keywords: driving school, teacher at a driving school, pedagogical culture, driving instructors, vocational education, educational organization.
The article deals with the key issue of national policy on the harmonization of the national interest in a federal state on the example of the Soviet Union. It has been shown that one of the reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union was the disregard for this fundamental principle.
Keywords: national interest, sovereignty, Federal relations, separation of powers, class interest, integration, centralization, decentralization.
This article characterizes the state system of professional and preprofessional training for the cultural sector in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). There are stages of development of the system of art education and the main regularities of the process of creating educational institutions. The author justifies the necessity of increasing educational capacity in the sphere of culture and art for the successful implementation of tasks of creation, preservation and relaying of cultural values. The author defines the interrelation between the systematization of professional training of specialists in culture and the formation of national identity in the region.
Keywords: Yakut culture, the education system of the Republic of Sakha, vocational education, prevocational education, education in the culture sector, history of education.
The author of the article examines the main preconditions for cultural continuity of cliff art symbols and functioning of ancient artifacts in the ethnic culture of the peoples of the North. The analysis shows that sacred rocks had sacral significance in the Yakut religious-mythological views and were considered magical.
Keywords: cliff art, archaic culture, religious-mythological views of traditional peoples of the North, model of the Universe, sacral.
Olonkho as cultural heritage has a special place in the spiritual life of the Sakha people. Currently, there is an increased interest in the epic as a source of national culture of the people. Researchers of the epic attribute this fact to the growth of special historical and national consciousness of the people, justifying that by socio-cultural, psychological and political reasons. Epic, its genesis and ontology are probably an expression of national identity that fully reflects the pattern of a people’s life. Olonkho gives a vivid picture of the life of the people, its morality, spirituality, reveals the soul of the people, its virtues and features.
Keywords: folk epic, metaphorization, initiation, an ancient people, anti-human, anti-social, ethnic consolidation of Sakha, unconscious.
The article provides the analysis of some journalistic and scientific works concerning the issue of manipulating social consciousness. The article analyzes the tools, which the authors use for manipulating facts of history and the actual state of things.
Keywords: manipulation, kinds and tools of manipulation, classification, counterarguments, pomor.
The article is devoted to the problem of activization of speech and thought activities of those students who learn a foreign language. According to the thesis of this research speech and thought activities are activated by solving communicative tasks. For these purposes the verbal-communicative function of a person has to be formed. The development of the person’s memory is one of the important conditions for the formation of this function. The article considers various approaches to analyzing the memory phenomenon.
Keywords: memory phenomenon, speech and thought activities of students, learning of a foreign language.
The article discusses a new approach to solving environmental, ethnic and cultural problems and the application of national “symbolism” in preserving the ecosystem. Industrial projects are being developed and realized rapidly. In Western Siberia, we observe an ecological movement lag and the lack of ecological culture in the oil and gas industry. In the industrial development of Eastern Siberia, it is necessary to consider the preservation of the ecosystem as a national asset. The article details one of the important components of ecological culture: revival and application of original religious and ecological symbols.
Symbols of national identity function as signs identifying the ethnos and genetic memory of the culture. In the traditional everyday life ordinary consciousness uses these symbols as “self-evident”. Based on the similarities between the everyday and the mythological consciousness, the author considers the structure and mechanism of functioning of these symbols as self-designation and spatial representations in the culture of sakha (yakuts) as an example.
Keywords: self-awareness, daily routine, symbol, identity, ethnicity, traditional culture, everyday consciousness, the collective unconscious, relevance.
This article is devoted to the development of the national film industry in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), necessary for consideration of the conceptual and strategic documents, which will serve as the basis of policy and practical activities of public authorities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the local government of municipal formations of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), interaction between institutions and enterprises. There are conditions for the further development of the national film industry of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), as a regional segment of the film industry of the Russian Federation, competitive on the Russian and international markets by creating a centralized distribution system, formation of high-tech film-production complex and improvement of the legal framework governing relations in the field of the national film industry.
Keywords: Yakutian cinema, film of the Republic of Sakha, the national cinema, the national film industry, the system of film distribution, the financing of the film industry, the financing of cinema, Yakutsk international film festival, the Yakut filmmakers, Sakhafilm.
The aim of the work is to correlate two regularities in two spheres of human environment – nature and culture: duality in nature and triple unity in culture. This scientific research will be based on the principle of homogeneity and systematic cultural studies.
Keywords: nature, culture, human, duality, triple unity, psyche substance Kut, given things, need.
The article is devoted to the foreign policy of one of the most politically and economically influential actors on the world stage currently, the People’s Republic of China. The article is about the main factors determining foreign policy and economic strategy of China, the characteristic of the content of the so-called “grand strategy”, its start has been made during the leadership of Hu Jintao, which formulated the strategic policy of “peaceful elevation” then replaced by a course of “peaceful development “. Some activities of China in North Africa, the Middle East and Asia Pacific are highlighted. The approaches of Xi Jinping on the directions of development of the SCO are defined.
Keywords: foreign policy, challenges and threats, security, economic interests, international terrorist organizations.
The article is devoted to the characteristics of relations between PRC and Tawian including economical and political spheres. Particular attention is paid to the reasons of organization of the meeting of President of PRC Xi Jinping and the President of Republic of China (Taiwan) Ma Yingjeou in November of 2015, especially the relations in the triangle of “China-Taiwan-Singapore” are considered.
Keywords: foreign policy, contacts on highest level, economic cooperation, political contacts, territorial disputes.
The article considers the role of Internet resources in the socio-political events of 2014, known as the “Russian Spring” and led to the reunification of the Crimea with Russian Federation. Attention is paid to the creation and active use of social networks by journalists and public figures of Crimea to promptly inform the public about all the events, which took place on the peninsula, refuting the propaganda from the Ukrainian side, and coordination of social and political forces of the peninsula. In the article you can see conclusions about the importance of public participation in social and political processes, creation of information and discussion platforms in social networks to find successful solution in crisis situations, provide information security, civil peace and assent, development of civil society.
Keywords: Russia, Crimea, Sevastopol, “Russian Spring”, an Internet resource, social networks, the information war, Home Guard, Internet militia.
In this article the author explores the phenomenon of totalitarism in new religious movements. Classification of signs of religious totalitarianism is given. The author describes the stages of change in consciousness among the members of religious sects, as well as management techniques used by leaders of new religious movements.
Keywords: religious totalitarianism, new religious movements, mind control, religious cult.
The article examines the problem of imperfection of disposition of Part 2 Article 6 of the Federal law of Russian Federation from May, 5, 2014 № 91. It contains a gap in adjusting of order of criminal proceedings on the former «Ukrainian» criminal cases, returned by the court to the public prosecutor on the basis of Article 237 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Russian Federation during court trials, which started before March, 18, 2014.
The indicated gap generated illegal, without unity in the ground, law enforcing practice of initiation of new criminal cases, identical to the foregoing unhalted criminal cases, that entailed violation of principle of legality at judicial consideration of the again excited criminal cases, namely keeping the order and the terms of criminal trial, equality and adversary nature of participants of criminal trial, proportionality and justice, which are guarantees of realization of constitutional right on judicial defense of the criminally pursued persons, that, in the end, nullifies this right.
It is indicated in the article, that the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in case it has the occasions set by the law, by virtue of its jurisdiction, is able to remove this gap of item 2 of article 6 of the Federal law of Russian Federation from May, 5, 2014 № 91 as well as violations of human rights caused by this gap.
Keywords: Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Crimea, the city of federal significance Sevastopol, h. the 2nd Art. 6 of the Federal law of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2014 No. 91, a gap, right application, the right for judicial protection, guarantees of the right for judicial protection.
The article analyzes the mechanism of violations of the right judicial protection of persecuted individuals, because of the uncertainty generated by Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal law of the Russian Federation dated 5 May 2014 No. 91, in the regulation of the criminal proceedings on the former «Ukrainian» criminal cases, which were returned to prosecutors by courts guided by article 237 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in the criminal cases initiated before 18 March 2014.
The authors prove that the lack of direct reference to h. 2 tablespoons. 6 of the Federal Law № 91 to be bound by the continuation of production returned criminal cases entail an unjustified and unlawful re-initiation of criminal cases, which violates the guarantee of the constitutional right to judicial protection, namely the rule of law, is composed of: the conditions of compliance with the order of criminal proceedings, equality before the law and the courts and adversarial, timeliness of criminal proceedings, observance of the right to freedom of movement, and in the aggregate - the requirements of law, justice and proportionality.
Violation of these requirements of the law violates the constitutional right of criminally prosecuted person to judicial protection, as well as on the basis of this constitutional right and to respect that person’s dignity.
Keywords: Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Crimea, the city of federal significance Sevastopol, h. the 2nd Art. 6 of the Federal law of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2014 No. 91, a gap, the right for judicial protection, guarantees of the right for judicial protection, the right to respect for human dignity, legality, legal proceedings.
This article discusses the use of new subjects - Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol of the procurement legislation, in particular the Federal Law number 223.
A list of the most frequently allowable irregularities in the application of the Federal Law number 223 of non-compliance of the principles of purchase.
The conclusion about the need to introduce new subjects in developed practice of the Russian Law 223-FZ.
Keywords: violations of the procurement legislation, new subjects of the Russian Federation - Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, the Federal Law number 223, failure to comply with the principles of procurement.