Kalinina K.V. Theoretical and methodological basis for sustainable development of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East
Shtetc A.A., Shtetc T.P. National Values of the Russian Mentality
Ponomareva G.M. The role of institutional structures in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development
Zyazikov M.M. The role of the Russian language in the modern world
Bobrov A.A. Assessing the impact of modern informational technologies on the demographic development
Rushin S.A., Yudin V.I. Mediation: social interaction in overcoming the contradictions and conflicts through compromise
Krutickaya E.V. Features of PR support of activities of the volunteer center on the Internet
Romakina N.A. The role of the Russian medicines market in improving health
Osokin A.N. Critique of liberal political thought (with the French philosophy as an example)
Baulin N.B. Russian Impressionism as an example of creativity K.A. Korovin
Katamadze N.S. Memories as a source of studying the history of Russia a peasant
Tretyakov N.S. The history of the evacuation and conservation of museum
Chirva D.V. “Correct” question of freedom: the activity indeterminism
Dolgenko A.N., Kosireva M.S., Murashko S.F. Heterostereotypes of the Russian lingua-culture at the beginning of the XXI century
Bredihin A.V. Multinational Don: conflicts in the “eastern territories”
Danilenko O.V., Chernishov A.I., Vorobiyov D.P. Professional training and development of personnel
Sidorova D.A. On-line charity in contemporary Russia. Connection with a donor
Abramova O.D., Abramov V.L. A comparative analysis of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and the BRICS
Gurinovich D.F. Tendencies of regional development with BRICS as an example
Ahmedova Sevinj Osman gyzy The concept of “family” in lexical-semantic and phraseological systems of the English and Azerbaijan languages
Churiakova A.I. The key features of renewable energy lobbying in the European Union
People's Republic of China
« Russia and China: history and prospects of cooperation in a globalized world» II International Scientific Conference
Хiaofen Qiu Cooperation between China and Russia in the framework of the SCO in the sphere of security
Chjan Vei The peculiarity of the SHOS and its influence on the development of the informational aspects
Economics and Law
Etnoekonomika in the sustainable development of regions of Russia: the legal basis
Legal regulation of public-private partnerships in a global economy
Russia: state and society in the new reality
Boltenkova L.F. The mutual dependence of federalism and regionalism in the governmental system
Vlasov V.I. Continuity of the Russian policy in the Caucasus region
Ryabova E.L. Review of the monograph « Russia in XXI century: a national response to the national question» Abdulatipov R.G., Mihailov V.A.
Requirements to materials submitted to the international publishing house "Etnosocium"
In the article we discuss the problem of the justification of national values corresponding to the Russian mentality. From the point of view of the culture studies approach, the system of Russian values has to be allocated on the basis of the leading principles formulated by the Russian philosophical thought. And first of all, it is the principle of the Unity relation of the person to the world.
Keywords: National Values, the Russian Mentality, Culturological Approach, Unity.
The article is devoted to factors and conditions of achieving the transition to sustainable development of national economies. These problems are analyzed from the perspective of institutional approaches. The role of formal and informal institutions in the dynamics of national economies underline the role of institutional structures in the choice of these economies and trajectories of economic development strategies. The emphasis is on the importance of informal institutions in the formation of inertial tendencies in the development of ethno-economies and providing a specific type of the equilibrium state of economic systems.
Keywords: Institutional analysis, national economy, ethnic Economics, Institute of formal and informal institutions, institutional framework, institutional border, sustainable development, the type of the equilibrium state, transitivity.
The article shows that the leading role of Russia on the international arena in the conditions of a new configuration of forces and multipolarity of the world will be accompanied by a substantial increase in value and sound of the Russian language. There is a culturological interpretation of the role of the Russian language in modern conditions that open up new channels of learning and dissemination of the Russian language in a multicultural society of the Russian Federation and beyond. The author gives practical examples to indicate that the expansion of the cultural space of the Russian language determines the formation of a supranational national unity. It offers the horizontal and vertical plane of the “language” of the construction and concrete measures for the development and preservation of the Russian language as a language of international communication.
Keywords: role of the Russian language, modern Russia, supranational unity “language” building, a multinational model of development.
The article is a view at the impact of modern information technologies in the aggravation of demographic crisis in Russia. We consider a variety of approaches to this issue and also with the concept of «demographic crisis».
Keywords: demographic crisis, the media, information technology, natural population decline, traditional values.
The article deals with the problems of preserving the unity of the Russian society, the potential of the positive experience of mediation and compromise in general. The potential of mediation and compromise in solving the problems of management effectiveness is far from exhausted. Public organizations and public figures, the national political and intellectual elite is considered in terms of mediation: they are mediators in ensuring the interests of the state and society, consensus and opposition to attempts to impose a uniform approach in solving complex international and regional problems. In the context of the imposition of sanctions and attempts to isolate Russia, authorities aim to use the power and potential of public, including international organizations, for constructive solutions to international and domestic problems. The same procedure of mediation, search technology and compromise should be used in dealing with contentious issues in relations between the state and society, government and business.
Keywords: compromise, mediation, conflicts and contradictions, social organization, solution of problems of state management, national security, the unity of Russian society, the interaction of government and society, moral principles.
One of the major tasks of the volunteer center is performing educational work for the volunteer movement, transitioning values of volunteering and social responsibility. Therefore, considering the question of promotion activities of the volunteer center, we must make the following clarification: the conduct of the volunteer event “quietly” and “for our friends” is equivalent to “failure.” Nobody trusts strangers. Therefore, if you want no prejudices and want people to support your action and approve of your work, read your posts, and be willing to listen to your opinion, make sure that they all have access to information about you. How can you do it? The answer is obvious: use information technology!
Keywords: volunteering, volunteerism and promotion activities, information technology, social networking, resource development, offline, online, website, content strategy, information.
The article examines changes in the market of drugs in 2014 and 2015; position in the market of various drugs, and the ability of the population to buy medicines of different price range. The paper considers the top three drugs and their relations to morbidity and mortality of the population in 2015, the liability of Russia in the vital problem of reducing deaths from circulatory diseases. The article provides a comparative analysis of these causes of death dynamics for a long period in comparison with the developed countries of Europe. The dynamics of the commercial drug market and recent steps of government agencies could change the situation on the market of medicines.
Key words: the health care system, drugs, generic drugs, commercial market drugs, vital and essential medicines, the market of medicines, mortality, price segments of the drugs market.
The article considers the critical position regarding the liberal perspective on the formation of the political. The author examines the views and concepts of French thinkers: Paul Ricoeur and Alain Badiou and their the understanding of the political classics of liberal thought in comparison with Immanuel Kant and Hannah Arendt. The paper discusses the possibilities and prospects of political development under the modern conditions.
Keywords: Political, ethics, liberalism, the reflexive judgment, aesthetics, moral good, justice, parliamentarism, happiness, debate.
The article presents the concept of the difference between the classic French impressionism from its regional trends. An attempt is made to determine the specifics of these differences as an example of creativity KA Korovin, there is an analysis of the common features of their significance in the general stylistic direction.
Keywords: K.A. Korovin, impressionism, painting, France, color, aesthetics and culture.
In the article the author attempts to reconstruct a successive link and new facts in the life of the village on the base of two memories of the leaders of the agro-industrial enterprises.
Keywords: memoirs, peasantry, industrialization, collectivization, collective farm, methodology, personnel policy, management, the agrarian history.
The article covers the evacuation and conservation of museum objects in 1941 taking Leningrad’s suburban palaces and museums as an example. It gives a brief review of the progress of work, provides data on the losses and damage done during the first wartime months and gives information about the evacuation sites – Leningrad, Sarapul, Novosibirsk.
Keywords: The Great Patriotic War (WWII), the siege of Leningrad, suburban palaces and museums, Peterhof, Pushkin, Oranienbaum, Pavlovsk, Gatchina, conservation of museum objects, evacuation, St. Isaac’s Cathedral.
The article is devoted to the issues concerning the possibility of building an agent causal theory that will be consistent with naturalistic metaphysics and contemporary sciences. Helen Steward’s concept of agency incompatibilism that was presented in her monograph A Metaphysics for Freedom published in 2012 is treated as an example of the theory satisfying the conditions mentioned above. The analysis of a conceptual system created by Steward with the meaning of notions agent, cause, animal transformed in comparison with other theories of agent causation is a subject matter the article.
Keywords: H. Steward, free will, animal, agent causality, agency incompatibilism.
The authors of the article analyze the changes of heterostereotypes of the Russian lingua stereotypes at the beginning of the XXI century in comparison with the dynamics of cultural and ideological dominants at the end of the XX century. Special attention is given to the functioning peculiarities of the Russian language in the ever changing lingua-cultural situation.
Keywords: the Russian language, lingua-cultural situation, culture-ideological stereotypes, dialogue of cultures.
Ethno-political processes in the Rostov region are being destabilized at the present time. The level of conflict between the ethnic groups inhabiting it remains high, which can lead to manifestations of radical nationalism and extremism. One of the most ethnically homogeneous areas is the eastern districts of the region. There is a high percentage of immigrants from the territory of Dagestan, Chechnya and Central Asia. In view of this, the task of basic research is the development of the “Eastern Territories”.
Keywords: Rostov region, the Don Cossacks, Salsk, Dagestan, Chechnya, eastern territories.
The article analyzes the main directions of professional development of employees at the enterprise as well as the importance of priority groups for trained personnel and their willingness to learn. The author determined an urgent need in the development of business and its new directions, and the resulting demand for new specialists, or new knowledge and skills of existing staff.
Keywords: professional training, staff motivational policy.
The article is about on-line charity in contemporary Russia. On-line gifts to charities are considered in particular. The donation relations are traditional gifts between a donor and a recepient which acquired new traits because of onrush of technologies. It is expected that a donor besides his incognito on the internet wants to get emotional and a personalized response from the organisation when he donates. The organisation’s interest is to attract donations while spending minimum of means; to descrease the value of a donor; and to direct the maximum of means to the principal activity of the organisation. Unfortunately, this wish is often expressed in the economy on donors themselves. Russian charity organisations should pay more attention to gratitude and learn the elements of personal communication.
Keywords: philanthropy, on-line charity, donation, giving, non-profit charitable organizations, donor.
A comparative analysis of research methodologies of competitive advantages of the national economy concluded that the most complete and informative, for now, is the methodology of the WEF, which is a combination of economic and social indicators of the country. The combined ratio, which measures the level of the social well-being and social progress in the country, helps to better assess the relationship between economic and social development of the country and to identify the “real” model of advanced economies of the world.
Keywords: EAEC countries and BRICS indices of globalization, competitiveness and social development.
In the article the process of activation of regional development on the example of a new format of a states union is considered. Supranational structures start playing more and more significant role, and among them a union of BRICS began to take an important place.
It is noted that BRICS in the first decade of the XXI century became a conscious reality of the world politics and economy as a new informal institute which occupied a historical place in modern international political and economical relations.
Keywords: regional development, BRICS, cooperation, new geopolitical format, economic interests.
The article deals with the English and Azerbaijan languages. The verbalization of the concept of “family” in the lexical-semantic and phraseological systems of the English language is the centre attention. The semantic structure of the word family, set phrases, idioms as well as proverbs with the word are analyzed. The analysis reveals the essential features of the concept of “family” in the English language consciousness. The attached to the study lexico-semantic, phraseological and paremiological material revealed such features as “reticence”, “parents”, “children”, “relaxation”, “space”, “love”, “accepting an outsider”, “genetics”, “consent /coexist,” “spot / flaw”, “lack of choice / predetermination”, “poverty = a lot of children”.
Keywords: concept, notion, family, linguistic picture of the world, mentality, considerable sign.
The article presents different lobbying strategies used by European Union member-states and lobbying groups in the law making processes in the field of renewable energies. The special emphasis is placed on the factors and conditions influencing the implementation of these strategies. Besides, the routes of information provision are analyzed in terms of renewable energy lobbying.
Keywords: lobbying, renewable energy, EU renewable energy policy, European Union, EU member-states, lobbying strategies, lobbying groups, EU climate policy.
The cooperation of Russia and China in the framework of the SCO in Central Asia in the field of security develops and effectively reflects the current realities of security in the region. SCO promotes the activity of Russia and China in international organizations (UN, CSTO), increases the importance of the Shanghai organization of cooperation in international organizations and in Central Asia, the fight against new challenges and threats in this region.
Keywords: Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China, Russia, international cooperation, terrorism and security.
On the basis of analysis of the provisions of the Russian Constitution, federal legislation proves a statement that by means of the principles of federalism, you can build a mechanism for regional management.
Keywords: federalism, regional governance, the principles of federalism.
The author analyzes the main directions of Russian policy in the Caucasus in the pre-Soviet and Soviet periods, shows some modern realities and comes to the conclusion that there is continuity.
Keywords: Caucasus, Russia, Russian Federation, historical experience, current historical realities.