Etnosocium №4 (190) 2024




Ilarionova T.S. National state vs world republic of I. Kant
Methodieva S.A., Serikbayeva A.D. Political fakes as an instrument of information warfare in the context of a Special Military Operation in Ukraine
Givargizyan A.F. Saint Blazy of Sebastian in Russian culture
Kordas O.M. Archaic mask in the structural anthropology of C. Lévi-Strauss
Shiryaeva-Bakshevnikova V.N. The problem of interaction between commercial pr and journalism
Trofimov V.A. Problems of sustainable socio-political development of the Sakhalin region in the context of regional ethnopolitical processes
Bazhenov E.N. Socio-Cultural Determinants of Solidarity of Local Communities (by the Example of the Project "Cultural Mosaic of Udmurtia")
Mikhailenko A.N. Spiritual and moral values in the BRICS countries
Liu Rui Study of nonverbal behavior between Russians and Chinese
Zadaev Emil Kamran oglu Presidential elections in Turkey in 2023 as a consequence of a civilizational rift
Melyaeva S.A., Zamotina P.E. The problem of migration in the Middle East and its impact on individual countries in the region
Yazan Hirbeik, Karadzhe T.V. Geoeconomic strategies as a tool in the struggle for global leadership
He Jiashu Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics: Content and significance
Qiao Qingli Teaching Chinese in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan
Cai Jiafeng, Ling Cheng, Li Jie Research on foreign translation of Chinese canonical books: taking the passive clause in Vyatkin's translation of the records of the grand historian as an example
Mikhaylenko A.N. International round table at the Presidential Academy
Znakharchuk F.R., Konev I.V. An integrated approach to resource support for a production organization
Bukovtsova T.N. Status-role structure of social competence of internal affairs officers
Requirements to materials submitted to the international publishing house "Etnosocium"



Ryabova E.L.,  Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Social Sciences, Professor.
Ozerov V.A., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Representative public authority of the Khabarovsk region.
Zorin V.U., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Member of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation, Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher of the Center for Scientific Cooperation with Public Organizations, Mass Media and Government Authorities of the IEA named after N.N. Miklukho-Maclay RAS.
Bormotova T.M., Doctor of Sociology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry, Chief Researcher at the Research Center №1.
Yudina T.N., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor. Chief researcher at the Institute of Demographic Research of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Bakharev V.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.
Danakin N.S., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of The Belgorod State Technological University.
Mikhailov V.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of science of Russia, head of the Department of national and federal relations of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, member of the Council for Interethnic Relations of the President of the Russian Federation.
Boltenkova L.F., Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, State Advisor of the 1st class.
Mihailova N.V., Professor of the Department of Political Analysis and Management PFUR, Doctor of Political Sciences.
Mikhaylenko A.N., Professor of International security and Russian foreign policy chair at the Department of national security, Institute of law and national security, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
Ternovaya L.O., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor MADI (The Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University).
Staskov N.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, military and political expert, Lieutenant-General.
Letunovsky P.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, head of the department of Humanitarian, Social and Economic Disciplines of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Army Air Defense Military Academy named after the Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vassilevsky.
Nechiporenko V.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ponomarenko B.T., Honoured worker of higher education, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Ilarionova T.S., Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, General Director of the Institute of energy of knowledge.
Bakharev V.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of The Belgorod State University.
Nikonov A.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, State Councellor of the 1st class, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Remarchuk V.N., Dean of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Sciences», The Bauman University, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor.
Yudin V.I., Doctor of Political Sciences, international expert.
Gribanova G.I., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department international political processes of St. Petersburg State University.
Biryukov S.V., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, School of advanced international and area studies at the East China Normal University (ECNU) (Shanghai, China).
Gulzar Ibrahimova, Doctor of Political Sciences. Professor of the Omer Khalisdemir University, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti.
Hikmet Koras, Professor of the Omer Khalisdemir University. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti.




Ilarionova T.S.
National state vs world republic of I. Kant

The book “Towards Eternal Peace” stands apart in the creative heritage of Immanuel Kant: the philosopher tried to present his own project of a harmoniously arranged community of peoples, formulated in this project six points on which new international relations should be built. These provisions subsequently inspired both political philosophers and practical politicians to independently search for recipes for preserving peace and creating coexistence among peoples without war. In this article, the author shows that the main obstacle to the implementation of Kant’s ideas was the development of the national state as an organization of people’s activities, which, instead of the previous distances and problems, gave rise to new ones, containing great risks for world development. The nation-state became the most common form of government organization, although the desire of nations to be together and face challenges together after World War I and after World War II was strong and led to the formation of global systems to maintain peace. The author is sure: this goal is achievable only if the national state itself leaves the historical arena.

Keywords: Immanuel Kant, nation state, world republic, war.

Methodieva S.A.
Serikbayeva A.D.
Political fakes as an instrument of information warfare in the context of a Special Military Operation in Ukraine

The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of political fakes as the main weapon in the information war against Russia. The article examines the process of spreading political fakes in the Russian information space, highlights the main topics that are subject to distortion, and highlights the threats that widespread disinformation entails. An assessment of the current state of the Russian.

Keywords: information warfare, cognitive warfare, propaganda, manipulation, information weapons, political fakes, disinformation.

Givargizyan A.F.
Saint Blazy of Sebastian in Russian culture

The Holy Fathers play a key role in Christian doctrine, reflect through their lives the deep aspects of faith and symbolize the bridge between the heavenly and earthly principles. Blaise of Sebastia occupies a special place in the Christian pantheon of saints. According to legends, he is known for his miraculous healing of people and animals, as well as his martyrdom for faith in Christ. The cult of Saint Blaise of Sebastia is an important component of Russian Orthodox culture and its study is relevant for several reasons. First, it provides an opportunity to explore the influence of Byzantine spirituality on the formation of Russian religious identity and the practice of worship of saints. Secondly, it allows us to better understand the formation of a unique style of Russian church architecture and the significance of architectural cultural monuments as carriers of spiritual and cultural symbols of the Russian people. Thirdly, it contributes to the general understanding of the role of saints as unique mediators between the divine and the earthly. The object of this study is the cult of St. Blaise of Sebastia. The purpose of the study is to determine the place and role of the cult of St. Blaise in the context of Russian culture, as well as to analyze changes in the perception and veneration of the saint in various historical periods. Research methods: logical-historical analysis, comparative analysis, analysis of the content of religious texts, literary and artificial works, ethnographic method. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the attempt to systematize the historical, cultural and religious aspects of the cult of Blaise Sebastian, to identify its influence on the formation of Russian identity and spirituality. The study reveals the historical development of the cult, its current state and prospects for preserving the traditions of worship in Russia.

Keywords: Russian culture, Blaise of Sebastia, Saint Blaise, patron saint of Dubrovnik, Orthodox iconography, iconography, temple painting, cultural heritage, mosaics and paintings.

Kordas O.M.
Archaic mask in the structural anthropology of C. Lévi-Strauss

The article reveals the significance of the archaic mask in the works of C. Lévi-Strauss. The anthropologist, using the structural method, traces the transformation of the plastic characteristics of the mask, its mythological and functional content. As a result, in the works of C. Lévi-Strauss, the mask appears as a multifunctional cultural artifact. As one of the tools included, along with myth and ritual, in the complex of socio-psychological mechanisms of anthropogenesis, organization and regulation of the emerging human society. An analysis of the research of C. Lévi-Strauss makes it possible to substantiate the existence of both an archaic ritual mask, which connects a person with the totem and the supernatural world, and a bodily mask-tattoo, which creates the social and cultural body of a person. The mask exists in both sacred and social reality, and is a projection of the bidirectional relationship between the individual and society, the everyday and the supernatural.

Keywords: mask, tattoo, archaic consciousness, myth, structural anthropology, C. Levi-Strauss.

Shiryaeva-Bakshevnikova V.N.
The problem of interaction between commercial pr and journalism

Currently, the media space is demonstrating trends that seem to contradict the foundations of classical concepts, but at the same time, actually reflect changes in the field of mass communications, including the media. One of the key changes in the field of professional media communications is the attitude towards journalism, which previously occupied a central place in the structure of media content, but has now lost its exclusivity. The modern media sphere includes various new forms of organizations and methodological approaches, especially in the field of PR, which today forms up to 85% of media content in developed countries. In Russia, this activity is still less active, however, significant dynamics in the development of the industry are characterized by increased opportunities for synergy between media and PR. The relevance of the study is due to the increasing complexity of the structure of the Russian media landscape and the importance of forming a foundation for the study of interactions between journalism and PR activities. The object of the study is the interaction between PR and journalism. The purpose of the study is to reveal the specifics of the conceptual apparatus and the specifics of the main forms of interaction between commercial PR and journalism. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, articles and other sources on the interaction between PR and journalism; method of synthesis and generalization; deductive method. Scientific novelty of the study: the results of the study can contribute to the development of recommendations for improving practices in the field of media and PR, as well as improving the quality and independence of journalistic work.

Keywords: media space, mass communications, commercial PR, journalism, mass media, PR activities, improving practices in the field of media and PR.

Trofimov V.A.
Problems of sustainable socio-political development of the Sakhalin region in the context of regional ethnopolitical processes

As the former governor of the Sakhalin region A. Khoroshavin once noted, the sustainable development of Sakhalin is one of the fundamental factors in the further development of the Far East as an outpost of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region with a developed economy and attractive living conditions for people. And it’s hard to disagree with this thesis, given that Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands have not only important military-strategic, geopolitical, economic, but also enormous socio-political significance for the Far East and our country as a whole. At the same time, it should be noted that the problem of sustainable development of the Sakhalin region itself, especially in a socio-political sense, is no less important, relevant and pressing task. The Sakhalin region is inherently multi-ethnic, and various ethnopolitical processes are currently actively taking place on its territory, some of which pose a certain threat to its ethnopolitical stability and sustainable socio-political development.

Keywords: social development, political development, problems, ethnopolitics, regions.

Bazhenov E.N.
Socio-Cultural Determinants of Solidarity of Local Communities (by the Example of the Project "Cultural Mosaic of Udmurtia")

The article is devoted to the sociocultural determinants that determine the solidarity of local communities. These include: tradition, memory, place, trauma. The author identifies another basis for solidarity – need (unification of people to realize some need/function). These definitions are considered using the example of the project “Cultural Mosaic of Udmurtia”, implemented in Udmurtia in 2020-2022. The project is part of the federal project “Cultural Mosaic of Small Towns and Villages”, implemented by the Timchenko Foundation. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion: the sustainability of the formation of local communities occurs through a combination of various determinants: tradition and trauma; memory, place and trauma, etc.

Keywords: local community, Cultural mosaic, solidarity.

Mikhailenko A.N.
Spiritual and moral values in the BRICS countries

Traditional spiritual and moral values form identity basis of BRICS member states. They need to take into consideration identities of each other. Diversity based on identity provides the opportunity to find more solutions to complex problems of our time. Тo find more effective responses to modern challenges, BRICS member states need to understand their responsibility for formation of а new world order, have a deep knowledge and respect for traditional spiritual and moral values with each other, create a flexible decision-making system within the organization, which takes into account general, special and singular features of member states, as well as to develop a system for resolving possible contradictions between member states at all stages of their occurrence.

Keywords: spiritual and moral values, unipolar world, multipolar world, diversity, originality, homogeneity, heterogeneity, European Union, BRICS.

Liu Rui
Study of nonverbal behavior between Russians and Chinese

In recent years, cultural exchanges between China and Russia have been close, and the use of nonverbal behavior plays an important role in good communication between the people of China and Russia. It has become increasingly important to study the meaning of nonverbal communicative behavior. The use of nonverbal communicative behavior will reflect cultural differences and influence the communication between people.

Keywords: nonverbal behavior, character, nonverbal communication.

Zadaev Emil Kamran oglu
Presidential elections in Turkey in 2023 as a consequence of a civilizational rift

This work aims to analyze the selective preferences of Turkish voters against the backdrop of intense political struggle between the Justice and Development Party and the Kemalist opposition alliance. The main focus is on the voters, where the political culture in Turkish society is first analyzed. Then, emphasis is placed on the ideological incompatibility of the Neo-Ottoman current with the Kemalist principles and the growing antagonism between them. And finally, using statistical data and the information bank compiled by the researchers, an obvious civilizational gap is shown between the bureaucratic center and the agrarian periphery in the regions of the Republic of Turkey. Despite the fact that the Turkish economy is going through severe crisis periods, religious and other ideological factors continue to influence the behavior of voters and fend off the attacks of the "Westernized" opposition with a more rational agenda.

Keywords: political culture, neo-ottomanism, kemalism, subservient culture, pocket voting, sociotropic voting, civilization.

Melyaeva S.A.
Zamotina P.E.
The problem of migration in the Middle East and its impact on individual countries in the region

This study examines the situation related to migration within one region – the Middle East, which includes countries such as Iraq, Yemen, the Palestinian Authority, Israel, Syria, Kuwait, Lebanon, the UAE and others. The presented region is quite susceptible to the problem of migration for a number of reasons. One of the key reasons is the conflict situation, including wars, terrorist threats, and political instability in the region. Accepting refugees and migrants is a difficult task that the countries of the Middle East cannot always carry out. Therefore, the region is currently facing a massive migration of people from the Middle East to Western European countries. Forced migration has a direct impact on socio-economic processes of both continents and is a demographic problem of the Arab Middle East. This issue remains acute, requires study and search for possible solutions, to which cooperation and support of the international community are needed.

Keywords: migration processes, mass migration, the Middle East, political instability, demographic problem, "Arab spring", international security, migration policy.

Yazan Hirbeik
Karadzhe T.V.
Geoeconomic strategies as a tool in the struggle for global leadership

Over the past two decades, geo-economics has attracted a lot of attention from the political and scientific community, as it has become closely linked to the practice of foreign and national policy.

The article presents the characteristics of geo-economic strategies and their importance as a tool in the struggle for world leadership.

Moreover, geo-economics is an important part of the strategic behavior of regional and global powers.

Keywords: geo-economic strategies, International economics, world leadership, Economic power.

He Jiashu
Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics: Content and significance

This paper comprehensively expounds the main contents of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era. There are three clear contents of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics: promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, promoting the construction of a new type of international relations, and promoting the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". The practice of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics is of great significance not only to create a good external conditions for the realization of China's dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also to dispel the doubts and prejudices of the outside world about the rapid growth of China's national power, and China will contribute to promoting the reform of the global governance system.

Keywords: China's foreign policy, Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, community with a shared future for mankind, Belt and Road.

Qiao Qingli
Teaching Chinese in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan

This scientific article examines the historical and cultural context of the spread of the Chinese language in the Republic of Kazakhstan, aspects that influence the popularization of the study of the Chinese language, outlines the current situation in organizing Chinese language teaching in universities, and analyzes the problems that complicate the teaching of the Chinese language in universities in Kazakhstan.

Keywords: Chinese language, Kazakhstan, university, education, teaching.

Cai Jiafeng
Ling Cheng
Li Jie
Research on foreign translation of Chinese canonical books: taking the passive clause in Vyatkin's translation of the records of the grand historian as an example

The Shiji ("Records of the Grand Historian") is the first chronicle-biographical general history in the history of China, and as a model of traditional Chinese historiography it has attracted the research interest of a large number of foreign scholars. The article comprehensively reveals the basic translation situation of the Shiji in Russia, and analyses the problem of the translation characteristics of passive sentences in the Shiji, which can effectively reveal the importance of the study and translation of the Shiji in Russia. The article comprehensively collects and combs the existing research materials on the Russian translation of the Shiji and examines the translation features in the Russian translation based on the grammar of ancient Chinese based on the passive sentence as an example. This study finds that translating the Shiji is significant and difficult. In the case of passive sentences, for example, the study finds that translators do not refer to the classification of passive sentence forms in ancient Chinese for translation, but mostly translate flexibly on the basis of understanding the original text. This study hopes that by understanding the basic situation and translation characteristics of the Russian translation of the Shiji, it will provide methodological reference for future research on canonical translation, and provide a combination of theoretical and empirical support for the prospect of canonical foreign translation.

Keywords: foreign translation of canonical texts, Shiji ("Records of the Grand Historian"), History of Russian translations of the Shiji, Translation features, passive sentences.

Mikhaylenko A.N.
International round table at the Presidential Academy

On April 16, 2024, the Department of International Security and Foreign Policy of Russia of the Faculty of National Security of the Institute of Law and National Security of the Presidential Academy and the editors of the journal “Ethnosocium and Interethnic Culture” held an International Round Table on the topic “Russian Foreign Policy in the Conditions of Transformation of the World Order.” The topic of the ISS is very relevant and important due to the aggravation of the situation in the world and the need to find new means and methods of Russia’s foreign policy activities to establish a multipolar world.

Keywords: international relations, round table, academy, council.

Znakharchuk F.R.
Konev I.V.
An integrated approach to resource support for a production organization

An integrated approach to the resource support of a production organization involves, firstly, identifying and using a possible set of resources (professional labor, personnel, educational and others - a total of 12 types are identified); secondly, the comprehensive application of procedures: identification and assessment of resources, resource provision of the organizational system, streamlining of resources, their rational use, reproduction, conservation, improving the quality of resources, their renewal and formation, exchange of resources.

Keywords: production organization, resource support, integrated approach, reproduction, conservation of resources, exchange of resources, resource assessment, organizational system.

Bukovtsova T.N.
Status-role structure of social competence of internal affairs officers

The article identifies and discusses the grounds for differentiation of social competence of internal affairs officers: status, professional and role basis for their differentiation. The differentiation of social competence of internal affairs officers is presented, taking into account the types of their professional activities. Particular attention is paid to characterizing the conflict competence of managers and employees of internal affairs officers, substantiating the need for appropriate professional and personal qualities.

Keywords: internal affairs officers, social competence, status differentiation, professional differentiation, role differentiation, conflict competence.

Bazhenov E.N., Senior Lecturer of the Glazov State University of Engineering and Pedagogical named after V.G. Korolenko, Post-graduate student of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
Bukovtsova T.N., Postgraduate Student of Department of Sociology and Management Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov.
Cai Jiafeng, PhD student of School of Foreign Studies, Southeast University (Nanjing, China). Visiting PhD at the Department of Languages of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Givargizyan A.F., Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Art, Moscow Pedagogical State University.
He Jiashu, PhD student, Research Center for Russian Language, Literature and Culture of Heilongjiang University.
Ilarionova T.S., Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Karadzhe T.V., Head of the Department of Political Science, Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Vernadsky Moscow Pedagogical State University.
Konev I.V., Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, Belgorod State Technological University.
Kordas O.M., PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor. Department of Theology, Philosophy and Cultural Studies. Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky.
Li Jie, PhD student of School of Foreign Studies, Southeast University (Nanjing, China).
Ling Cheng, PhD student of the Department of Languages of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Liu Rui, Teaching assistant of Russian Language Institute of Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China.
Melyaeva S.A., 4th year undergraduate student in International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Vladivostok.
Methodieva S.A., Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science at the Oriental Institute - School of Regional and International Studies of the Far Eastern Federal University.
Mikhailenko A.N., Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor. Chairman, International security and Russian foreign policy chair at the Department of national security, Institute of law and national security, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
Qiao Qingli, Second-year graduate student at the Faculty of International Relations, Global and Regional Studies, St. Petersburg State University.
Serikbayeva A.D., Student of the Far Eastern Federal University.
Shiryaeva-Bakshevnikova V.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor GUAP (State Administration of Aerospace Instrumentation) in St. Petersburg.
Trofimov V.A., Regional representative, expert. International Publishing Center "Ethnosocium".
Yazan Hirbeik, Third-year student, postgraduate student at Moscow State Pedagogical University (Political Institutes, Processes and Technologies), Institute of Political Science and Regional Studies, Vernadsky Moscow Pedagogical State University.
Zadaev Emil Kamran oglu, Doctoral student at the Faculty of International Relations and Economics of Baku State University.
Zamotina P.E., 4th year undergraduate student in International Relations, Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Vladivostok.
Znakharchuk F.R., Postgraduate student of the Department of Social Technologies and Public Service, Belgo-rod State National Research University.