Etnosocium №3 (189) 2024




Starostenkov N.B. The Battle of Kursk and its significance for the patriotic education of Russian youth
Afonin A.A. Values of patriotism in modern Russian media communication space
Boyarskiy P.V. Modern multicultural school environment in the management system of general education organizations
Danakin N.S., Barkovskii E.S. Behavior in a problem situation
Bakharev V.V., Reutova M.N., Shavyrina I.V. Regional features of organizing recreation and healthcare for children
Barkovskii E.S. Rules for formulation of the social problem: theoretical and methodological approach
Starostenkov N.V. Features of sociological propaganda in modern Russian society
Bakharev V.V., Shavyrina I.V., Boyko N.A. Development of secondary vocational education in Zaporizhie Region based on innovative educational platform
Kazanin M.V. New military-economic strategy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the context of confrontation with the Russian Federation
Wang Yishan Statistics and analysis of the guidelines and projects of foreign Chinese studies of the National Social Science Foundation of China from 2013 to 2023
Ren Xinzhu, Wu Meng, Tao Yuan Analysis of governmental attention allocation in China-Kazakhstan economic cooperation - based on governmental policy texts
Pang Yubin Global geopolitical landscape and trends from 2022 to 2023
Tambi S.A. Klopitsy: from the history of Estonian Orthodoxy
Berkovich N.A. Challenges of multiple ethnicity. Reflections on the XV Congress of anthropologists and ethnologists of Russia
Requirements to materials submitted to the international publishing house "Etnosocium"



Ryabova E.L.,  Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Ozerov V.A., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Representative public authority of the Khabarovsk region.
Zorin V.U., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Member of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation, Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher of the Center for Scientific Cooperation with Public Organizations, Mass Media and Government Authorities of the IEA named after N.N. Miklukho-Maclay RAS.
Bormotova T.M., Doctor of Sociology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry, Chief Researcher at the Research Center №1.
Yudina T.N., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor. Chief researcher at the Institute of Demographic Research of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Bakharev V.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.
Danakin N.S., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of The Belgorod State Technological University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of science of Russia, head of the Department of national and federal relations of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, member of the Council for Interethnic Relations of the President of the Russian Federation.
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, State Advisor of the 1st class.
Mihailova N.V., Professor of the Department of Political Analysis and Management PFUR, Doctor of Political Sciences.
Mikhaylenko A.N., Professor of International security and Russian foreign policy chair at the Department of national security, Institute of law and national security, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Staskov N.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, military and political expert, Lieutenant-General.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vassilevsky.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ilarionova T.S., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, General Director of the Institute of energy of knowledge.
Bakharev V.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of The Belgorod State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Remarchuk V.N., Dean of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Sciences», The Bauman University, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor.
Yudin V.I., Doctor of Political Sciences, international expert.
Gribanova G.I., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department international political processes of St. Petersburg State University.
Biryukov S.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, School of advanced international and area studies at the East China Normal University (ECNU) (Shanghai, China).
Gulzar Ibrahimova, Doctor of Political Sciences. Professor of the Omer Khalisdemir University, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti.
Hikmet Koras, Professor of the Omer Khalisdemir University. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti.




Starostenkov N.B.
The Battle of Kursk and its significance for the patriotic education of Russian youth

The paper analyzes the role and significance of the Battle of Kursk in World War II, shows the origins of increased interest in this outstanding event, examines the causes of falsifications of events related to the Battle of Kursk, analyzes the main directions of work to maintain youth interest in the history of our country and improve the system of broadcasting historical knowledge, developed recommendations to improve the effectiveness of patriotic education of Russian youth.

Keywords: the Battle of Kursk, World War II, falsifications of history, youth, the history of the country, the transmission of historical knowledge, patriotic education.

Afonin A.A.
Values of patriotism in modern Russian media communication space

The article examines the topic of broadcast practices of patriotism in the political media space of modern Russia. The author explores the ways, means and mechanisms by which patriotic ideas and values are transmitted through various media channels and formats. Particular attention is paid to the role of state and non-state actors in the process of formation and spread of patriotic sentiments among the population. The article examines various strategies and tactics for using media to strengthen national identity and increase civic engagement. The article analyzes the discourse of patriotism in the context of the influence of various conflict-generating factors in the development of the modern Russian political process and with the aim of studying technologies for maintaining civil harmony in conditions of ethnopolitical diversity. The complex issue of patriotism as a value phenomenon in the political life of society is updated. The procedural nature of the discursive construction of political reality is substantiated, as well as the axiological content of discourse analysis as a method of political science. The article is devoted to the current problem of disinformation in the political process. In the course of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the most significant skill of a journalist lies in the objective assessment of events and phenomena.

Keywords: patriotism, media space, discourse, Internet, politics.

Boyarskiy P.V.
Modern multicultural school environment in the management system of general education organizations

Educational professionals around the world are faced with new challenges and issues brought about by an increasingly multicultural environment. The main questions facing national education systems are aimed at radical solutions: to educate children from a different culture in the language of their culture in compliance with their traditions or to build national states where education will take place only in the language of this state and in the dominance of the traditions of this state. A much more pertinent question then is: How should teachers be prepared to solve problems that didn't even exist when they themselves went to school? This article describes modern problems and some solutions that have shown their effectiveness in world practice.

Keywords: migration policy, school education, migrant children, multinational environment, multicultural environment, multiethnic environment, school management, multiculturalism.

Danakin N.S.
Barkovskii E.S.
Behavior in a problem situation

Optimization of human activity and behavior is connected significantly with their rationality, which, in turn, implies awareness, assessment and overcoming of possible types of irrational behavior. The article identifies and describes ten types of irrational behavior and presents the results of a corresponding empirical study that was conducted in industrial and university organizations in the Belgorod region.

Keywords: behavior, problem situation, rationality, irrationality, solvability, differentiation, indifference, tolerance, intolerance, inversion, suspiciousness, reflexivity.

Bakharev V.V.
Reutova M.N.
Shavyrina I.V.
Regional features of organizing recreation and healthcare for children

The article discusses the main directions of organizing children's recreation in the Russian Federation. The main vectors of organizing children's recreation at the federal level are analyzed (program practices of the "First Movement", the national project "Tourism and Hospitality Industry"), and regional features of the organization of children's recreation related to the territorial location of the region, infrastructural features, as well as the economic component are considered.

Keywords: children's recreation and health improvement, organization of children's recreation, establishment of children's recreation and recovery, quality of children's recreation services, regional children's recreation programs.

Barkovskii E.S.
Rules for formulation of the social problem: theoretical and methodological approach

This article highlights and discusses the main stages of the process of correctly posing a social problem, namely: determining one’s own goals in relation to the problem situation; deter-mining the goals of other individuals and organizations related to the problem situation; deter-mining the correlation and interconnection of the goals of other persons related to the problem situation; determining the likely consequences of achieving goals; identification of circumstances that impede the achievement of set goals; determining the reasons for the existence or occurrence of circumstances that impede the achievement of goals; determination of controllable variables of the problem situation; identification of external and internal restrictions imposed on resolving a problem situation; determination of uncontrollable variables of a problem situation; determining the possibility of converting uncontrollable variables into controlled ones; determining the causal connections between what we are going to do and what we want to get.

Keywords: rules, social problem, problem situation, goals, organization, probable consequences, causes, circumstances, controllable variables, uncontrollable variables, external and internal restrictions.

Starostenkov N.V.
Features of sociological propaganda in modern Russian society

The paper shows the role played by sociological propaganda in the collapse of the Soviet Union; examines the features of modern Russian society that influence the effectiveness of sociological propaganda; analyzes the current conditions for countering sociological propaganda on the basis of a significant array of statistical data and develops some recommendations to reduce its effectiveness.

Keywords: sociological propaganda, economic and cultural influence of Western civilization, counterculture, Special military operation, traditional values, axiological attitudes.

Bakharev V.V.
Shavyrina I.V.
Boyko N.A.
Development of secondary vocational education in Zaporizhie Region based on innovative educational platform

The article discusses ways to improve the system of secondary vocational education to solve the personnel issue in the industries and agriculture of the new annexed region - Zaporizhie region. The conditions for the formation of a production personnel reserve on the basis of an innovation and educational platform have been determined, which will become a key factor in the development of the regional system of secondary vocational education.

Keywords: innovation and educational platform, secondary vocational education, Azov-Black Sea region, educational cluster, innovation and educational territory.

Kazanin M.V.
New military-economic strategy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the context of confrontation with the Russian Federation

Within the framework of this article, an attempt is made to systematically describe the changes in the military strategy of the Federal Republic of Germany caused by the Russian-Ukrainian confrontation. The characteristics of the governing documents defining the actions of the military-political leadership of Germany are given. Statistical data on the development of enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Germany are presented. It is concluded that Russia’s conduct of a special military operation became a catalyst for the transnationalization of the German defense industry, which is creating a German-centric military-industrial complex in the European Union.

Keywords: Federal Republic of Germany, national security, military-political confrontation, defense industry.

Wang Yishan
Statistics and analysis of the guidelines and projects of foreign Chinese studies of the National Social Science Foundation of China from 2013 to 2023

This article provides a visual analysis of foreign Sinology (Sinology) in the National Social Science Foundation of China (NSF) guidelines and projects over the past ten years from 2013 to 2023, including a list of details, data trends, and annual distribution. The goal is to study the disciplines, areas of research and classifications involved in the manuals and projects of the NFSL over the past ten years, as well as to develop the main directions in the construction of the discipline, research methods and prospects for the development of foreign sinology (Sinology) on the part of the NFSL. Thus, we hope to contribute in the process of formation of the discipline “Foreign Chinese Studies”, the methodology of its research and the prospects for its development from the point of view of the National Council of Social Sciences.

Keywords: principle, development, history, modernity, China, society, sociology.

Ren Xinzhu
Wu Meng
Tao Yuan
Analysis of governmental attention allocation in China-Kazakhstan economic cooperation - based on governmental policy texts

Building upon the theoretical framework of attention allocation and utilizing policy text analysis, this paper investigates the evolution and disparities in policy focus within the Sino-Kazakh economic partnership. Drawing upon a rich dataset of 82 policy documents issued by the Chinese government between 1992 and 2022, this study analyzes the allocation of policy attention through the lenses of time, geographical scope, administrative level, and specific economic sectors. The analysis reveals dynamic shifts and crucial discrepancies in policy focus across these dimensions, informing valuable policy insights such as optimizing the structure of attention allocation, leveraging regional synergy, and addressing disparities in attention distribution. Ultimately, this paper aims to provide practical recommendations for refining China's policy landscape toward enhanced Sino-Kazakh economic cooperation.

Keywords: Sino-Kazakh Economic Cooperation, Content Analysis Method, Attention Intensity Measurement, Nvivo, Rost CM 6.0.

Pang Yubin
Global geopolitical landscape and trends from 2022 to 2023

This research is rooted in the analysis of geopolitical trends, covering changes in international relations, resolution of regional conflicts, economic and technological trends. The author provides an in-depth analysis of the implications of geopolitical shifts for various regions of the world and discusses their potential impact on international security, economic development and global cooperation. The work also presents various future scenarios and develops recommendations for policymakers and researchers in the context of a changing global order. The work is a comprehensive study, enriched with analytical findings that will help political leaders and analysts make informed decisions in an ever-changing geopolitical landscape.

Keywords: geopolitics, international relations, conflicts, international situation, trends.

Tambi S.A.
Klopitsy: from the history of Estonian Orthodoxy

This unique scientific paper, for the first time in the Russian and foreign historiography, provides a detailed description of the life of Orthodox Estonians in the village of Klopitsy, currently located on the territory of the Volosovsky District of the Leningrad Region. In this article, on the basis of pre-revolutionary materials of the periodical press in Estonian language, which were not previously introduced into scientific circulation, as well as new information revealed by the author from archival sources, the author tells about the first Estonian settlers who arrived in Klopitsy, the opening here in 1900 of a Russian-Estonian parish in the Peter and Paul Church, as well as about the local Estonian school and various educational societies. The study pays attention to both the pre-war and modern situation of the Estonians in Klopitsy.

Keywords: Klopitsy, Russia, Estonians, Estonia, Orthodoxy, history, culture.

Berkovich N.A.
Challenges of multiple ethnicity. Reflections on the XV Congress of anthropologists and ethnologists of Russia

The scientific report positively characterizes the work of the XV All-Russian International Congress of Anthropologists and Ethnologists. Constructive suggestions are offered for the work of the next similar congress, including sessions on the multiple ethnicities of Crimea and new Russian regions. Serious concern is expressed about the noticeable deterioration of anthropological and ethnological education in Russia and the ineffective strategy of ethnographic education. The importance of studying the Russian multinational community and revealing the potential of its multiple ethnicities is emphasized, since this important topic was not mentioned at all at the plenary session of the congress.

Keywords: Russian multinational community, Russian nation, national question, multiple Russian ethnicity.

Afonin A.A., Senior lecturer, Far Eastern Federal University, senior lecturer, Vladivostok State University, Vladivostok.
Bakharev V.V., Doctor of sociology, Professor of the Department of sociology and management of Shukhov Belgorod state technological University.
Barkovskii E.S., Postgraduate Student of Department of Sociology and Management of the Belgorod State Technological University.
Berkovich N.A., Doctor of Philosophy, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.
Boyarskiy P.V., Postgraduate Student. The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Boyko N.A., Bachelor of the department of sociology, ethnography and sociometry, Russian State Social University (RSSU).
Danakin N.S., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.
Kazanin M.V., Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Business, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Pang Yubin, Master. Moscow State University.
Ren Xinzhu, Master's student. Institute of Foreign Languages, Southeastern University.
Reutova M.N., Candidate of sociological sciences, Associate professor of the department of sociology, ethnography and sociometry, Russian State Social University.
Shavyrina I.V., Candidate of sociological sciences, Associate professor of the department of sociology, ethnography and sociometry, Russian State Social University.
Starostenkov N.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor. Russian State Social University.
Tambi S.A., Master with knowledge of foreign languages of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Tao Yuan, Doctor of Philosophy in Russian language and literature. Professor and supervisor of doctoral studies. Institute of Foreign Languages, Southeastern University.
Wang Yishan, Doctoral student. Center for the Study of Russian Language, Literature and Culture, Heilongjiang University.
Wu Meng, Doctor of Philosophy in Russian language and literature. Teacher and scientific supervisor of the master's program. Institute of Foreign Languages, Southeastern University.